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Should cobblestone be buffed?


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"InB4 these 'magically' stop working on blood moon horde nights."


Your whole post is on point, but this little tidbit here is great. This entire alpha is, as I said in another post, like the DM is angry that you outsmarted his traps and monsters and is punishing you. Anything other than going directly in and fighting toe to toe has been nerfed. Anything outside of the box, no matter how reasonable, is 'exploitive' and disallowed.


When simply choosing to die and eat the penalty is the optimal strategy for Blood Moon nights, it indicates the design philosophy has veered far off course and needs to be re-evaluated.


I think you nailed it. It looks like TFP took it personally that you could outbuild BM horde, so they went all out to destroy the builder playstyle.

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or try this



oof. how long did that take with the new "improved" challenges in progression? Looks like you went straight for digging from day 1 without even getting those 5 juicy points for the noob quest. Respect for determination, I would go crazy trying this in early gameplay without an auger. (Which btw I did find on day 1 in my last b197 run. It was epic. Then the b199 update hit.)

Also traders are OP wizards and I will call you a wizardlover. :D


Edit: Spotting cm-blocks in your toolbelt tho...


why not just go into town and camp on top of al the buildings with bridges around ? xD


Those bridges at least won't take too much effort gathering mats for. It's an old but gold idea, thanks for reminding me of it, will try it next run.

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I think you nailed it. It looks like TFP took it personally that you could outbuild BM horde, so they went all out to destroy the builder playstyle.


The crazy thing here is how far they have gone in destroying the original selling points for the game in pursuit of beating the players. We started with an awesome and sensible premise: here is a world with zombies, and you can build things and deform the landscape in order to stay alive. So sensible people did things like use the abilities the game provided. Some went guns and interdiction, some got tools and went avoidance, built high, or dug into the earth for safety. Why this offends some players or the devs is a mystery to me, because it is exactly what you would expect people to do: use the tools available to avoid being killed by ravenous but stupid undead. Seriously, it's to the point that it's okay to use a gun to defend against zombies, but it's not okay to use a pickaxe to dig and hide from them, or otherwise outsmart them. Why on earth, in a game DESIGNED to let players deform terrain and shape it to influence the gameplay, is it bad to use it for defense? Especially when one of the core tenets of the lore is that the enemy is DUMB?


It makes no sense, and this war of escalation is destroying the game.

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After digging in the XML, it looks like the zombies no longer get specific bonuses to materials. Flagstone is 500, the brick upgrade brings it up another 1000. Reinforced scrap can push about 2000, but I will say this now: it doesn't seem to matter. The day 7 horde liquified a stone-walled base in minutes. Later hordes can not be "Actively Defended" by a single player on a good day, only actively avoided by a vehicle or 'succumb to despair'.



The problem is that there are a LOT of zombies that do 50+ damage to blocks, and they're mixed in at a very high rate, Most particularly are Worker zombies with a punch that can break steel (250), your base means nothing to them. Combine that with the "cluster♥♥♥♥ buff", the total nerf to player damage output, AND the fact they run like coked up murder hobos on a video played back at 1.5x speed, and you have a completely unwinnable defensive situation.


Dogs DO get a bonus to dirt still, funny enough, although I don't believe they'll dig down.



The only working defensive options are Powered defenses like the electric slap-chop, and -barbed wire-. yeah. Barbed wire. That thing that was literally the worst defensive option unworthy of even being a last resort. Turns out it actually works for a change. Pity the punji sticks are trash.

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Personally, I think building a base for the first horde is not worth it in A17. I'd ride it out on a POI and let them destroy it or dig to bedrock (the zombies dug about 20 blocks in the forest biome in my testing). If you really want to build a base for the Day 7 horde and don't mind cheesing it, I'd recommend a 7x7 platform base using poles (4 poles per corner). I'd make it 5 high with a 4x4 section of wood blocks in the center and wood frames on the outside. I tested several different starter base designs and this one worked the best. The chesse factor is that the zombies have a hard time targeting the poles. This was tested in B199 and might not work in future builds.

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The best solution for the day 7 and 14 horde: Find the biggest POI you can, nerd pole up, clear the roof, and camp out. Something with at least 3 floors and a roof should be adequate. Bonus points if you find a place made with survivorproof glass.


Nobody REALLY cares if those fancy dungeon-crawl buildings happen to get completely annihilated. It'll just grow back if it gets flagged for a mission.


Yup. magically grow back. Turns out, starting a quest at a POI resets it structurally, replacing destroyed blocks like doors etc. Found that out tonight.

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If you treat this like the previous versions, then yes your best bet is an old poi. I would recommend the destroyed buildings, as those are sturdy and you can stay on top of them and shoot down.


However, once you get the hang of things, it is quite possible to make a good horde base. the trick is to break up each day into activities: grind resources, hunt food, scavenge, then reinforce the base. Reinforcing the base is the key. There are new blocks that are pretty great. I have been using the 1/4 scr's as a platform for shooting down, and if you aim right you can melee through the gaps.


You should not hide in the base at night, but instead try to shoot at and kill any wandering zombies that get too close. This will not only get you xp, but will give you an idea as to how they will attack your base come horde night.

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Don't even try to have anything hold a horde. Either avoid damage (you can still build a plate-form and nerdpole on it) or kill them somehow before they attack the wall.


It's slow to build, better spend your energy on farming ammo and get some xp back.


But... I play this game mainly for the building.... There are many survival games out there, with far better combat and survival mechanics than 7d2d. The thing that makes 7d2d the best survival game is the building....


I havent reached my first horde night yet, but I sure hope this post is an exaggeration, bc my focus on this game is make a reliable base.

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