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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Bug: Old Pocket Watch doesn't scrap into anything.



Electric, electronic and mechanical junk items don't show scrap until you have the skill to make those scrap parts. Will discuss with Spider if we want to change that though. Edit: That will be changed so they are scrap-able.

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yep, breaks the leg with every hit, also chops trees and smashes rocks like nothing else :)


i had fun with it smashing through concrete/stone walls on City Hub earlier lol


I found out we have a new Refinery model, so must be thats why. Craft a new refinery.


So that's the reason why i cant use it anymore, now i can continue with my profession quest. thanks a lot.

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Does anyone have Icon for Carrots and some other stuff like that? or have those not been added yet?

Also here is a video of the sound bugs i was talking about.

It happens only on a handful of guns. I can find out which ones it does it on if you;d like


Finding out which ones and if they consistently do this or not would be helpful. I can check if adjusting the sound play time fixes those, otherwise I can try replacing the sound files with a new one to see if that fixes it.


On the carrot, try deleting your icons folder in the mod folder and restart the game from the 7D2D launcher and see if that fixes it.

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After a few building situations i can say i totally support the anti-nerd-polling, you only have to get used to it, it makes total sense. If the ladder-thing gets fixed i don't see why it should be a problem.

For instance, yesterday i went into the tree-mini-bunker and on my way out i saw i forgot the broken ladder on top of it. At first i froze but i soon saw it was just a different perspective, i put down some wooden frames i had, brake the nails out of them and craft a ladder. Then if it was MP i'd be screwed as i couldn't place the ladder from bellow or the ladder itself so i had to god-fly out of it (still crafted and discarded the ladder) so if that is fixed (it might be now this dudes are awesome) i kinda love it.


Is there any wiki going on? I think this mod is so huge the front page description can't put up, searching in this forum ain't easy and i hate to ask all the time, even i know there's nice helpful people in here who doesn't care about my retard :D

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Mod Update-


Server and Player xml update


Save Game Safe


Fixed Candle not producing light when placed. The candles melting feature is removed for now. No longer works.


Fixed Electric, Electronic and Mechanical Parts scraping


Removed recipes for Electric, Electronic and Mechanical Parts


Removed Electric and Electronic recipes from Electrician skills


Removed Mechanical Parts from Mechanic Skills


Added 6 new lockable player crafted storage containers Lockers, Bookcase, Beverage Coolers, Medic Box(new), Refrigerator, Coffin, File Cabinet and recipes.


Added more descriptions to items and blocks


Fixed Nightstick block damage


Removed a duplicate Oil Refinery from the game


Added 35 new Zombies that make up the future Tower Busting army (Coming Soon)


Added 2 Bomber Zombies that charge on sight and explode (not in spawning yet)


Fixed Poultice healing Oozing Wound


Fixed a few buff icons


Fixed harvesting on the new Boar and Buck


Gave Boar and Buck their own attacks


Increased chance for enemy’s to apply injuries


You can now place blocks and build while on a ladder


Hay Blocks can be picked up again


Lowered NPC Zombie damage


Adjusted zombies speeds closer to the normal True Survival


Increased Zombies night run speed. A few Ferals run faster than the player at night.






If you are still missing icons after updating please manually go in and delete your icon folder then re install it. That should fix it. By our count all icons are finished. Please let us know if you are still missing icons after.

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After a few building situations i can say i totally support the anti-nerd-polling, you only have to get used to it, it makes total sense. If the ladder-thing gets fixed i don't see why it should be a problem.

For instance, yesterday i went into the tree-mini-bunker and on my way out i saw i forgot the broken ladder on top of it. At first i froze but i soon saw it was just a different perspective, i put down some wooden frames i had, brake the nails out of them and craft a ladder. Then if it was MP i'd be screwed as i couldn't place the ladder from bellow or the ladder itself so i had to god-fly out of it (still crafted and discarded the ladder) so if that is fixed (it might be now this dudes are awesome) i kinda love it.


Is there any wiki going on? I think this mod is so huge the front page description can't put up, searching in this forum ain't easy and i hate to ask all the time, even i know there's nice helpful people in here who doesn't care about my retard :D


A wiki would be nice but at this point all three of us on the team are using every second we can spare from out day jobs to add new features and play-ability to the mod. Until we find the time/resource to work on a wiki, don't be shy about asking any kind of question.

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OMG! not only fixing the bugs but adding all this stuff!! You guys are ♥♥♥♥ing awesome

I totally get that xyth, we can't ask more from you, of course. Maybe the fans can start something that when it's closer to finish you guys can finish, or whatever works. I'd love to contribute even with the little bit i know, specially if it helps everybody.

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If anyone feels like helping wright the front page mod description(describing modded functions and features) I will take a look it and if i can use it ill move it to the front for everyone to read. You can post it here or if you want message it to me here.

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Done and done. I also massaged the logic so it should check faster, and be more robust. It really was a quick fix, the only issue was finding Wifi (no internet at home).




You should make shafts with ladders, not dig to bedrock with a stack of frames and nerdpole back to the surface. This was the entire point. Next time, please report bugs as bugs, instead of as existential crises.


Believe me, I'm working on it :highly_amused:




Allow me to explain. It is not climbing to heights that is the issue. It is holding a giant stack of blocks, jump-placing them, and having to take zero effort to get onto a rooftop in a manner that simply would not work in real life. Every time the subject of realism and verisimilitude comes up, some jackass comes along and tries to claim that it's a Zombie game and therefore screw realism, but Zombies follow rules, too. There are acceptable and unacceptable breaks in reality, in a zombie game. Having infected/undead/mutant zombies running after you is one thing, doing something which should be physically impossible just because minecraft does is a different story. If you want a game where physical and logical rules of reality are ignored because that's just how it's always been done, play Minecraft. This game already doesn't allow half the physics breaking idiocy that MC does. This is just one step further in that chain.


TL;DR Nerdpolling is not "a legit way of survival". It is something that would not work, in reality. Period. And don't bring up Zombies about realism, because it's not under discussion whether Zombies are realistic; they follow rules, too.


Now, all that being said, I have fixed the problem. Simple fix. I have even placed the logic in a part of the file which will cause less issues, and should compute faster... not that it was a problem before, but now there should be no issues.


If any of you find any other situation where you should be able to logically and realistically place a block, and find that you can't, please don't hesitate to report it as a bug in a reasonable manner. If you just want to bitch about your favorite physics and logic breaking exploit being removed, please shove off.


Updated Assembly is Here



Great arguments. Glad you can toss reality in and out of the window as you see fit. I like how you see it fit to make what is and what isn't a legit way to survive in a VOX zombie game. So if you can throw logic in and out of the window at your pleasure, so can I.


Not to mention you have some weird ass obsession with hating minecraft. I never mentioned it. You should know better as well, someone who holds themselves up so high that there are a great MANY more games than minecraft that use vox engines, every single one codes in nerd poling.


I'm not even defending nerdpoling, what you did wasn't negate it. its still very possible. I'm talking about your attitudes to something so ♥♥♥♥ing small, and use such a broad reason to discredit it.


you want to talk about holding a stack of blocks in your hand and jumping upwards is illogicial EVERYTHING IS. you can carry around 20 guns. you can carry around 10000's of stones and wood. but that is where you draw the line. But once again, I don't have the convenience of introducing logic when I want too.


"Having infected/undead/mutant zombies running after you is one thing, doing something which should be physically impossible"

Sorry explain to me how infected undead mutant zombies is physically possible, but nerd poling isn't? That's where draw the line?


Keep trying to pvp on a pve game. This mod just lost my support (not to mention my save is janky now), even spider had some class when he replied. Lose your superior ♥♥♥♥ attitude. I refuse to send people your way with the attitudes you guys have.


Take a page out of valmars book and learn how to speak to people.


"Quote Originally Posted by Jeoshua View Post

Okay, first of all, Jax, it was not the hit back which "broke" blocks, it was lowering the hit points. Second of all, not being able to place blocks while on a ladder is a bug, report it as such instead of going on a tirade about overstepping bounds and ruining games.


Now, once I get to the computer that's going to be about a 10 minute fix. Chill."


TL;DR <----Don't patronize me with this bull♥♥♥♥.

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If you used nerd poling to avoid zombies, scale buildings or build. you were using an exploit. Its ok we still love you. It happens to the best of us. And we are here to help you quite and become a better Survivor.


I don´t really get what you are pointing out here. The main goal in the apocalypse is avoiding death at all costs. After walking days without wearing proper clothing or a firearm weapon and half starved and thristy and maybe wounded you wouldn´t take any unnecessary risks. Fighting zombies is one. A hugh one. It would become your primary goal to avoid them, even if it means to do things that people under other circumstances wouldn´t. Even nerdpoling.


I get that playing a zombie survival game ends with fighting zombies a lot. But in my opinion to many modders focus to much on the fighting aspect of the game and leave the original goal, the survial parts way behind. Every mod needs to be more brutal to get the attention of players and youtubers. But after some month the mod becomes unattrackive again, because after finding enough ways to beat the AI there is not much the mods offer.


Your mod is good. I would say its one of the real good ones. I will give you that. But still, the focus is to much on fighting zombies. Dying has not much meaning in this mod but it should. Because thats why people actually play survival games. To challenge death.


Telling people dying while fighting zombies is more acceptable then nerdpoling is an exploit in my eys too.

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Okay, first of all, Jax, it was not the hit back which "broke" blocks, it was lowering the hit points. Second of all, not being able to place blocks while on a ladder is a bug, report it as such instead of going on a tirade about overstepping bounds and ruining games.


Now, once I get to the computer that's going to be about a 10 minute fix. Chill.


Im already "chill" read above.


BUT i still will say that adding anything to a long term progressive mod that would require a server to have to wipe a map at this point is probably not a great decision. I understand wipes happen etc. As much should be done in a mod of this magnitude to avoid such things is what I was getting at.

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Folks, lets all move forward and continue to improve this game via this mod as best we are able. Some things like the lack of encumbrance in the basic game is an affront to common sense, but we work with what we have and change what we can in hopes that we will make a better, more challenging experience.


Emotions can run hot when experimenting with game changes, and that shows how much people care about this mod, which is a very good thing. Few of us are perfect when it comes to communicating our thoughts in forum posts, as we tend to include some of our emotions to add emphasis to our point, and this can cause friction between otherwise reasonable people. Let's all strive to keep post on this forum fact based and tinted with as little emotion as we can.


Thanks to all of you for helping make this mod better every day.

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Your mod is good. I would say its one of the real good ones. I will give you that. But still, the focus is to much on fighting zombies. Dying has not much meaning in this mod but it should. Because thats why people actually play survival games. To challenge death.



This is a great point and I am very interested in what your suggestions are for making death have more meaning. More loss of wellness? The game already allows you to lose all your items. What else do you suggest?

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Mod Update-


Server and Player xml update


Save Game Safe


Fixed Candle not producing light when placed. The candles melting feature is removed for now. No longer works.


Fixed Electric, Electronic and Mechanical Parts scraping


Removed recipes for Electric, Electronic and Mechanical Parts


Removed Electric and Electronic recipes from Electrician skills


Removed Mechanical Parts from Mechanic Skills


Added 6 new lockable player crafted storage containers Lockers, Bookcase, Beverage Coolers, Medic Box(new), Refrigerator, Coffin, File Cabinet and recipes.


Added more descriptions to items and blocks


Fixed Nightstick block damage


Removed a duplicate Oil Refinery from the game


Added 35 new Zombies that make up the future Tower Busting army (Coming Soon)


Added 2 Bomber Zombies that charge on sight and explode (not in spawning yet)


Fixed Poultice healing Oozing Wound


Fixed a few buff icons


Fixed harvesting on the new Boar and Buck


Gave Boar and Buck their own attacks


Increased chance for enemy’s to apply injuries


You can now place blocks and build while on a ladder


Hay Blocks can be picked up again


Lowered NPC Zombie damage


Adjusted zombies speeds closer to the normal True Survival


Increased Zombies night run speed. A few Ferals run faster than the player at night.






If you are still missing icons after updating please manually go in and delete your icon folder then re install it. That should fix it. By our count all icons are finished. Please let us know if you are still missing icons after.


Amazing work guys, thank you for pushing that ladder fix as fast you guys did. I lost my temper yes, and i apologize for that. You guys handled it very well. Something I should learn from. Its the New Yorker/Italian in me lol

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BUT i still will say that adding anything to a long term progressive mod that would require a server to have to wipe a map at this point is probably not a great decision. I understand wipes happen etc. As much should be done in a mod of this magnitude to avoid such things is what I was getting at.


The reducing block hit points back from the over inflated number to more normal caused the broken block bug. It was not intentional, and frankly I was surprised by the bug. I didn't know blocks could get negative values without the game throwing errors. We didn't see this issue in testing, so it slipped through. Otherwise we would have waited on that change until a game save breaking release.


We made a mistake, an honest one, in an effort to improve the game. Sorry. And this was posted without seeing your last post. Thanks Jax!

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Poultice still does nothing for the oozing wound.


Why is this bug not hot fixed? It prevents anyone stung from playing.


Thanks you for the work around but not everyone is going to edit their xmls. I've edited them but they just get overwritten or the game just won't launch.


Also using Poultice should return jars.




If you're on single player, you can just launch the game directly from the .exe, that way the fix won't get overwritten. Alternatively, you can try unticking auto-refresh-mods in the launcher.


ETA: ooops, should have finished reading all new posts first, nevermind.

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This is a great point and I am very interested in what your suggestions are for making death have more meaning. More loss of wellness? The game already allows you to lose all your items. What else do you suggest?


he actually took the words out of my mouth. its silly the thought of using full blocks you can carry on you to build up a side of a building on a vox game is illogical, but i get the viewpoints opposing. but this is why I HATE DYING. I don't want to die. I'd rather hide up on a rooftop than die 3 times clearing zombies from a house.



Make a full day pass on respawn. that'll teach em. <-cept for horde day. **

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Done and done. I also massaged the logic so it should check faster, and be more robust. It really was a quick fix, the only issue was finding Wifi (no internet at home).




You should make shafts with ladders, not dig to bedrock with a stack of frames and nerdpole back to the surface. This was the entire point. Next time, please report bugs as bugs, instead of as existential crises.


Believe me, I'm working on it :highly_amused:




Allow me to explain. It is not climbing to heights that is the issue. It is holding a giant stack of blocks, jump-placing them, and having to take zero effort to get onto a rooftop in a manner that simply would not work in real life. Every time the subject of realism and verisimilitude comes up, some jackass comes along and tries to claim that it's a Zombie game and therefore screw realism, but Zombies follow rules, too. There are acceptable and unacceptable breaks in reality, in a zombie game. Having infected/undead/mutant zombies running after you is one thing, doing something which should be physically impossible just because minecraft does is a different story. If you want a game where physical and logical rules of reality are ignored because that's just how it's always been done, play Minecraft. This game already doesn't allow half the physics breaking idiocy that MC does. This is just one step further in that chain.


TL;DR Nerdpolling is not "a legit way of survival". It is something that would not work, in reality. Period. And don't bring up Zombies about realism, because it's not under discussion whether Zombies are realistic; they follow rules, too.


Now, all that being said, I have fixed the problem. Simple fix. I have even placed the logic in a part of the file which will cause less issues, and should compute faster... not that it was a problem before, but now there should be no issues.


If any of you find any other situation where you should be able to logically and realistically place a block, and find that you can't, please don't hesitate to report it as a bug in a reasonable manner. If you just want to bitch about your favorite physics and logic breaking exploit being removed, please shove off.


Updated Assembly is Here


You need to take a page out of both xyth and Spiders book and learn how to speak to people with respect. I do NOT nerdpole back to the surface. I know im going to piss skippy off by saying this but Im a very hardcore realistic player. I dont dig bases underground, I dont hole up in POIS and break stairs off, i dont use ladders to hide from hordes and i do NOT nerd pole back up to the surface.


I used a bedrock area for my most valuables. Not abase, a storage cube. 4 x 4 at most. I surround the entire way down with wood blocks an all 4 sides. enclosing the shaft in all wood. Your initial change made that impossible due to the ladder issue. It was fixed so im cool with it now. If you took some time to learn about long time members here maybe you would already know this about me. SPIDERS mod is the only one i will play. HIS mod.


Next time don't quote me and assume to know how i play. Not being able to place blocks while on a legitimate surface like a ladder was a ridiculous and short sighted over sight to begin with. Which backs up my previous feeling that some of these changes are ONLY being made with PVP in mind, and the PVP is so ridiculous and hokey in this game it often makes me wonder why real PVP'ers even bother with it to begin with.


If i have to play nice in this thread then so should you. I appreciate the hard work going on in this mod, like I said it is the ONLY one i will touch in this regard for my hardcore fix. As a matter of fact i increased Progression leveling to 10000 just to make it even harder. But i wont have anyone call my play style into question. You want to argue with nerd polers and people who live underground to avoid hordes fine, trust me i am NOT the guy who participates in ANY of that nonsense. Im all for the hardcore.

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Is the delay between switching weapons-tools intended? I started noticing a few days ago, i didn't read about it and i was wondering if i should get used to it or it is a bug or something like lag. I'm playing SP for the record

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Is the delay between switching weapons-tools intended? I started noticing a few days ago, i didn't read about it and i was wondering if i should get used to it or it is a bug or something like lag. I'm playing SP for the record


I haven't noticed any difference between the original and the True Survival tool switching. It seems the same to me.

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Is the delay between switching weapons-tools intended? I started noticing a few days ago, i didn't read about it and i was wondering if i should get used to it or it is a bug or something like lag. I'm playing SP for the record


I'm not experiencing any slowdown in switching items in the hand. No change was introduced that should effect that.

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There are Bucks and hogs in game that look like stags and pigs but will attack when damaged. The meat not dropping is a bug and the fix is in the next build.


Thanks much @xyth


Side note I love the new items you have added. laughed out loud last night when i found legos!


1 suggestion 1 request,


Suggestion: change icon for legos, looks like fruitypebbles, maybe do just 4-8 zoomed in more so you can tell what they are easier.


Request: LEGO trap!!!! make those frigging zombies walk over a bed of legos. Makes them aggro on nearest object, zombie, toon for 15 seconds.

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