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Simple UI Plus


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Fantastic stuff. Really loving both the mod itself, as well as how quickly you updated it. Thanks so much.


One piece of constructive criticism: it's kind of difficult on my screen (1440p) to immediately see which slot is active. If it were up to me, the green highlighting on the outside of the box would be a little thicker.


It's not a big deal (and honestly it doesn't even really matter when I have all my "usual" belt items equipped), but sometimes I don't have the usuals for whatever reason. So, it would be helpful to see which one is selected just a little bit easier.


Thanks again for an awesome mod!

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Thanks for all the kind words it's very much appreciated. :smile-new:




One piece of constructive criticism: it's kind of difficult on my screen (1440p) to immediately see which slot is active. If it were up to me, the green highlighting on the outside of the box would be a little thicker.


It's not a big deal (and honestly it doesn't even really matter when I have all my "usual" belt items equipped), but sometimes I don't have the usuals for whatever reason. So, it would be helpful to see which one is selected just a little bit easier.


This will definitely be taken into consideration for the next update.


In the meantime if you want you can change it back to default thickness by opening the controls.xml and editing the following line under S420_item_stack (line #6 I believe)


		<sprite depth="3" name="background" sprite="menu_empty2px" width="83" height="83" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" globalopacity="true" fillcenter="false"/>


		<sprite depth="3" name="background" sprite="menu_empty3px" width="83" height="83" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" globalopacity="true" fillcenter="false"/>


Basically your just changing "menu_empty2px" to "menu_empty3px"

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Mod updated. This update should fix the sad panda problem Lol




  • Fixed xp bars background and fill so it no longer overlaps bottom border.
  • Returned toolbelt holding highlight back to original thickness for better visibility.
  • Shifted temp icon, temp, elevation icon, and elevation slightly more to the right so it's not so close to the time.
  • Cleaned up and added more comments to the xui.xml to better show my changes
  • Increased forge input from 2 spaces to 3 spaces.
  • Added support for dedicated servers.

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is there a way to you make a 21:9 of this mod

everything looks small on ultrawide


Sadly no not at this time. As I don't have a monitor that supports that resolution. I know I know upgrade already but what I got works well.



You can try increasing the scale of the ui back closer to stock by editing the following line in the xui.xml

<!-- S420 Start -->
<!--ruleset name="default" scale="1.255" stackpanel_scale="1.05"--> <!--Stock-->
<ruleset name="default" scale="1.05" stackpanel_scale="0.94">
<!-- S420 End -->


Just try setting my edit back closer to stock until everything fits better for you.

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I installed your mod and the crucible is gone from the workbench crafting list - deinstalled and then the Icon whas in the list...

How can that be?

No other mods in use...


I'm not sure how that can be as I didn't touch the recipes at all. I so far have been unable to recreate but will continue to look into this.


Are using the 60 or 120 version?

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I installed your mod and the crucible is gone from the workbench crafting list - deinstalled and then the Icon whas in the list...

How can that be?

No other mods in use...


I don´t have any problems with crafting the crucible and I play the mod since it was released.


Try validating your gamefiles. This might help.

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Would you happen to know when you add in positions to the different parts like output and fuel they would be located in different areas on the screen per different workstation? I have tried changing them from Right to Left or vise versa and seem to get them located in different spots. I can also not figure out why the storage chest doesn't move either. I would think that would be under looting but it apparently it's not.


Camp Fire - Fuel and Output



Forge - Fuel and Output



Chemstation - Fuel and Output



Storage Crate - Grid



Trash Pile - Grid

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you might make separate windows for each workstations fuel and output in the windows.xml then reference those windows in the xui.xml under each workstation. Much like I have for all the S420 windows.


For player built storage are you editing the stock window or my S420windowlooting and which window is referenced in the xui.xml? it's hard to say exactly what the issue here is though without seeing your edited code.


If you want you can post a link to your edited files and I could take a look at them when I get a chance.

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I am editing some of your lines of code as I notice yours overwrites the vanilla. But for example of the looting...


	<window name="S420windowLooting" width="378" height="378" controller="LootWindow" panel="Left" anchor_side="bottomright" visible="false" cursor_area="true" >
	<panel name="header" pos="100,200" height="43" depth="0" disableautobackground="true">
		<sprite depth="1" name="headerbackground" sprite="ui_game_panel_header"/>
		<button depth="3" name="btnSort" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="21,-21" sprite="ui_game_symbol_loot_sack" tooltip_key="lblSortContainer" sound="[paging_click]" />
		<label depth="2" name="lootName" pos="39,-6" width="172" height="32" text="LOOT" text_key="xuiLoot" font_size="32" />

		<label depth="2" name="takeAllLabel" width="32" height="30" font_size="30" color="[mediumGrey]" justify="left" pos="260,-8"/>

		<sprite depth="2" name="takeAllIcon" style="icon32px" sprite="ui_game_symbol_hand" color="[mediumGrey]" pos="220, -4"/>
	<sprite depth="0" name="gridBackground" color="255,255,255,1" type="sliced" pos="100,200" globalopacity="true" on_press="true" />
	<rect name="content" pos="100,151" >
		<grid depth="12" name="queue" rows="7" cols="30" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" repeat_content="true" controller="LootContainer">
			<item_stack name="0"/>


So the game now registers 7x30 however it is going the opposite way LOL. I have the Loot.xml file matching this one so I am unsure why that is lol.


I am having a similar issue with the mini bike storage as well. I have it set to the same as this however it does a 12x15. Both the loot.xml and windows.xml have been updated to match this.

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