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CSMM - Cloud hosted server manager


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After trying a couple seemingly abandoned services I am very grateful to find CSMM. The service itself is very good and easy to use BUT also the support team are fantastic and go out of their way to help out even if it seems not to be directly related to CSMM in some cases.


Thanks for your work!


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CSMM now has a status page!





After trying a couple seemingly abandoned services I am very grateful to find CSMM. The service itself is very good and easy to use BUT also the support team are fantastic and go out of their way to help out even if it seems not to be directly related to CSMM in some cases.


Thanks for your work!



Thank you for the kind words! :D

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CSMM Updated!


Custom hooks


Allow you to attach a set of commands to events that happen on your server.

Currently implemented hooks: playerConnected, playerDisconnected, chatMessage, playerDeath, playerJoined (new player on your server), playerLevel, zombieKilled, animalKilled, playerKilled

CPM 9.5 is required for the playerLevel, zombieKilled and animalKilled hooks so be sure to update!



No docs yet but it's pretty straight forward how they work. See the screenshot for some examples and adjust to your own liking :).




I have also revamped the variables that you can use inside commands (this is not exclusive to hooks but also applies to gimmie and custom cmds). These use a new syntax ("dot syntax"). I **highly** suggest you do not use the old variables anymore, they are deprecated meaning they will be removed somewhere in the future.


What is the point of this new syntax? Well you now have access to any variables that CSMM has in the database! I don't have a definite list (yet) but here are some new possibilities:











... You see where this is going ;)


Almost all hooks support a 'player' variable. The playerKilled hook instead has a 'victim' and 'killer' variable (which are just renamed 'player's).

The zombieKilled & animalKilled also have an 'entityClass' and 'entityName' variable. The playerLevel hook supports 'oldLvl' and 'newLvl' variables.


If any of your existing commands broke because of this update, please create a ticket on discord and I'll resolve it ASAP.



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CSMM Updated!



- Custom hooks support a new event: logLine. You must configure a string to search for (or a regex for advanced users), every log line that matches your configured search will set off this hook. While the string search is required for the logLine event, it is optional for the other events.

- Custom hooks now have a 'cooldown' parameter.

- There is now an on/off switch for CSMM in the basic server settings. This checkbox can disable all csmm modules for your server without you losing your configs


Bug fixes/small changes:


-You can now see your donator status on the 'your profile' page. It is also listed in the basic server settings of your server.

- Fixed a property accessor in historicalInfo#deleteMap which was causing the module to not load properly

- Cleaned up log messages for (dis)connected messages

- Cache donator status in Redis to limit usage of discord API

- Mark servers that haven't been online for a long time as 'inactive'. This will unload a lot of unnecessary modules that are eating up RAM

- Fix system stats collection

- Ingame command $balance now has 2 aliases: $bal and $wallet

- Fix initialization of customHooks module for newly created servers

- MOTD module removed

- Added some bugs so future me wont get bored :bug:




Psst, want to know what data is available in your custom commands/hooks? Here's the current data object that is passed: https://hastebin.com/uguqoxapuq.json


Please note that it's still not a definitive list, some stuff may still be removed or added. So some examples of possible variables:


${date}, ${time}, ${player.name}, ${server.ip}, ${player.positionX}, ...

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CSMM Updated


- A new function that can add/substract currency addCurrency(${player.id}, <amount>). Amount can be negative if you want to subtract instead of add.


An example of a playerLevel hook that rewards a player with currency depending on their new level:

say "${player.name} has reached level ${newLvl} and has earned ${newLvl} zcoins"; addCurrency(${player.id}, ${newLvl})

If a player reaches level 8, they will receive 8 zcoins.


- Ability to create custom variables in hooks via regex. Useful if you need to extract a certain value from a logLine to use in your commands. These variables are available in commands via ${custom.<name>}


- New table with results of the last hook execution added. You can use this to debug your hooks and check what commands were executed.

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