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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Using the editor with A12.3 in a single player random gen. Couldn't load prefab to memory to spawn in game, but read that function is broken. Read that you can use bbb commands instead. So, I did bbb InsertPrefab TWDprison -1185 82 -285 in the chat (not console) window but no dice. Am I missing some prerequisite to using this command?
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[QUOTE=alexander_q;291942]Using the editor with A12.3 in a single player random gen. Couldn't load prefab to memory to spawn in game, but read that function is broken. Read that you can use bbb commands instead. So, I did bbb InsertPrefab TWDprison -1185 82 -285 in the chat (not console) window but no dice. Am I missing some prerequisite to using this command?[/QUOTE] Hal said just a few days ago "The current version of the editor isn't compatible with A12." Unless he's updated since that that might be your problem.
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[QUOTE=elitelex;292550]Hi Hal, just a quick question. Is there a documentation for this editor? I still couldn't figure out how to use some functions, like oval and square.[/QUOTE] There are some youtube videos on his channel that may help you. [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemM152wfyOsGCBaSkDaDCQ[/url]
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[QUOTE=Magoli;287572]Cool cool cool Did u tok care of the entity bear. too ??? Mag[/QUOTE] Hey Mag, The bear entity just means you're trying run the EAC version of the game. The editor mods the DLLs so must be run with EAC disabled. [QUOTE=Laz Man;289456]Not sure if this will help but they may have moved the location of their saves to the following location (Win 7 64-bit) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie[/QUOTE] Thanks Laz, yeah I've seen the change in the location and the next version will point to that. [QUOTE=alexander_q;291942]Using the editor with A12.3 in a single player random gen. Couldn't load prefab to memory to spawn in game, but read that function is broken. Read that you can use bbb commands instead. So, I did bbb InsertPrefab TWDprison -1185 82 -285 in the chat (not console) window but no dice. Am I missing some prerequisite to using this command?[/QUOTE] The current version of the editor DLLs won't run in an A12 game. [QUOTE=elitelex;292550]Hi Hal, just a quick question. Is there a documentation for this editor? I still couldn't figure out how to use some functions, like oval and square.[/QUOTE] No documentation, things change quite a lot and I've no time to keep documents updated. As Laz said you can check my youtube account out for videos or there's other people that have done videos too. Feel free to post questions here if you have problems. [QUOTE=Gesichtstreter;292883]Hello, it is possible to set local save file location in the settings.ini? work now only FTP?[/QUOTE] I haven't tried it but if you change the variable in the server XML files for the local game to the AppData directory the editor may pick it up and use it. If that doesn't work you'll have to wait for the A12 version. Editor status update: square 1 I got a half working version on A12 - then A12.1 got released. Redo from start. I got all the new code from the game into the editor for A12.1 - then A12.2 got released. Redo from start. I got everything working apart from steam IDs in A12.2 - then A12.3 got released. Redo from start. Not had time to look at 12.3 yet, maybe this weekend I will get a few hours. We'll see how it goes. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Magoli;293254]Hey Hal I meant the Entity. The new bear. U know: 4feets , 1nose , 2eyes .... Not the Teddy on the Loadingscreen - lol - r funny ;) U really should check out my work Hal !!![/QUOTE] Ha, I thought you'd have known about the teddy, yes I will get the entity ID for the bear and add it into the mix. Yeah I've checked out your prefab pack, great work! Not had time to download the latest version but once I get playing again it will definitely be part of the new world order :) Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Deccypher;293379]ehy hal any idea if /when there will be a compatiable version for 12x reason for asking is i have a minibike showroom prefab but cant do it with A11 because no minibikes :)[/QUOTE] This is how i do it till the editor is ready to roll ;) I build mostly in alpha 11.4 !!!! This is also the version that lets u export ur build. Then u have a Prefab. Before exporting-editing-saving to HDisk it is NOT A PREFAB (technicly spoken!). Its just a build or creation - or call it what u want . Back to the point: When u have got the prefab saved on ur harddisc - u can intsall the newest version of the game. If u have done that - u can let this prefab spawn in a12 too. And u can also make changes with the editor. Just make the Change - save!!! - and then let it spawn and watch the change. With this way u can simply make a woodhouse into a concrete-house too ;) Thats it !!!! U have to take care not to use blocks that are changed or removed in a12 - else game wont start. But u can replace these "unknownBlocks" simply with the editor into regular blocks. UnknownBlocks are displayed in black(0,0,0) color !!! Very easy to spot in editor. Just go through the layers and the blackBlocks jump in ur eyes ;) !!! There is more to know and to say - but I think thats enough for now Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;293430]This is how i do it till the editor is ready to roll ;) I build mostly in alpha 11.4 !!!! This is also the version that lets u export ur build. Then u have a Prefab. Before exporting-editing-saving to HDisk it is NOT A PREFAB (technicly spoken!). Its just a build or creation - or call it what u want . Back to the point: When u have got the prefab saved on ur harddisc - u can intsall the newest version of the game. If u have done that - u can let this prefab spawn in a12 too. And u can also make changes with the editor. Just make the Change - save!!! - and then let it spawn and watch the change. With this way u can simply make a woodhouse into a concrete-house too ;) Thats it !!!! U have to take care not to use blocks that are changed or removed in a12 - else game wont start. But u can replace these "unknownBlocks" simply with the editor into regular blocks. UnknownBlocks are displayed in black(0,0,0) color !!! Very easy to spot in editor. Just go through the layers and the blackBlocks jump in ur eyes ;) !!! There is more to know and to say - but I think thats enough for now Mag[/QUOTE] Hi Mag.. thanks for this , was just talking to lazman and he told me the same.. didnt realize you could use A12 blocks/ items after export. going to have fun tonight
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[QUOTE=Deccypher;293443]Hi Mag.. thanks for this , was just talking to lazman and he told me the same.. didnt realize you could use A12 blocks/ items after export. going to have fun tonight[/QUOTE] Thankfully the current version of the editor (4.2) still works with 12.3. To speed up prefab creation I use two computers (laptop with 11.4 and desktop with 12.3). I start off with 11.4 so I can utilize the import/export feature to speed up building then transfer the custom prefab to my desktop. I then add any alpha 12.3 blocks to the prefab and then move onto spawning configuration and testing.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;293447]Thankfully the current version of the editor (4.2) still works with 12.3. To speed up prefab creation I use two computers (laptop with 11.4 and desktop with 12.3). I start off with 11.4 so I can utilize the import/export feature to speed up building then transfer the custom prefab to my desktop. I then add any alpha 12.3 blocks to the prefab and then move onto spawning configuration and testing.[/QUOTE] yeah - cool - this is a much better way as rollback again and again !!! But my Laptop is broken - and the tablet is too silly for that (android). As my servers were open - I used the Lapy to controll the servers - meanwhile playing on PC right next to it. Working with 2 monitores was very funny. I really have to repair it !!! I want the dual-screening back :) cu Mag btw: I work on a glass-factory right now ;) - I hope somewhere in future it will produce SECURE-SAFTY-GLASS too ;) !!!
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Have you checked into how FRT uses and identifies the steamID of a user? [QUOTE=HAL9000;287500]Hi ChloeNorth, Not sure what causes it but it's been reported on the forums a few times so I think it's a bug in the game somewhere. Have you tried starting a brand new game on a different seed? The current version of the editor isn't compatible with A12. Do not try to use the DLLs or it will break the game. I've got the editor running in A12. The last thing I need to sort is how to get the SteamID of a player. Once that's done I should be able to release the test version. Hal[/QUOTE] Not sure if this will help at all. I know you are far better at this than I am. Did you look into how FRT handles steamID? May not even be applicable but I guess it depends how you are trying to use the steamID. On a server I run we attach commands such as {entityID}, I am curious if {steamID} would function or is this all just FRT coding... anyways, thought I would throw it out there. Thanks so much for all the work you've done.
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In Hal's editor, when placing entities, do the "Zombie bloated walker" and "Zombie decayed cheerleader" actually spawn, for example "fatzombie" and "zombiegal04"... And in that case if I were to modify those particular zombie entities in entityclasses.xml... I could effectively place custom zombies at a 1:1 ratio in any part of a prefab I choose and have that pushed to my unsuspecting players...?
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Ive figured out 3 so far: concreteDistorted CutLog window01 these 3 blocks are not VIABLE at all anymore! I will probably find more. I wont tell you how I figured them out cause it takes some knowledge of programming and would take like an hour to explain ^^ If I find more blocks imma tell you here :)
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Hey guys, Good news and bad Good news - I've just pushed a new version of the editor that should be compatible with A12.4. You can download it from the usual [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD/sdtd.asmx/GetEditor"]sources[/URL]. I've got both the SP and Dedicated working and have logged in and tested the basics but as usual with major updates there's usually something broken/changed in the code that I haven't caught so report your bugs! Bad news I've decided to put my 7DTD projects on hold for now. So the prefab editor and the world editor won't be getting actively worked on for the foreseeable future. The reasons for this are mainly due to time. I don't have a lot of play time at the moment and these projects require a lot of work just to get up and running again after each new release from TFP for me to then start adding in the modifications I want to build. The new obfuscation method also means the SP and Dedi code is different which increases the amount of work I need to do to run both. I have other projects that I can just jump into and start progressing straight away so that's where I'll be spending my fun time. The prefab editor should continue to run on any up-coming version of the game and i saw a new [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?30985-Regionedit-simple-region-file-editor"]tool[/URL] in the modding section that will let you export your work. There's still a lot I want to do with modding the game so once I get more time or when the game hits beta/gold and won't need as much maintenance I will continue with the projects again. I'll still be knocking around the forums to answer questions and fix any bugs on the current build so keep the bug reports coming :) Cheers, Hal
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So, ive "transported" every prefab from a11 to 12 now and came up with these blocks that u need to remove to make them work: concreteDistorted CutLog window01 window01Boarded01 window01Boarded02 window01Boarded03 window01Frame window01White iceSickle shinglesWoodSnowy Unsure: window01WhiteBoarded02 window01WhiteBoarded04 window02 window02Boarded02 The Unsure section is because I had one prefab with all these windows and Ive been to lazy to remove 1window type,test it,remove another,test it and so on. so basically remove EVERY window,cutLog,concreteDistorted,iceSickle and shinglesWoodSnowy and your prefabs will wok on 12 :) There may be more that arent working but thats the list I figured out :)
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Thanks guys, it's been a fun tool to build and seeing all your awesome work with it has been a real pleasure. You have all made some amazing things. I'm not going to just leave the projects, I will still answer questions or if there's some awesome new feature that gets added I'll see if I can add it in. They're just not going to be my primary focus for a while. @alexander_q With the latest version of the editor if you replace the DLL files you can use the bbb commands to insert prefabs and export claims again in A12.4 @Mag - I've also made sure to include the new entities in the list for the editor. The bears are in ;) alas no minibike though as I think it requires an item and owner to invoke it rather than just adding the entity to the world. Cheers, Hal
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Hi Hal, When saving changes to a prefab file, the editor (0.43) takes the file name and add's .tts on the end. For example, editing and saving prefab house.tts will create a file called house.tts.tts instead of overriding the previous file.
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