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Q&A for each other


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I feel bad starting new threads every time I have a question about this game. So I thought we would start a thread where people can ask questions and people answer... what do you think? *Sorry if this has already been done before*


I'll start: I'm planning on digging straight down under my house then a tunnel underground, before straight up to the surface again. How many blocks deep do you think I should dig under my house so I don't have to worry about the ground collapsing? Photo below of what I mean I want to do...


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It depends on how wide you tunnel plans to be. Also, are you reinforcing the tunnel with wood/concrete? I typically don't go much larger than 3 wide and 3 high on a tunnel (which would be 5 wide with blocks placed to reinforce it). And I haven't had any collapse issues yet. I don't usually have a set distance I dig, but I get to rock first and go down some more from there. I think I usually dig down about 15-20 or so blocks from wherever my "floor" was so that falls pretty much in line with what @SylenThunder said.

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Being pretty new to the game I haven't tried much tunneling, my biggest issue when digging is making straight lines I'm afraid to build where I think it would leave a void and perhaps cause a collapse.


Also I have a question, I have found both a large and a medium bomb shelter. Why are they seemingly labeled on the wiki backwards. The one I have found that is named large is significantly smaller space wise than the one labeled medium. Am I missing part of the larger one I can explore or something?

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Stone is quite dependable.

If you hit ores and gravel things get a lot more... interesting.


A while back gravel was guaranteed to fall down with the bottom block removed. That was boring. Now it falls on your head seemingly whenever it wants to. Much better. ;)

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i always dig to bedrock (making sure to say hi to Fred and Barney) for a few reasons. by putting crafting stations down the chances of attracting the attention of screamers is greatly reduced. by digging that deep, you get lots of stone and raw iron, as well as some lead, coal, clay and nitrate. unless you are in the desert. then you get boat loads of send with trace ammounts of raw iron, lead, clay, and if you are really lucky, a little bit of oil shale.

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I feel bad starting new threads every time I have a question about this game. So I thought we would start a thread where people can ask questions and people answer... what do you think? *Sorry if this has already been done before*


I'll start: I'm planning on digging straight down under my house then a tunnel underground, before straight up to the surface again. How many blocks deep do you think I should dig under my house so I don't have to worry about the ground collapsing? Photo below of what I mean I want to do...



If you are just digging a tunnel to get out of your base, then you don't have to far. A 3x3 tunnel will hold up in the dirt just fine. I might suggest digging to stone though just so that you have room to dig a trench for spikes if you want.

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