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EAC problems....again

Tom Peters

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About 1 week ago, when playing on EAC protected servers, I would get booted about being on for 15 seconds:


2018-07-15T13:53:34 947.475 INF [NET] Kicked from server: EAC violation: ClientViolation - Violation (this is from the output log)


If I try and immediately log back on, it prevents me right away from joining. If I then validate the local files, I can get on - for 15 seconds before getting kicked. Nothing in the OS or HW on my computer has changed.


I have tried all the common steps to fix this such as rebooting the cable modem, the computer, reinstalling the game and Steam, etc etc but nothing changed. I sent in 2 support tickets but havnt heard anything back.


yesterday, in desperation, I booted up a clone of my main hard drive form 2 weeks ago - this was before the problem manifested itself. I copied the old 7D2D directory over the current one. Behold ! it worked ! I could play without getting EAC kicked. However as of today, this no longer works. Same error. I am really baffled.


MacPro 5,1, OS X 10.9.5, 7D2D:16.4(B8)


Mad Dog


PS: when reinstalling Steam there is a really nasty bug that prevents downloading game content if you are running 10.9.5, or some Linux distros. See: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/2/3307213006842940751/?ctp=3

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Continuation of previous message.....

I found that if I copy an older 7D2D executable from 2 weeks ago (from a clone drive) and replace the newly downloaded one, I can play free of issues IF I launch 7D2D from the executable itself, and not through Steam. If I use Steam, then the copied executable becomes corrupted in some fashion and will no longer work. Then, I have to copy over the older executable again.


I have no idea why this is happening.


Mad Dog

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  • 4 weeks later...


im pretty sure its not steam related.

I've had this problem back in A13+14 and i reinstalled steam AND the game... only after completly reseting my computer (and all chache and dll and whatnot) got deleted did it work again...

but this ONLY EVER happened in 7d2d...




the only solution i found is to completly wipe your harddrive...

nobody else knew a solution to that too... and I still (from 2015) dont have an official answer from their support :D (via the 7daystodie.com site)

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@wicketness: Bashing other systems that you don't understand is not helpful at all.


@Viktoriusiii: You might have had an EAC error, but it was probably something different then. If it's enough for Tom to use an older backup of the game but validating files through Steam is not then it looks like Steam is somehow corrupting the files. If it's only ever having issues when running through Steam but the game itself runs fine ...


@Tom: A full client log of when a violation happened *might* also give more pointers.

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You wrote that you have a 2 week old clone. If that clone has a steam directory. go to steam.exe. right click and go to details check the version. Then do the same thing on the one that isn't working. Are they the same or different. I ask because after reading I checked steam version history. https://store.steampowered.com/news/?feed=steam_client 8/9/2018 was an update. It may mean the steam system folder got corrupted. If so post the log as requested, and we all can go from there.

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  • 6 months later...

I’m having the same problem, however, I uninstalled my game, steam, my gfx driver, EAC, re installed all of them, restarted my pc, reinstalled visual studio, verified game files, nothing, the sound plays and the cursor changes to the 7d2d one but no screen, all I see is my desktop background but If I disable EAC then my game loads fine. But can’t play on the server Im on. Really frustrating, last thing I’m going to try is reinstall direct x. If that don’t work then I’m stumped

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