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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Is there any way to reduce the fps drops / stuttering when play on Spider's official server?

There are usually 5 players average and I am playing with 2 of my friends there. I can play kinda normally for the first 15 minutes, then I suppose the memory leak starts destroying my PC and I can't do ♥♥♥♥ anymore.


My video settings are kinda medium. Uma textures set to low and basic textures to half resolution. SSAO and all other tick options are turned off. Shadows are set to high I think. Draw distance at 10.


Any advice is more than welcome!


8 GB ram

i5 4460

GTX 560 Ti 1GB Vram


Its your video card. That thing is really out dated, sorry to say. You run on medium, try low, no shadows, no sun shafts, low everything.

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Here we go. Lets see if we can crowd source a fix here. Anyone that gets bad lag in the forge can you please see if you get the same lag under the same circumstances in the blast furnaces please. You will need to have cheat open probably to test it. Let me know if there is any difference in performance, in it, with it smelting, with it crafting and with it smelting while crafting. Might have an idea for a optimization depending on the outcome... maybe. :)


Also FYI I will be gone next week so I'm not ignoring you or dead. Just headed somewhere warmer for a while :cool2:

I can do a patch before I leave if there is anything ya'll think really needs fixing before I go.

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BUG [or working as intended?]:


1. Place a random assortment of quality tires in your backpack, [lets say 10 for the example]


2. Open the fire menu and create 20 melted rubber by burning all 10 tyres. Its important to push the number to 10 making sure to use the number of items required feature available in the crafting menu [the box with the left/right arrows next to it]


The entire job should be only taking up a single job queue if you did the above step correctly.


3. Once the cooking begins, cancel the job and all the tires should be returned to your backpack, only this time all of the tires return to your pack with the exact same quality instead of the random assortment that was put into the job.

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Here we go. Lets see if we can crowd source a fix here. Anyone that gets bad lag in the forge can you please see if you get the same lag under the same circumstances in the blast furnaces please. You will need to have cheat open probably to test it. Let me know if there is any difference in performance, in it, with it smelting, with it crafting and with it smelting while crafting. Might have an idea for a optimization depending on the outcome... maybe. :)


Also FYI I will be gone next week so I'm not ignoring you or dead. Just headed somewhere warmer for a while :cool2:

I can do a patch before I leave if there is anything ya'll think really needs fixing before I go.


Actually i was able to fix the lag issue today with the forge/campfires. someone mentioned it is because the amount of recipe that were added are all being checked every second that it dropped my FPS, so i did what he mentioned and clicked the favorite star and the lag goes completely away. I can add a bunch of recipes to the Favorited list before it starts slowly dropping the fps in game, the more i click to favorites i can literally watch my fps drop like watching a gas gauge on a race car lol....


im currently averaging 86.3 fps @ 4k with gtx 1080

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Its your video card. That thing is really out dated, sorry to say. You run on medium, try low, no shadows, no sun shafts, low everything.


Only thing outdated is VRAM. I tested with shadows on high and way down to no shadows. No performance gain so the shadows aren't causing any problems. SSAO, sun shafts were already disabled. SSAO in this game is a performance hog because I use SSAO in other games and it runs fine. There isn't much I can do in the settings. I got a friend with 750 Ti 2 GB Vram and he has the same perfomance or sometimes even worse because of his FX 6100.


Yeah, if it was "really outdated" I wouldn't be able to play GTA Online on high settings with textures set to medium at around 40-50 fps. The card is almost at 1 GHz overclock.


If there aren't any tricks left to increase the performance then I guess we all have to wait for dem optimizations.

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3. Once the cooking begins, cancel the job and all the tires should be returned to your backpack, only this time all of the tires return to your pack with the exact same quality instead of the random assortment that was put into the job.


This is just an artifact of the crafting process. When you cancel, the game recreates 10 tires and the default 'quality' is 1. Pretty sure it will do this even if you just make 1 and cancel it. I don't think there is a solution to this outside of forcing us to scrap tires into some non-quality based item (rubber scraps?) and then use these in recipes. I like this solution, however, because it would make it feasible to collect tires while travelling (scrapping them along the way). Spider has mentioned he would like things like food and water to take up space, but not materials (wood, stone, etc) - so maybe it's worth adding a new item at some point. Ideally, I think the game needs a 'tool' check for your inventory to scrap certain items. Not sure if that can be coded.

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Spider, one adjustment i think is needed is the drop rate of sinew or change the crafting on the fishing line. I currently have over 900+ brain from hunting, but only 27 sinew, which takes 5 sinew to craft 1 lashing.. trying to carry out my profession as a fisherman, but the grinding just to make a fishing line is ungodly. Also i cannot get the nice fishing rod to trigger in the game, it will say the phrases that its a nice fishing area, but the icon never comes up to allow me to bait the rod and fish.... so i have to grind sinew to try to make the simple rod and try fishing again

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Here we go. Lets see if we can crowd source a fix here. Anyone that gets bad lag in the forge can you please see if you get the same lag under the same circumstances in the blast furnaces please. You will need to have cheat open probably to test it. Let me know if there is any difference in performance, in it, with it smelting, with it crafting and with it smelting while crafting. Might have an idea for a optimization depending on the outcome... maybe. :)


Also FYI I will be gone next week so I'm not ignoring you or dead. Just headed somewhere warmer for a while :cool2:

I can do a patch before I leave if there is anything ya'll think really needs fixing before I go.


Lag in both, it gets worst when smelting and even worst while crafting at the same time, but it completely goes away when turning off the recipes by hitting the favorites. So crazy lag when the recipes are shown and fine when there not there. Good Luck! :D


Update: It seems the lag starts around 10 recipes showen while smelting and crafting.



i7 4.2ghz 4790k

Strix 980 TI 6gb

16gb RAM

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Is there any way to reduce the fps drops / stuttering when play on Spider's official server?

There are usually 5 players average and I am playing with 2 of my friends there. I can play kinda normally for the first 15 minutes, then I suppose the memory leak starts destroying my PC and I can't do ♥♥♥♥ anymore.


My video settings are kinda medium. Uma textures set to low and basic textures to half resolution. SSAO and all other tick options are turned off. Shadows are set to high I think. Draw distance at 10.


Any advice is more than welcome!


8 GB ram

i5 4460

GTX 560 Ti 1GB Vram


I think your video card is what is hurting you. im running a gtx 1080 and my vram is nearly maxed out averaging between 6-7gb of usage

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Here's an idea I was thinking about today that maybe could be added if possible. So you know when you crouch you can tell if you're undetected, sensed or hunted. Well, what if that was removed for this mod and it showed nothing... I think it'd be alot more immersing and real true survival. Since irl you don't know if you're sensed or hunted or undetected. Just something I think would be really cool if possible. What do you guys think? :)... You'd never know if someone was in you. You'd have to pay more attention. Would like to know how to do this in my vanilla if anyone knows if spider doesn't add it here.

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Here's an idea I was thinking about today that maybe could be added if possible. So you know when you crouch you can tell if you're undetected, sensed or hunted. Well, what if that was removed for this mod and it showed nothing... I think it'd be alot more immersing and real true survival. Since irl you don't know if you're sensed or haunted or undetected. Just something I think would be really cool if possible. What do you guys think? :)


I use that feature a lot since I listen to audiobooks while I play, but I would second this.

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I think your video card is what is hurting you. im running a gtx 1080 and my vram is nearly maxed out averaging between 6-7gb of usage


I ran 7DTD till recently on a GTX560ti and had no problems playing the game whatsoever, so its highly unlikely its the video card that is your issue, i do have 20GB of RAM though, pretty sure memory is what voxels love to feast on!

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Im not an english writer so i will try to do this the most understandable , im enjoyning this mod alot man , when i try the 15.1 versiَn i was like damn this is a really good work , then i move to sdx version bam just no words real headshot system alot of features im not really give a fak about lag, I have a nice rig so if you wanna increase special zeds spawns and make moré of them spit, and hit more faster will be nice sorry for us guys :p stay on the road you are doing a really great job spider greetings man :)

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Windows Minimum



OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3)

Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core Cpu

Memory: 4GB RAM

Graphics: 512 Dedicated Memory

Direct X: Version 10

Network: Broadband internet connection

Hard Drive: 3 GB available space

Sound Card: Direct X compatible



Windows Recommended


OS: Windows 7 or Higher

Processor: 3.0 Ghz Quad Core CPU or faster

Memory: 6 GB RAM

Graphics: 2 GB Dedicated Memory

Direct X: Version 10

Network: Broadband internet connection

Hard Drive: 3 GB available space

Sound Card: Direct X compatible


Barely over the minimum , you will have choppy laggy game play, anything over the low settings.

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I ran 7DTD till recently on a GTX560ti and had no problems playing the game whatsoever, so its highly unlikely its the video card that is your issue, i do have 20GB of RAM though, pretty sure memory is what voxels love to feast on!


I can vouch for this. I had 8GB of RAM, one of the 4GB sticks was faulty so I bought 16GB(2x8), kept the 1 stick of 4GB, so now have 20GB in total, and it made SUCH a difference, far smoother gameplay, and that was running back on a Radeon Card that had around the same specs as the GTX560.

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Wrench drop rate is fine, once you find one, you steamroll the game anyway, so the longer its drawn out the better.


My gripe with the balance ATM is that there seems to be a really big hole in the mid-game. There seems to be a bunch of things to unlock early game and late game, but I found much of my mid was spent stockpiling SP because there is nothing to spend them on.


Dont get me wrong, I completely agree that there are certain things that cannot be unlocked early game in order to push end-game out, eg:iron/steel, but i would be more inclined to try to stop the whole 'craft hundreds of stone axes in order to gain levels' thing, and try to focus more on gaining XP repairing what tools you do have.


Gun balance is done pretty well too, im finding it really hard to get complete weapons together. But that brings me to my other gripe, the bandit camps need to stop respawning bandits. i find myself passing by the same bandit camps on my travels and wiping the population out, and their loot [whilst great the first time] is a bit too easy to attain once you realize they just constantly respawn inthe same place.

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I can vouch for this. I had 8GB of RAM, one of the 4GB sticks was faulty so I bought 16GB(2x8), kept the 1 stick of 4GB, so now have 20GB in total, and it made SUCH a difference, far smoother gameplay, and that was running back on a Radeon Card that had around the same specs as the GTX560.


It's time for 16 gigs of ram then haha. Thanks guys

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Not entirely sure if its a bug, but i have had 'electric wire' drop from destroying concrete and also wood frames, it isn't in the recipe for either, so i assume its probably a bug.


That should only happen in prefabs. If it's happening with stuff you've crafted, that's a bug. Otherwise, it is as intended (ripping the wiring out of a wall)

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