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A16E NPC Survivor and Bandit MOD


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A16E NPC Survivor and Bandit MOD

Now available stable A16.0


This thread has closed because stable A16 is released.




Add NPC Survivor and Bandit

  • Survivor and Bandit are fighting in the daytime.
  • New Item "Flamethrower" and "Flame Trap".
  • Some trader walk to around the field.
  • And more...


Install Instructions

  1. Open 7 Days To Die installed folder.
  2. Open Data folder.
  3. Open Config folder.
  4. Copy download files.
  5. Enjoy




A16(b129) Full Pack Here


A16(b129) Difference file between vanilla and MOD files Here


Detail List

  • Add NPC Survivor and Bandit.
  • Add NPC Newbie and Stray Trader.
  • Add item "Flamethrower" and block "Flame Trap".
  • Select Job System:Get some items and skills when New Game.
  • More Woods. When tree chop down, get Wood Log
  • New skill Meal and Cooking.



Q and A

Q: Survivor and Bandit drop too many ammo.

A: It can not be modified because it is hard code specification.And also can not change to not drop item from NPC.

Now NPC cannot drop item with property "CanDrop".

Thanks Darkstardragon.


Q: Can Those MOD also use with A15 ?

A: It maybe cannot use with A15 because specifications are too different between A16 and A15.

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Now available A16E b112


Good job nanashi, this was one of my fav modded in features in a15. I see that the npcs fight each other now(thanks tfp for the factions in the xml). Also, they attack and kill enemies above and below them, especially crawlers(they didnt in a15). Could do without the indestructible wandering traders though, couldnt kill them even with killall in debug menu. Spawning is way over the top, needs tweaking, enjoyable to watch once but would kill a serious playthrough. The survivors and bandits are on target with their attacks too which is a nice change. All in all a good start, hope you tweak it(im going to lol). The npcs need custom loot containers, corpse blocks, weapons and wep ids, loot lists. The dropping of the gun and ton of ammo is something people modded out in a15(guppy, stompy, spider etc) as it ruined the game. Who wants to find a gun off every npc and a stack of 500 rounds? Cheers, keep up the good work!

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I have a request...


A16E NPC Survivor and Bandit MOD

Now available b112




Add NPC Survivor and Bandit

  • Survivor and Bandit are fighting in the daytime.
  • New Item "Flamethrower" and "Frame Trap".
  • Some trader walk to around the field.
  • And more...


Install Instructions

  1. Open 7 Days To Die installed folder.
  2. Open Data folder.
  3. Open Config folder.
  4. Copy download files.
  5. Enjoy




A16(b112) Here


Can you upload other files with only the changes you have made or the new things that you have added? Beacuse some people like me already have other mods in our .xml files so is harder overwrite our files and add all the other mods again. I dont know if this is much to ask for so if you dont want to do it, ill understand you. :) Thanks for the mod. Ohh i almost forgot one thing, this can work in the latest alpha 15? my PC isnt enough for alpha 16 at least for now and i want bandits and survivor for alpha 15 while i earn money for a better PC. Thanks again and sorry for my poor english, isnt my native tongue.

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I have a request!!!


First, thanks for your mod,can you upload other files with only the changes you have made and the new things you have added? Because some people like me already have mods added to the xml files and is harder to overwrite all of them and add our mods again. If this is much to ask for and you dont want to do it ill understand. Another thing, this mod work for the latest alpha 15? because my PC isnt enough for alpha 16 at least for now. Thanks again for you mod.

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So I deleted the traders group and set max spawn to 1 in the spawning xml and still a lot of npc spawns. Hopefully I can add a probability to the spawns as well tonight. There are loot containers for the npcs I noticed you just have to harvest their bodies first to get the gore block. Just have to change their weapons to non droppable versions and I can start adding my own archetypes and classes into the spawning.

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QandA, yes it can be modified to have them not drop weapons and ammo, unless tfp changed the coding in xmls. You can make banditgunMP5 or whatever and have it <property name="Candrop" value="false"/>, check stompys and spiders mods. Thanks for putting up the file differences and for the quick update.


Example from alpha15:


<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="gunBanditSniperRifle,762mmBanditBullet"/>


<item id="2060" name="gunBanditSniperRifle">

<property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>

<property name="Candrop" value="false"/>

<property name="CustomIcon" value="gunSniperRifle"/>

<property name="CustomIconTint" value="ff0000"/>

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/SniperRifle/sniperRiflePrefab"/>

<property name="Material" value="metal"/>

<property name="HoldType" value="11"/>

<property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="true"/>

<property name="Degradation" value="99999" param1="true"/>

<property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>

<property class="Action0">

<property name="Class" value="Ranged"/>

<property name="Delay" value="0.5"/>

<property name="Crosshair_min_distance" value="30"/>

<property name="Crosshair_max_distance" value="100"/>

<property name="Magazine_size" value="5"/>

<property name="Magazine_items" value="762mmBanditBullet"/>

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1"/>

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0"/>

<property name="Reload_time" value="2.5"/>

<property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi"/>

<property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/SniperRifle/sniperrifle_fire"/>

<property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>

<property name="Sound_end" value=""/>

<property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty"/>

<property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/SniperRifle/sniperrifle_reload"/>

<property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nozzleflashuzi"/>

<property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmokeuzi"/>

<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="1"/>

<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="5"/>

<property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".2"/>

<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="0.01"/>


<property class="Attributes">

<property name="DismembermentBaseChance" value="0.3,0.3"/>

<property name="DismembermentBonus" value="0.00050,0.00050"/>

<property name="FalloffRange" value="160,160"/>

<property name="Accuracy" value="0.03,0.03"/>

<property name="EntityDamage" value="55,55"/>

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>



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holy♥♥♥♥! lmfao. I load in and there are like 8 bandits playing call of duty with each other and a lone survivor reenacting the chain saw massacre movies. Nice job lol


This comment alone made me wanna try this on a new game lol.

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Okay, it works for them not to drop their weapon and ammo just like in a15 ive tested it:


<item id="2164" name="gunBanditPistol">

<property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>

<property name="Candrop" value="false"/>


<property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBanditBullet"/>


<item id="2063" name="9mmBanditBullet">

<property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>

<property name="Candrop" value="false"/>

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/9mm_bulletPrefab"/>

<property name="Material" value="brass"/>

<property name="HoldType" value="21"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/> <!-- STK ammo -->

<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="craftSkillGuns"/>

<property name="EconomicValue" value="14"/>

<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>



So, im doing a run through right now with latest compopack, which is working and this mod, must say its quite fun. Took out the wandering traders that are invincible and the flamer bandits that are too op, they hit you once and you burn forever. Set all their max spawns to 1 in spawning xml and gave them prob=0.1 in groups. Theyre spawning much less now which is great for me. The loot isnt too op either so i left it for now. I also see you tweaked some items and gave starter classes. The bow when you craft it has no quality now so im not sure what you did with it. If i find any other issues ill let you know.

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Im tryin to figure out how to have the npcs follow you now. Used to be in a15:<property name="AITask-1" value="Follow" param1="EntityPlayer" />

Now with the ai xml and the packages for ai im not sure if the follow action still exists or if you can put it in there and give it weight, consideration etc. If anyone has any insight please feel free to post thanx.

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