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A16 - 7D2D SDX Tutorials and Modding Kit


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ok so does the assembly c shard.dll , sdx core, sdx payload.dll go into the managed folder anymore?

or we just simply use unity .. bring in the cube..

copy that info into the mods folder

and just put

that in our blocks.xml of our game..

sorry for being so stupid, maybe a video tutorial on the cube would help me understand but im just not getting it.


I read the tutorial on the xpath, and it was just so wordy and all over the place i was very lost. It was almost like another language lol :D and Sdx has been very simple up till this point

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ok so does the assembly c shard.dll , sdx core, sdx payload.dll go into the managed folder anymore?

or we just simply use unity .. bring in the cube..

copy that info into the mods folder

and just put

that in our blocks.xml of our game..

sorry for being so stupid, maybe a video tutorial on the cube would help me understand but im just not getting it.


I read the tutorial on the xpath, and it was just so wordy and all over the place i was very lost. It was almost like another language lol :D and Sdx has been very simple up till this point


You don't need SDX unless you are compiling in scripts. You can use the native hooks.


I'm sorry that the tutorial was too confusing; The xpath stuff it was covering is what we had in SDX.

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ok thank you sphereii for quick replies, the project I am currently working on is trying to bring in a sound.. a new sound.


So what i did, was I brought in the sound that i was wanting to use.. I right clicked on it and used your bundle script to export it out.

I dropped that unity prefab in my mods folder with the name idle.unity3d


this is the code i am wanting to change


<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>

<AudioClip ClipName=" What do i put here? " Loop="true"/>

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="18"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>

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<SoundDataNode name="AbominableAlert">

<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_VO" />

<Noise ID="3" range="100" volume="25" time="10" muffled_when_crouched="0.65" heat_map_strength="0.05" heat_map_time="60" />

<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/AbominableSounds.unity3d?roar1" />

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="1.0" />

<CrouchNoiseScale name="0.5" />

<NoiseScale name="1" />

<MaxVoices name="10" />

<maxVoicesPerEntity name="1" />

<MaxRepeatRate name="1.111" />


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ok so i put the above script in the 7 days to die/config/sounds.xml


i just put in the last entry..


I put my compiled unity sound file in the mods folder mods/resources/AbominableSounds.unity3d


I loaded up the game..

it gives an error saying it cannot load the audio file.. again.. very confused

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I renamed the files to your names, so I wouldnt miss anything.. its my files, just with yours.. i dont think the names has anything to do with it.. but i changed it to personal names. and it still does not work.. i have a error that says.. cannot find the audio file. Its there.. i dont know what else or where else to put it.. can we please get a video tutorial step by step on the cube or sound or something at this point because the instructions for this is just all over the place.. there is not straight instructions on how to do this. your videos prior to.. was well done and percise and i had no issue.. now with a17.. its just completely different and all over the place, things renamed, mods are not called mods anymore.. xpath is being used.. i mean so much stuff

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We are working on documentation; The xpath tutorial was the first step. If that tutorial was not straight forward for you, I would suggest re-reading it again and taking your time on it. It'll be critically important. The next tutorials will be working with different assets, including entities, sounds, and other clips.


While I understand you are frustrated at the progress of the documentation, please remember that Alpha 17 is still in experimental; SDX is not released for this alpha, and some code is fluctuation. There's a lot of gears turning, and very few people working on setting up this process for a smoother transition.

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this is what is in my mods/configs/sounds.xml




<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>

<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/mysound.unity3d?mysound" Loop="true"/>

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="18"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>









Then i have 2 folders and my mod file




thats all ive done


In the resource folder I have the mysound.unity file

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this is what is in my mods/configs/sounds.xml




<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>

<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/mysound.unity3d?mysound" Loop="true"/>

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="18"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>









Then i have 2 folders and my mod file




thats all ive done


In the resource folder I have the mysound.unity file


Try creating a ModInfo.xml and putting it in the same folder as your mod.xml. Without that ModInfo.xml, the mod won't load.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<Name value="MyMod" />
	<Description value="My MOd" />
	<Author value="Me" />
	<Version value="1.0.0" />

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were getting closer but now i get this..




this is the sounds.xml




<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>

<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:MyMod/Resources/mysound.unity3d?mysound" Loop="true"/>

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="18"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>










this is my modinfo


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>



<Name value="MyMod" />

<Description value="My MOd" />

<Author value="Me" />

<Version value="1.0.0" />





and here is the folder structure


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were getting closer but now i get this..




this is the sounds.xml




<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>

<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:MyMod/Resources/mysound.unity3d?mysound" Loop="true"/>

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="18"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>










this is my modinfo


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>



<Name value="MyMod" />

<Description value="My MOd" />

<Author value="Me" />

<Version value="1.0.0" />





and here is the folder structure



When in game, in the console, type in exportcurrentconfigs


Then look under your save game folder for the exported configs, and take a look at the sounds.xml

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ok .. what am i looking for.. im looking at the sounds.xml from there


I would look for anything that looked wrong. However, I grabbed your XML snippet and fixed it up. It had some syntax errors in it. Compare yours to mine:


<append xpath="/sounds">
	<SoundDataNode name="batterybank_idle">
		<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/>
		<AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:MyMod/Resources/mysound.unity3d?mysound" Loop="true"/>
		<LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/>
		<CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/>
		<NoiseScale value="1"/>
		<MaxVoices value="18"/>
		<MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/>

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