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Hoarder's big backpack and storage


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This is a mod made for A14/A15 from rucky


I just updated over the years for future alphas and experimentals


Its an 144 backpack mod (8x18) with packmule perk unlocking the last 5 lines.

Also made packmule ranks requirement to strength 1 (if you have 5 skill point @ lvl1 you can buy all the inventory space)


Also the forge input slots are now 3


Any crafting queue modlet is compatible.


Here is the modlet



Please report any bugs :)

Happy gaming.

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New screenshots:


Inventory with 3/5 packmule perks :



Each packmule perk unlock 1 line of the inventory


Buffs moved to fit the screen:



Storage chest 13x13=169 slots


Bicycle 4x14=56 slots


Minibike 6x14=84 slots


Motorbike 8x14=112 slots


Jeep 13x14=182 aslots


Gyro 5x14=70 slots


More images (can not upload here)


Workstation's (campfire etc) output window and forge's input and output windows moved to fit the screen.

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Updated to A17E-b199 (redo the edits in vanilla b199 xmls)


I changed all packmule perks requirements to strength 1 so when you get the die debuff you still have all the inventory space you have unlocked.


Also include the localization.txt for the packmule perk description.

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You don't need to update the locilization.txt file. You can simply add it as plain text in the description field. Anything the game cant find in there it will display it as is. Such as:


<set xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute/level_requirements[@level='1']/requirement/@desc_key">Required level 1</set>




<buff name="asphaltStaBoostTrigger" name_key="Running on roads" description_key="You are running on roads" icon="ui_game_symbol_agility" >

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I love how it looks (a lot of space) and will test this weekend if time. I really-really love to collect everything because my memory is ♥♥♥♥ and can't remember a lot of stuff that I need and for what I need so collecting everything is great for me. Will rather play on harder difficultythen smaller backpack.

Great work rew.

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Just noticed these errors in my log file but everything seems to be working so not sure if this is an actual problem...j


Tested with only this mod installed.


2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='character']/window[@name='ActiveBuffsWindow']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_campfire']/window[@name='windowOutput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_forge']/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_forge']/window[@name='windowOutput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='looting']/window[@name='windowLooting']/@name" 

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I tested this with B199 on a dedicated server and when logging out any items in my inventory above the standard size were deleted when I rejoined.


Strange. I have no problems in single player. Maybe cause we moved from dll editing to only xml editing?

I really have no answer to that. I assume you added the mod on the dedicated server as well.


Just noticed these errors in my log file but everything seems to be working so not sure if this is an actual problem...j


Tested with only this mod installed.


2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='character']/window[@name='ActiveBuffsWindow']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_campfire']/window[@name='windowOutput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_forge']/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='workstation_forge']/window[@name='windowOutput']/@name" 
2018-11-23T14:43:21 25.751 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "HBB" did not apply: <set xpath="xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='looting']/window[@name='windowLooting']/@name" 


If you have my previous mod (not modlet) verify 7d2d file to get back the vanilla ones. (the xui wes changed between b197 and b199)


Any chance you could add a version with a 3rd slot for the forge? I've been trying real hard to do it myself but I just can't get it right. If not that's cool too


I'll have a look but i wanted it to be as close to vanilla as possible (maybe a serparete modlet for this one that adds forge slots and crafting queue slots).

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Any chance you could add a version with a 3rd slot for the forge? I've been trying real hard to do it myself but I just can't get it right. If not that's cool too


I'll have a look but i wanted it to be as close to vanilla as possible (maybe a serparete modlet for this one that adds forge slots and crafting queue).


If you don't mind me posting this in your thread there is one already out there.


Simple UI Forge Input


If you like I can send them a PM with it and delete this link.



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No problem with posting it here. We do not have a contest :). It might need some ajustments cause i have renamed the forgeinput window (3 letter change in the other modlet should fix it btw. replace forgeinput with forgeinputHBB)


Edit: the modlet for the forge input modifies the custom window "S420windowForgeInput" and my modlet's forgeinput is called "windowForgeInputHBB"


It is just the beginning. Give it time and we will make our modlets stackable.

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I tested this with B199 on a dedicated server and when logging out any items in my inventory above the standard size were deleted when I rejoined.


Here is your answer :

when the server loads up, it does the same thing as the client: it parses the mods folder and merges the XML. That's pushed to the client

anything non-xml does not get pushed, and would have to be installed locally too.


So entities.xml that is the xml that defines our inventory space (and what is saved when we log out/die) must be patched on the server too.


So just put the modlet on the server (and since it edits only xmls do not bother to add it to the clients :) )

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Here is your answer :

when the server loads up, it does the same thing as the client: it parses the mods folder and merges the XML. That's pushed to the client

anything non-xml does not get pushed, and would have to be installed locally too.


So entities.xml that is the xml that defines our inventory space (and what is saved when we log out/die) must be patched on the server too.


So just put the modlet on the server (and since it edits only xmls do not bother to add it to the clients :) )


Thanks for looking into this. The way I have it installed is the modlet is only installed on the server, not the clients. So I believe this is how you are suggesting to run it. I will install the modlet again and do more testing.

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