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My fastest death

Dead Guy

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I thought there were supposed to be four in-game hours of no zombie spawns when you first started a game? Can't remember where I read that though, so could have been PC... or simply not true.


Simply not true on either version.


Now as far as weather goes I do believe you get some time before the harsh weather kicks in.

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All i know is you get 7 days before something called a "horde" hits, lol.


Back when they nerfed up the dogs speed & before they fixed where you're not supposed to spawn in the wasteland on day 1...i spawned in the damn wasteland & was immediately wasted by two dogs. Not sure exactly how long i lasted, maybe 2 minutes real time.

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I thought there were supposed to be four in-game hours of no zombie spawns when you first started a game? Can't remember where I read that though, so could have been PC... or simply not true.


Simply not true on either version.


Now as far as weather goes I do believe you get some time before the harsh weather kicks in.


I thought there was too...at least on servers. I thought this is whats these settings were for.


<property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel" value="5" /> <!-- If a player is less or equal this level he will create a safe zone (no enemies) when spawned -->

<property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours" value="5" /> <!-- Hours in world time this safe zone exists -->

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Simply not true on either version.


there's definitely something, dont think its linked to a time limit more an area surrounding the spawn point.


I've spawned in the dead zone, ran through the hub and not even seen a Z. that's was either the luckiest start or someone was watching out for me.

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From what I understood is you had no zombies around you first when you spawned in for limited time unless you moved out of your spawn area. Then they would start. I am not sure if it is so and if it is how big the safezone is. This may have only been for new players also. Am not sure.

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