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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;141430]Thanks Wseigel, yeah I don't remember seeing a note about new blocks either. I'll do a proper rip for the next version but if people want to include it in the current editor add this [code] 2730000plainsGround18112896 [/code] To somewhere in the middle of BlockData.txt and it'll be in the drop down next time you load the editor. Either way is about as much work as the other so I don't mind. Having the controls bindable to different buttons would require less things to be pressed simultaneously but having the bindable controls would require you to swap them in the settings panel every time you wanted to change from one to the other. Whichever is easiest for you I'll do.[/QUOTE] thx it works =)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;141430]Either way is about as much work as the other so I don't mind. Having the controls bindable to different buttons would require less things to be pressed simultaneously but having the bindable controls would require you to swap them in the settings panel every time you wanted to change from one to the other. Whichever is easiest for you I'll do.[/QUOTE] Could there be a hotkey like F4 for toggling fill and draw mode (or F5 for draw mode)? All the stuff we've talked about would work fine for me so whichever is easiest to code would be great.
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Hi Hal9000 ty for a great tool for us to use :-) I just built a base for prefab purposes. I followed the instructions. However I seem to not be able to plac it into another save game for testing purposes. Any idea on what I have done wrong. I have built from bedrock up. so was unsure of the remove layer bit. ANd from above base to sky. I would really like to share this prefab with you guys.
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You can only add the prefab into the Navezgane world through the XML and if you haven't removed the extra layers you need to place the prefab at position 0 for height e.g. x=100, y = 0, z=100 You can remove the layers by going to the "Prefab" menu dropdown in the editor and then "Remove Layers". I'm pretty sure removing layers is shown in some of the videos done by community members on how to use the prefab editor.
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I downloaded and tried this after a 'shameless plug' on another page regarding the allowance of loose model xmls - First, it seems to have broken my game. Downloaded, Ran, stated 'update time' - After the update, when I started 7d2d back up, a teddy bear appeared and it said something about needing to close and verify the game files (Forget the actual wording, sorry). Had to validate everything again. The big question I have is will this work on the linux dedi, and if it does, how would I set it up to allow for the aforementioned loose models? Tried checking out the video, but it appears woefully out of date. Thanks! -R
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The Teddy bear icon is because you haven't disabled EAC when using a custom DLL. Since 9.2 only the vanilla DLL can be loaded in the game without disabling the EAC software. Linux support hasn't been tested and isn't on my priority list. The way I've coded the mod is compatible with the Linux file system but if there's differences in the assembly or asset files the game won't load and would need it's own build. Once you've figured out how to run it locally correctly try the DLL on Linux (making sure you choose the correct SP/Dedicated DLL). If it boots and you can join a world then you'll have loose file support. If it doesn't boot you won't and will need to revert to the vanilla DLL. Hal
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I can't seem to find how to delete entities? Also, I'm not sure how to reproduce this but sometimes the same prefab appears near next to the one I'm working on. There's only 1 of them in prefabs.xml and "Clear all regions" doesn't help. Here's a screenshot. [attachment=112:name]
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I've had that happen when I save the prefab, delete the region, alt tab and continue the game too quickly. I assumed it was a timing issue and the game locked the region files before the editor had time to delete them. No clue on if I'm correct other than now that I wait a few seconds, it hasn't happened again.
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I'll check on it more tomorrow but it may have something to do with a bug with "Add prefab at player location". I say bug because clearing regions should remove it. That could be the reason, or it could have nothing to do with it at all. I'm still trying to track down the exact cause so it can be replicated and fixed. BTW Hal - I have a slew of feature requests but I'd rather not junk up this thread listing the current ones and new ones as I work with your editor. Would you prefer I Email/PM you or just list them here?
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I've not had that problem before but it's been a while since I was using the editor so something might have changed. Remember the editor can't remove region files if you're currently in the world. You have to quit to the menu screen, insert the prefab and clear the regions and then join the world again. Yeah this thread is for suggestions so post here so others can see and comment on the ideas. Ideas that get more +1's from people tend to go higher on my to-do list. Hal
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That's cool, I sure will. One suggestion would be an undo button. lol I find myself having to go back into 7DTD to make changes instead of strictly using the editor after the export (ideally I'd like to back and forth periodically). Is re-exporting the claim the easiest way to do it?
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An undo button isn't likely to happen. To do it effectively it would require a complete re-write of the prefab editor section. What I already have on my todo list is snapshot functionality so the editor will save a backup every 5 minutes for the past 15 minutes so you could jump back to an earlier snapshot if something went very wrong and you didn't have a manual backup. Yeah re-exporting the claim is the best option for now. If you set a claim area, export it and set the prefab XML to the same location you can get a quick import/export routine going. When the world editor is released it will open up more options like being able to "sync" with an area of the world to pull and push changes. Hal
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Hello HAL, Since I finaly can use the bbb ex command now, i'm working with it and producing one prefab level by another, and love the functionality very much! Great tool, HAL! I found that your editor can import "cubicle.xml" somehow. I did not tested this yet, since I ain't got a cubicle.xml, but i wonder if this can somehow import any kind of cube-maps? For example a simple 7x7 Circle on a squared grid? And if so, is there any possibility to flip a layer (floor) to horizontal, to create such as a wall Painting from cubed blocks? Cheers, Dan
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[QUOTE=dantheman;145027]Hello HAL, Since I finaly can use the bbb ex command now, i'm working with it and producing one prefab level by another, and love the functionality very much! Great tool, HAL! I found that your editor can import "cubicle.xml" somehow. I did not tested this yet, since I ain't got a cubicle.xml, but i wonder if this can somehow import any kind of cube-maps? For example a simple 7x7 Circle on a squared grid? And if so, is there any possibility to flip a layer (floor) to horizontal, to create such as a wall Painting from cubed blocks? Cheers, Dan[/QUOTE] The Cubicle stuff is for importing Cubicle files into the editor so they can be added as prefabs ([URL="http://www.minddesk.com/"]here [/URL]is the website for Cubicle). For example I grabbed a free 3D model from a website, put it through the Cubicle Voxeliser and added it to the world as a prefab (pics are [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/tars.jpg"]here [/URL]and [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/tars2.jpg"]here[/URL]) I've not touched that code for a while but as far as I know it should still work. There's no way to currently flip a prefab in the way you described but I'll add it to my todo list. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;144474]What I already have on my todo list is snapshot functionality so the editor will save a backup every 5 minutes for the past 15 minutes so you could jump back to an earlier snapshot if something went very wrong and you didn't have a manual backup.[/quote] That'll work! [quote]Yeah re-exporting the claim is the best option for now. If you set a claim area, export it and set the prefab XML to the same location you can get a quick import/export routine going.[/QUOTE] After the re-export it only got the bottom left corner that I attached - the center of the purple blocks is basically the center of the prefab and is where I claimed it. It also exported a bunch of "bad blocks" shown in black. [attachment=113:name]
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;145046] After the re-export it only got the bottom left corner that I attached - the center of the purple blocks is basically the center of the prefab and is where I claimed it. It also exported a bunch of "bad blocks" shown in black. [/QUOTE] Hmm not seen that before. Post a copy of your ex file and I'll have a look. That looks like chunk corruption. Are you definitely running the latest version of the editor? And your world is a new one (a 9.3 new game)?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145206]Hmm not seen that before. Post a copy of your ex file and I'll have a look. That looks like chunk corruption. Are you definitely running the latest version of the editor? And your world is a new one (a 9.3 new game)?[/QUOTE] Yep for both. It looks like I can't upload .ex files so I uploaded it to [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/p25fr5t171026tp/quadsquadfortress.ex?dl=0[/url] Thanks!
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Well I can tell you what it isn't. It isn't chunk corruption. It only seems to be happening on a single layer. Very strange. Is it an MP or SP game? What does the world look like? If you go to the area that's screwed up in the export is the land ok? Does it happen on every export or is it intermittent?
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It happens on layers 75 and 76. It's an SP game. It looks like the bad blocks are all dirt (type 3 subtype 0). I tried another claim at -1260, 76, 1341, and that export had the same bad blocks as well. I'm more concerned about the prefab re-exporting in it's entirely though. I can always fill the bad blocks with dirt.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145034]There's no way to currently flip a prefab in the way you described but I'll add it to my todo list. [/QUOTE] Thank you for adding this idea to your todo list, HAL! The import does look crazy, inside the deserts of navazgane :) What i try to create in my actual arcadia project, is a level based adventure, where the player just find dedicated items in containers. You once mentioned, that it might possible to edit content of containers as well. Is this still wip? Because if you release that function soon, i'll wait for it, rather then deploy my "adventure game" within a single copy of an edited region file, but will implement all needed items inside the prefabs itself via editing. Cheers, Dan
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