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Faster Vehicles


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After making myself a minibike, I realized how all vehicles were nerfed to the ground. They were all painfully slow. In fact, sprinting is probably nearly as fast as riding on a bicycle or minibike. To restore our minibike to the glorious era of A16, I made a modlet that boosts all vehicles' maximum speed by at least 50%.


To compare, these are all of the changes:


Bicycle: 36 km/h ---> 54 km/h

Minibike: 36 km/h ---> 64.8 km/h

Motorcycle: 50.4 km/h ---> 86.4 km/h

Truck: 46.8 km/h ---> 81 km/h

Gyrocopter: 36 km/h ---> 54 km/h


I don't think this is too strong or weak changes compared to A16, but feel free to adjust values to your heart's desire.




To install this modlet, unzip the file and place it inside "/7 Days to Die/Mods". If "Mods" folder doesn't exist, just create one.


The folder structure should look at like this "7 Days to Die/Mods/Razor_FasterVehicles".










<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<Name value="Razor's Faster Vehicles" />
	<Description value="Improved all of vehicles' maximum speed by at least 50%." />
	<Author value="Razor" />
	<Version value="1.0" />




<!-- Makes changes to all vehicles's velocityMax to our desired value -->
<!-- The original values of each vehicles are as followed: -->
<!-- Gyrocopter			7,10	-->
<!-- Bicycle			5,10	-->
<!-- Minibike			7,10	-->
<!-- Motorcycle			9,14	-->
<!-- Truck				9,13	-->
<!-- The latter value is maximum speed a vehicle can reach; in meter per second. -->
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleGyrocopter']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">10.5,15</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleBicycle']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">7.5,15</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">13.5,18</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMotorcycle']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">16.5,24</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicle4x4Truck']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">16.5,22.5</set>


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Guest Nyteshade12134

Does it scale with quality of engine etc? Better engine = faster motorbike


Maybe the slow minibike is because of a bad engine. a quality 6 engine may be faster than a quality 1.


Have you tested your mod with "The worst quality parts" and "The best quality parts" Might make a difference.

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Well I am assuming it all works like the previous builds to where the server and the client need to have it installed. I haven't had a chance to test any of that yet. I have a few mods I built for my own private server and friends. I didn't want to convert any of them yet since A17 is experimental still and not a stable release. Just wasn't sure if anyone else attempted it yet.

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Only the server needs to have xml files installed and all the clients will just download from the server. Thinking about it, this modlet should work with a dedicated server since all xml files get pushed. If not, people could just make a change to vehicle speed client-side and make it crazy fast.


I'm not sure how modlet does in a dedicated server environment. But I figure it should work the same as directly editing xml files.

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Only the server needs to have xml files installed and all the clients will just download from the server. Thinking about it, this modlet should work with a dedicated server since all xml files get pushed. If not, people could just make a change to vehicle speed client-side and make it crazy fast.


I'm not sure how modlet does in a dedicated server environment. But I figure it should work the same as directly editing xml files.


So that go for any mods that are just XML based now? I am assuming if we create mods that have new items and icons the client will need those on their machines vs just the server or am I wrong on that?

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Icons or image files do not get pushed. If you use custom icons and the clients do not have the image files, they will see blank picture. But yeah mods with new items work just fine without client needing to have it on their machines. It has been like this since A16 as far as I'm aware.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this great mod! I edited the speed similar to the minibike speed in Alpha 16.4 and gave a bonus on the 4x4 Truck and the Gyrocopter. 4x4 makes a lot of fun now, flying over little hills, racing with friends, but the gyro is nearly unflyable now :cocksure:

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  • 1 month later...

I was so free to extend your modlet.

Maybe you like it and offer a extended version ?

Makes more sense as if i offer a Vehicle speed mod too.

Just test it, its nice

<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleBicycle']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">7,13</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleBicycle']/property[@name='motorTorqueMinQ']/@value">1500</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleBicycle']/property[@name='motorTorqueMaxQ']/@value">3000</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleBicycle']/property[@name='brakeTorque']/@value">3000</set>	

<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">18,13.5</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='motorTorqueMinQ']/@value">3000</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='motorTorqueMaxQ']/@value">4000</set>	
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='brakeTorque']/@value">4000</set>	

<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMotorcycle']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">24,16.5</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMotorcycle']/property[@name='motorTorqueMinQ']/@value">4000</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMotorcycle']/property[@name='motorTorqueMaxQ']/@value">6000</set>	
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleMotorcycle']/property[@name='brakeTorque']/@value">6000</set>

<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicle4x4Truck']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">22.5,16.5</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicle4x4Truck']/property[@name='motorTorqueMinQ']/@value">6000</set>
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicle4x4Truck']/property[@name='motorTorqueMaxQ']/@value">9000</set>	
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicle4x4Truck']/property[@name='brakeTorque']/@value">9000</set>

<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleGyrocopter']/property[@name='velocityMax']/@value">24,10</set>	
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleGyrocopter']/property[@class='force1']/property[@name='force']/@value">0, 0, .22</set>	
<set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleGyrocopter']/property[@class='fuelTank']/property[@name='capacity']/@value">40</set>

That the vehicles have problems to accelerate in inclines is simply that the wheels have no grip. Found no value for that until now


Ahh and all vehicles except the bike have now max speed without turbo, turbo is slower but has more torque

Your little left finger will be gratefull


Max speeds are maybe a bit high for average computers. No idea, works fine with my I7 4790k

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