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Okay TFP. It's time for Hunger/Water Bars in UI.


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Yup it's time.


Now more than ever food and water are playing an important role.

This nonsense of having to switch to another screen has become far too tedious.


It was fine before this, didn't really matter too much.

It's different now. We have to constantly be checking on them.


Whatever argument you folks had in the boardroom about "why" you shouldn't have those bars....


...has got to be obsolete now. Come on TFP.


Put those bars in and maybe a temp indicator in as well.

So long as they are small and unobtrusive it's going to be a very welcomed addition.

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I agree that water is impossible to gauge from the current bars but hunger? Come on! The stamina bar IS your hunger bar. You really need another green colored bar to mirror the max stamina level right below it? Hunger = Max stamina level and it is presented in bar form.


I actually can’t wait for someone to mod a hunger bar back onto the main screen and for some genius to notice that the max stamina amount is always the same as the hunger amount...

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I agree that water is impossible to gauge from the current bars but hunger? Come on! The stamina bar IS your hunger bar. You really need another green colored bar to mirror the max stamina level right below it? Hunger = Max stamina level and it is presented in bar form.


I actually can’t wait for someone to mod a hunger bar back onto the main screen and for some genius to notice that the max stamina amount is always the same as the hunger amount...


Still want to see Water and Temp then.

No reason not to have those.

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What i'm curious about is that the Food % directly affects your Max Stamina. So in the beginning a 90% full food means a max of 90 Stamina out of a 100. But when you put some points in agility and raise your max stamina to say 150, would 90% food then result in 135 max stamina?


I'm pretty sure that is the case, which means an extra food% number is not totally unnecessary. (A bar display would be). Edit: ok, just tested it, the Food% does indeed work as a multiplier for your max modified stamina.


Besides that, I prefer looking at numbers, not at bars and trying to gauge how full it is. For instance, Bacon & Eggs give you 36 food, and i want to know exactly when to use it to not waste anything. (Yes, i know the playerfood amount goes > 100% internally)


Water causes a fixed amount of Regen when it's >= 50 I believe, so having a thirst bar is not necessary, the UI popups work fine for that.


Edit: The funny thing is, With A16 I was fine playing without bars, but with a17, i really want that numerical value for Max Stamina/Food.


To be fair, this is coming from a powergamer/minmaxer, so yeah, i can fully understand not catering to that. ;-)


So, after some quick work, i've set it up like this personally: (don't mind the water, it looked weird with just the food display)


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Still want to see Water and Temp then.

No reason not to have those.


There is a modlet that shows food/water AND temp I use it myself.




The one that does it is: RELXIX_UI_PlayerStats


I also love the new clothing system, No longer do I have to go swapping stuff out, I just have to stack as much of each protection as I can, Its pretty easy early game to get enough protection so that burnt forest doesn't make you hot and so the forest biome doesn't make you cold at night. Have't been to the extremes yet though Snow/desert and if you wanna use a full armor set your going to need some in the perk that adds the protection as I don't think you'll get enough from just a coat/shirt/pants.

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