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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Laz Man;147177]Hal awesome job !!!! Thank you. FYI I have a new prefab in store for the community. Will try to release today :).[/QUOTE] Cool! If it's to the same level of quality as the Prison I'll be a happy man! Looking forward to it. [QUOTE=caleb68;147301]woah wait, what, hold the phone! is this something I can do? will it work with random worlds? gotta little tutorial section on this? I'm defiantly missing something :D (sometimes i miss the simplest things in a program heh)[/QUOTE] No it doesn't work in random gen. Navesgane only. 1) Enter the world and go to the location you want to place it. 2) Exit the world back to the menu screen. 3) Go to the editor. Look for the "World" dropdown -> Navezgane -> World Name -> Add at player location 4) Enter the world again and it should be there. It's only really meant for testing. If you need to tweak the position you'll have to go into the XML and change it as adding it twice will cause two versions to be addded (I think, I have a half memory of checking for the prefab at the location and replacing it but I can't remember if it made it into the release version and I don't have the code with me to check). Hal
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[QUOTE=caleb68;147546]ah okay, well thats still cool :) be looking forward to something like this for random worlds :D will make resetting the map not so much a pain, as you could export, then import your work back in :) thanks for the step by step :D[/QUOTE] The world editor will be the next version for the editor. Using that you can drag and drop prefabs into the world from the editor. In later versions I have plans so you can "lock" the prefabs into place so you can regenerate them all after a server wipe or an alpha update.
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A couple (hopefully minor) feature requests - [LIST] [*]The - and = keys lower and raise the zoom level. [*]The ability to select multiple areas so copy/paste is faster when working with non-square/rectangle blocks. [*]A hotkey that does a save, clear all regions, then launches the game. [*]A pipe dream: Use the actual block texture instead of colors. I'm not sure if they can be easily read from the asset files or whatever that contains the texture images. [*]A link to donate somewhere in the editor so we can support the past and future time you put into this project. [/LIST]
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Hey Hal, I'm running into that offset export problem again. So I claimed and exported, edited it with the editor, added it to prefabs.xml, all of that was just fine. I went back and forth between 7DTD, making changes in the editor and previewing them in the game. The problem was working within 7DTD itself when I tried another export, since I made a lot of changes to the prefab itself in 7DTD. This was the result of the 2nd export - [attachment=125:name] The claim as well as both the first and second exports were fine. I was standing at the northeast of the screenshot for everything. It looks like the claim area was exported using the southwest corner of my first export instead of the center of my original export. I hope that made sense. :)
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[QUOTE=nikitis;138112]@HAL9000 from HALGlobal.txt bannedcountries=CN,UG,NG,NE,CD,MZ,BI,RW,KE,TZ,CM,CI,TD,TG,GH,SD,LY, [/QUOTE] Where is this stuff documented? I've tried to be egalitarian and allow Chinese on my server, but I think I've had enough of restoring backups every single night. Thanks in advance, lz
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;148198]Hey Hal, I'm running into that offset export problem again. So I claimed and exported, edited it with the editor, added it to prefabs.xml, all of that was just fine. I went back and forth between 7DTD, making changes in the editor and previewing them in the game. The problem was working within 7DTD itself when I tried another export, since I made a lot of changes to the prefab itself in 7DTD. This was the result of the 2nd export - [ATTACH=CONFIG]5026[/ATTACH] The claim as well as both the first and second exports were fine. I was standing at the northeast of the screenshot for everything. It looks like the claim area was exported using the southwest corner of my first export instead of the center of my original export. I hope that made sense. :)[/QUOTE] Ah, I think I know what's happening. When you import a prefab it doesn't go from the centre of the prefab. It starts at the SW corner using the players location as the start. There was discussion at the time whether it should be from the centre but people found it easier to find the edge of their prefabs rather than the direct centre. Does that make sense?
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;148579]Where is this stuff documented? I've tried to be egalitarian and allow Chinese on my server, but I think I've had enough of restoring backups every single night. Thanks in advance, lz[/QUOTE] That's why politics don't belong in gaming. ^_^
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;148636]Ah, I think I know what's happening. When you import a prefab it doesn't go from the centre of the prefab. It starts at the SW corner using the players location as the start. There was discussion at the time whether it should be from the centre but people found it easier to find the edge of their prefabs rather than the direct centre. Does that make sense?[/QUOTE] I think so. Should I change the claim area's start X/Y and end X/Y coordinates to the prefab in the Backup Manager then re-export?
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;148911]I think so. Should I change the claim area's start X/Y and end X/Y coordinates to the prefab in the Backup Manager then re-export?[/QUOTE] Yes, or the reverse. Add the prefab XML with the backup locations xy (remember all claims are rotation 0).
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;149537]That'll work. Is there any way to totally unclaim an area? I tried deleting it from the backup manager but it must be something in-game too.[/QUOTE] Nope, deleting from the backup manager should do it. Are you clicking "Save Player" after removing the claim? And getting a message in game like "Reload complete"?
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Had a small question, are the small blood puddles you find on the roads in the game placeable through the prefab editor? I've been going through the block list and can't find anything I think would be it. I tried decals but that was just random bits of cardboard and paper.
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[QUOTE=IceJudge;151260]Had a small question, are the small blood puddles you find on the roads in the game placeable through the prefab editor? I've been going through the block list and can't find anything I think would be it. I tried decals but that was just random bits of cardboard and paper.[/QUOTE] The blood should be part of the decal set. Check out [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?10186-Tutorial-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor-Tips-and-tricks&highlight=decal"]Wsiegel's tutorial[/URL] for more info on it. It's the third or forth post for the decal stuff but it's all a good read. If it's still not working then something might have changed in-game but stuff like that is usually noticed pretty quickly. Cheers, Hal
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It's the modded DLL that comes with the editor that EAC doesn''t like. You can build prefabs using the editor without the modded DLL as it's completely stand-alone but you won't get any of the "bbb" commands when in game so exporting claims wouldn't be possible. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;151672]It's the modded DLL that comes with the editor that EAC doesn''t like. You can build prefabs using the editor without the modded DLL as it's completely stand-alone but you won't get any of the "bbb" commands when in game so exporting claims wouldn't be possible. Hal[/QUOTE] Thank you, I'll have to mess around with this, the modded DLL files are the same ones that came in the zip file, correct? I'll have to see what I can do in terms of keeping a backup of both the vanilla and modded Dll files so I can both launch the game with EAC when not working on prefabs, then just put in the modded ones when I do my prefabbing.
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[QUOTE=Gipothegip;151799]Thank you, I'll have to mess around with this, the modded DLL files are the same ones that came in the zip file, correct? I'll have to see what I can do in terms of keeping a backup of both the vanilla and modded Dll files so I can both launch the game with EAC when not working on prefabs, then just put in the modded ones when I do my prefabbing.[/QUOTE] Yeah it's the DLL that comes with the ZIP that's modified. I usually just make a couple of simple .bat files that swap either the vanilla or modded DLL depending on what I'm doing. Hal
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  • 3 weeks later...
So uh, [B]Hal[/B]... you've already gotten the ID swapper written, right? Through back channels the pimps gave you the new ID's and you're just waiting to drop it on is, right? That's my hope, any way. :) I NEEED mah FIX. (in all seriousness, I hope the task isn't too daunting for you and you continue your good work)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;157861]So uh, [B]Hal[/B]... you've already gotten the ID swapper written, right? Through back channels the pimps gave you the new ID's and you're just waiting to drop it on is, right? That's my hope, any way. :) I NEEED mah FIX. (in all seriousness, I hope the task isn't too daunting for you and you continue your good work)[/QUOTE] Your hope is pretty near to the truth ^^ The conversion tool for prefabs has been completed. I've tested quite a few of the community's prefabs and so far all of them have loaded ok. It isn't a perfect conversion. There's almost 1000 blocks and although the vast majority have mapped fine there may be a couple that look out of place. The problem is some blocks have been removed and there's no way to tell how it's used in everyone's prefabs so I've just made a "best guess". But it should do 95+% of the work for you and handles things like the new doors and changes to trees etc. I'll talk more about it after A10 gets released and post a quick video of how to use the converter but prefabbers don't have to worry about re-doing all their stuff from scratch ^^ Hal
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