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Where are the pants, bros? We've found a bunch of flannel shirts, several tank tops and one sweatshirt, two dusters but... zero pants!


I know clothing used to fall from the sky like rain, but now it seems it never drops at all!


Also why can't we make clothing? If I can craft actual armor out of random chunks of metal and duct tape (which I CANNOT do in real life!) why can't I sew up a pair of pants or a shirt (which I can easily do in real life?)

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Did a quick look in CM and it looks like the amount of clothes was reduced quite a bit, could be that they drop less because of that. I found goth pants and BDU bottoms so far, but yes overall very rare.


There's plant fiber pants, white shorts, blue denim, suit pants, goth pants and BDU bottoms left.

Maybe they'll become moddable later with the dyes, so we can have some color variation.


Agree on the craftable clothes point. Generally always saying players should be able to ultimately craft EVERYTHING and not need to cheat it in. But that's only gonna happen thru modding I'm sure.

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I was able to find one pair of overalls and some shoes, but no shirts. Why are clothes and food rarer than guns? I know this is America, but damn!


I've also noticed 'house' POIs are now REALLY rare. You can't swing a dead rabbit without hitting the same rundown building with a gas can on the porch, but I'll be damned if everyone in White River died wearing the only clothes they ever owned while living the hobo life between the strip club and the half-dozen garages that are under construction.


It's weird. They added so many POI's, but feels like there's so little diversity now. It's some cobbled-together combination of destroyed buildings, random shop, and run down cowboy shack with some barns mixed in. There's also SO GOD DAMN MANY tent camps and zombie forts once you get past the towns themselves.

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