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Why I think there should be an option to turn off bloodmoon hordes.


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Bloodmoons, I love them. It's always so much fun to fight off hordes of zombies, and this is obviously what the 7th day is meant for. It's awesome and one of the many things I love about this game. However. My opinion is not universal. There are many people who seem to dislike bloodmoon hordes to the point that they will go underground and never return, drive away in a motorcycle for the duration of the horde, or even exploit zombie behavior making it impossible to be killed by them.


These are the same people that will complain when anybody who LIKES hordes makes any post about improving them or making additions. They often site the fact that this is a sandbox game and why should they have to play the way we horde-lovers do. And honestly, they're right. It is a sandbox game. And I feel like if the community is ever going to be able to move forward on this topic and actually really enjoy hordes, we need to have the option to turn them off.


Don't like forced hordes? Turn it off.

Can't handle them because of lag? Turn it off.


I know the games name is 7 DAYS to die, which has a very clear implication that something challenging will happen on the 7th day, but unfortunately a large portion of people seem to not like it as it is currently. I really do think that having a choice to not fight the horde would go a long way in terms of player happiness and acceptance to future changes.


Now I am not saying that his should be done for everything, that would be ridiculous. But I do think that it's a necessary change in this case.


Now I realize there is something else that keeps players from fighting these hordes. Incentive. After a while, the hordes become flooded with rad cops, zombie bears, and radiated wights. The damage that they cause to your base is just not worth the risk and it's not even fun to fight them anymore at that point. Now the obvious fix for this would be to increase zombie numbers and decrease tanky numbers, however the game is not stable enough to do that right now. So for now there should a reason to fight them instead of just tunneling underground or driving away.


I think one way to do this would be to increase the loot received by zombies on horde nights.


I've made a little survey to see what people think about my suggestions, It would be nice if you took it. It's only 2 questions so it won't take long.



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I took the survery and I agree with the concept. Maybe make an extra drop down option of "zero" on the "blood moon count" in the world options. I agree with the idea from a single player position. Just dealing with the hordes base building/forging/cooking can bring not to mention nightly wanders for a single person can be really difficult to contend with on top of a blood moon.


My personal play style is "Zombies Never Run." That one change makes it possible for me to enjoy the game on horde nights. Without that change, I could never make it past day 7 without wanting to give up because I get utterly destroyed.

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There are many people who seem to dislike bloodmoon hordes to the point that they will go underground and never return, drive away in a motorcycle for the duration of the horde, or even exploit zombie behavior making it impossible to be killed by them.


I don't think there's anything wrong with this. There are more ways than just fighting to take care of a blood moon. The problem I see is that running away, and wasting an entire night doing something tedious, is the least annoying option. I personally believe that as the player gets a stronger base, staying and fighting should not only become less risky, but also less of an annoyance/resource drain. If this means totally nerfing latter day hordes, I'm all for it.


"But wait", some of you may ask, "Wouldn't the horde nights become boring if the zombies were too weak?" To that I say

  1. From what I have been hearing, it's boring and tedious already
  2. If the zombies just gain the ability to do more damage as the player's blocks have more health, they cancel each other out and make progression pointless.
  3. If players didn't need to be in a mega-base every seven days, they would be encouraged to go out and explore more using more hastily constructed bases, thereby partially lowering the power gap.

Of course, the late game still fails to capture the existential dread of the 7 day hordes do in the early game, and that's why I present do you:


Day 49 Hordes

seriously, do i need to say more?

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"But wait", some of you may ask, "Wouldn't the horde nights become boring if the zombies were too weak?" To that I say

[*]From what I have been hearing, it's boring and tedious already


That tends to happen when you're 1000+ hours into any game. The focus should always be two-fold:


-making the game accessible to new players

-making the game challenging for experienced players.


When you have played so much that day 700+ hordes no longer seem fun, maybe it's time to take a break. Play something else for a while, or create your own game with all the great ideas you have come up with while playing 2400 hours of somebody else' game.

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