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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;73207]Opps.. correction there are 16 decals... 0 is a valid decal with that flag turned on. here is a screen shot with the decals meta tags listed. [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/7DaysToDie2014-05-0209-05-30-901.png.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/7DaysToDie2014-05-0209-05-30-901.png[/IMG][/URL][/QUOTE] Is there any additional info for decal rotation, is that actually not available?
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0F 00 00 00 normal block Down west 0F C0 0[COLOR="#FFFF00"]F[/COLOR] 00 block with decal #12 Down West add [COLOR="#FFFF00"]decal[/COLOR] 0F C0 [COLOR="#FF0000"]1[/COLOR][COLOR="#FFFF00"]F[/COLOR] 00 block with decal #12 Down North [COLOR="#FF0000"]rotation[/COLOR] While the block will rotate.. the decal will not... at least I haven't found it yet.
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Okay now I feel stupid... [COLOR="#FFFF00"]it is in the editor!!![/COLOR] The decal bit is the damage bit #15. if you set the damage bit to 15 and the meta tag to the decal you want... presto... you have a decal on the top of your block. Maybe we could just rename that damage bit to say decal?
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;73255]Unfortunately, the editor doesn't allow you to set that bit to 15 tried on several blocks. :([/QUOTE] Great find Wseigel! The Decal setting gets saved to the block but isn't shown in the editor when you click on a block. It's updated to show properly in the next version. Hal
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Hi and thank you for your great editor. Have had a blast playing with it for the past 2 days. I'm aware the x64 version of the editor is still a wip, but it really works great. The only bug I'm noticing atm is when in info mode and going up and down through the prefab layers that at random times odd blocks are generated or added on some layers that I've passed through. For example I'm in edit mode and a place some blocks on a layer, then I hit info mode so I can rotate the blocks and all is fine. I then go up or down some layers while still in info mode and the other layers I've visited while in info mode sometimes have blocks added or changed. If I switch back to edit mode before going up or down layer(s) then I never get any form of random blocks added or changed. No biggie, as I save regularly, and most times make sure I switch from info mode to edit mode before going to a different layer. Regardless, your editor is intuitive and fun to use. Thank You once again. Cheers
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[QUOTE=smashly;73634] The only bug I'm noticing atm is when in info mode and going up and down through the prefab layers that at random times odd blocks are generated or added on some layers that I've passed through. Cheers[/QUOTE] Hi Smashly, The 64 bit version is just a test and won't be actively fixed. I'll probably release another 64 bit version when A8 comes out but that's about it. But if you can give step-by-step instructions on how to re-create the bug you found I'll look into it as it may also be a bug in the 32 bit version. At some point I'm going to re-write the editor so it won't use anywhere near the amount of RAM it does now so there won't be a need for different versions. Glad you're enjoying the editor. Cheers, Hal [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Update time! I'm holding off with coding the game more till after Alpha 8 is out so it's given me time to implement something I've wanted for a while - search functions! You can now create ZIP files of your prefabs and register them with my software. You can also search the database and download the ZIPs from within the editor. Here's a couple of videos: Downloading / searching: [URL="http://youtu.be/jvNVPPArL5Q"]YT[/URL] Creating ZIP / Registering [URL="http://youtu.be/ejuuraqrf1M"]YT[/URL] This is just the first release so expect bugs and bad behaviour. There's also lots of functionality not implemented yet. The base is in the code and I'll add more options as I get time. Things I'm going to add are: 1) Warnings for overlapping prefabs with other uploaders 2) Automatically download updates for prefabs 3) Rate prefabs and add comments 4) Enhanced search functions (date added, top rated etc) 5) Locate prefabs in multiple worlds (when multiple worlds have been implemented) 6) Include screenshots in the information 7) Resize the forms The searching may be slow at times. My poor server was having a hard enough time before I added this to its workload. And I've not looked at optimising the IIS settings yet so it can lag from time to time. At the moment you have to upload the ZIP to a hosting website. It needs to be directly accessable for the software to download it. No "Click here after 15 seconds" stuff. I may look at storing the ZIPs on my server too but it depends on bandwidth issues. Check it out and as usual report the bugs (*cough* Wseigel) Cheers, Hal
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hello nice work, but when i try to load an export file into the prefab editor the editor crashes [attachment=16:name] full log [url]http://pastebin.com/DV0sRudw[/url] im on german windows 8.1 maybe you can help? mfg
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[QUOTE=limodor;75454]hello nice work, but when i try to load an export file into the prefab editor the editor crashes [ATTACH=CONFIG]2425[/ATTACH] full log [url]http://pastebin.com/DV0sRudw[/url] im on german windows 8.1 maybe you can help? mfg[/QUOTE] Hi limodor, Can you post the export file? Hal
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hey Hal, Nice update.. I did get an error the first time It tried to update, closed and re opened and updated again.. no error. seam to work fine. Here is the error anyway. [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/error.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/error.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I did find one thing... place some blocks, switched to info mode... left clicked on a block for info... changed to decal and 11 meta.. left clicked on a block near.. then click back to insure I could see the change. I did. I wanted to see if this was visible with the show direction. Clicked the box ( still in info mode ) nothing happened... scrolled up a level then back down to redraw. The directions showed up however the block i just added a decal to deleted or changed to air. tried it several times. Also not sure if you could have a box to show decals, or blocks with damage 15 set? this would help in placing decals that looked random as we have no visual way to see where the decals are... Thanks
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The error is caused by Application Experience in Windows 7 32 bit or 64 bit. This service determines how quickly removed files are flushed and sometimes even when its set to Automatically run, still doesn't update fast enough if you're updating a file that was just removed. As happens when you update. Generally, I leave the service set to Automatic and if it does catch it before the heartbeat to flush the removed file(s), I do like you just did and retry. :0) PS If the service is stopped (manual mode) or disabled, it will take quite a few minutes to flush the file from the system and hence lock up updating. Just a heads up.
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I was using the 64bit version for a large map.. do I need to manually update the C#? The above error I noticed was when in info mode... the last block the you left click on gets effected when you change layers while still in info mode. if you scroll up a layer then back down, when you scroll ( sorry using my scroll wheel ) back down the layer you had left clicked on, the block changes to whatever block your cursor is hovering over when you change back to that layer.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;75623]hey Hal, Nice update.. I did get an error the first time It tried to update, closed and re opened and updated again.. no error. seam to work fine. Here is the error anyway. [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/error.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/error.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/quote] Was referring to this. Sorry for the confusion.
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Hal there are new upgradeable windows added in alpha 8, while the older windows still exist in game as class"door" that still function.. these were added. ----------------------UPGRADE / DOWNGRADE WINDOWS ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------NON UPGRADE BLOCK-------------------------------------- Deleted the BlockData.txtx and the BlockDataDefault.txtx thinking they might re-read.. but they didn't. I will try to manually update my version for these windows. Thanks. Like the new feature.. Thanks for moving the zero point. If you could add a prefab location window and an updated cursor location ( cursor position + prefab location ) that would be so much easier to find the in game location you are working with. Thanks again , have a great one.
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Added manually you can have access to the new window types [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/view/t97bd3lly3s2thz/BlockData.txt"]here[/URL] Just replace your BloackData.txt file until Hal updates the editor. window01, window02, window01White ( all upgradable) and glassIndustrial02 ( non upgradable )
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;77477]Added manually you can have access to the new window types [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/view/t97bd3lly3s2thz/BlockData.txt"]here[/URL] Just replace your BloackData.txt file until Hal updates the editor. window01, window02, window01White ( all upgradable) and glassIndustrial02 ( non upgradable )[/QUOTE] Thanks Wseigel, it'll probably be the weekend before I have chance to go through the code and update again so this should keep people going till then. Not played it yet and raced home from work today only to find I'd forgotten my keys to get back in... Just my luck! I'm currently on the laptop in my car killing time till someone gets back with some keys... Hal
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