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Do zombies still pop up right in front of you?


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open gamestages.xml in notepad++


search/find/find all in current document






put cursor at beginning of file


replace all


ex: emptyChance="0.5" with emptyChance="0"

ex: decoyChance="0.2" with decoyChance="0"

ex: decoy1hpChance="0.5"> with decoy1hpChance="0">


repeat till all emptyChance,decoyChance,decoy1hpChance show =0.


save file



open entityclasses.xml


go to zombieTemplateMale stealth settings


reading format



default setting

my setting



1 <property name="SightRange" value="30"/>

<property name="SightRange" value="500"/>


500 m is excessive for most people, but I prefer any prespawned enemy entity within that range be aware of me, outside area masters cover every 80m so if there are lingering z's out of my sight range they don't just stand around taking up cpu cycles. Second it activates the POI sleeper spawn from a longer distance. Tested while in DM using F3 key.

100 m should be ok. 100 helps cover the distance from most doorways to the far side upstairs of POI.


DEFAULT: Basically if you break a door go in kill a few on first floor, backpedal away from the entrance about 10 m, kill the few that exit and go back in, then "sim sa la bim" most times they are back.


2 <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin" value="-40,5"/>

<property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin" value="-40,30"/>

For my night runs with night vision goggles, similar to splintercell.


3 <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax" value="340,480"/>

<property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax" value="40,480"/>


4 <property name="SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold" value="20,20"/>

<property name="SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold" value="10,20"/>

My balance for creeping, or smash and blast


5 <property name="SoundSleeperSenseChance" value=".5"/>

<property name="SoundSleeperSenseChance" value=".85"/>


6 <property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- for awake zombies -->

<property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="5"/>

My outside Bow creep, back of the head shots.


Save File


I am a fan of Sniperelite, Splintercell, NZA, and Walking Dead series. This kind of helps me get more of that feel.

Note: A15 had static spawners, vs A16 sleeper, This helps gives it a more Legacy 7DTD feel. But it also makes it temporarily a more sweep and clear scenario. Rarely if ever do i Have popups, but the stuff I ran passed before may find their way to my destinatiion if i take too long.


Side note: using the visitor center/police station, I go upstairs, storage room at top of stairs, break all racks, when in doorway facing inside,i break wall to right expand to rail put window to look down, destroy table and sofas in front and expand wall to front. down in receiving destroy all furniture, break blocks 1 deep wall to wall square and put wood spikes. when i come home i just place wood frames to get to stairs. and pick them up as i go.


Hope this helps.

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I feel 16.4 is a lot better than 16.1, but it still causes issues at times. Maybe it's due to the larger POI's especially having different sleeper volumes, so you run in-out of them at different times which causes respawns if they are not cleared when you pass through. But that's not entirely easy as you can't see where they end, and I believe they can overlap too.


One thing they did which helped the issue was increasing the distance of when sleepers spawned due to player proximity. But that causes a host of other issues, such as running past POI's on the street and waking up all the zombies, which beyond wrecking things also causes a performance hitch at times.


Spawning in general is a challenge. Just did a blood moon horde in a POI, and it spawned down the 1 side which had a hill some distance off. Since they couldn't climb the hill due to weird AI pathing, they spent the night digging tunnels instead. The game should have recognized it was a bad horde spawn and just flipped it to another direction or something, as there wasn't any path to the player.

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