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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Was the map icon for mini bike removed? I used to see a bike icon when i was in range of it. Ive lost 3 mini bikes to the vanishing issue.


Yes, its commented out on the server side in the current release. Do you park the bike on player created blocks? I have never lost a bike when parked this way.

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Yes, its commented out on the server side in the current release. Do you park the bike on player created blocks? I have never lost a bike when parked this way.


Actually all 3 bikes were parked on prefab blocks. 2 different locations. 1 bike i found, appeared up on a roof, other 2 no luck.


What is the code?

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Actually all 3 bikes were parked on prefab blocks. 2 different locations. 1 bike i found, appeared up on a roof, other 2 no luck.


What is the code?[/quoteI


I carry frames or hay bales to park on, with ramps when i can make. Im not sure what you mean by prefab blocks, but it sounds like your using game generated blocks which eat bikes all day.

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Actually all 3 bikes were parked on prefab blocks. 2 different locations. 1 bike i found, appeared up on a roof, other 2 no luck.


What is the code?[/quoteI


I carry frames or hay bales to park on, with ramps when i can make. Im not sure what you mean by prefab blocks, but it sounds like your using game generated blocks which eat bikes all day.


Good point, it was a poi prefab.

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Feedback: I went from wood to concrete building, completely skipping cobble. I'm level 29, Day 26, and my primitive crafting is only around 25. I guess breaking down cars for iron leveled my Journeyman crafting way faster than wooden frames and log spikes. I think having cobble building around 30 would be better, cobble is still a joke to the Zeds anyway.

On a side note Spider, this mod is amazing and I'm in love with it. I completely appreciate every single detail of this mod, I can't imagine how much time was spent balancing this. Well Done! :D

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Feedback: I went from wood to concrete building, completely skipping cobble. I'm level 29, Day 26, and my primitive crafting is only around 25. I guess breaking down cars for iron leveled my Journeyman crafting way faster than wooden frames and log spikes. I think having cobble building around 30 would be better, cobble is still a joke to the Zeds anyway.

On a side note Spider, this mod is amazing and I'm in love with it. I completely appreciate every single detail of this mod, I can't imagine how much time was spent balancing this. Well Done! :D


Same with me - straight to cement from using the wrench.

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Feedback: I went from wood to concrete building, completely skipping cobble. I'm level 29, Day 26, and my primitive crafting is only around 25. I guess breaking down cars for iron leveled my Journeyman crafting way faster than wooden frames and log spikes. I think having cobble building around 30 would be better, cobble is still a joke to the Zeds anyway.


I will second this. I also skipped over Animal Hide armor. Seems like either they should be made available earlier, or their later counterparts later.

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Yes, I feel your pain. I find they are most troublesome when they are on a hillside, they clip into the terrain and are only able to be spotted half the time.




What do you think about allowing a sanitized bandages version of the poison recipe? Maybe 2 or 3 sanitized bandages and a jar as (you're basically wringing the alcohol out of them)?

Or a sanitized danage > grain alcohol conversion recipe?

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What do you think about allowing a sanitized bandages version of the poison recipe? Maybe 2 or 3 sanitized bandages and a jar as (you're basically wringing the alcohol out of them)?

Or a sanitized danage > grain alcohol conversion recipe?


As painful as it is, i still think that nothing regarding production of antivenom should change. Being poisoned should come with the potential of extremely dire consequences. To lighten this in any way would trivialize the mechanic. If the antivenom recipe does get changed, then the consequences of using it should become much harsher to compensate for its ease of attainment.


Perhaps something like: using antivenom causes stamina to drain at an alarming rate for a couple of in game days. This way it balances it out a little, putting pressure on the player to need to hole up and survive with what supplies they have for a serious amount of time.

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Stone knife [being a primitive weapon] should require Fibre Rope to make not Duct Tape. It should be the next logical progression from the Bone Shiv and should therefore be a relatively painful tool to use, but painless to make [same as the stone axe/shovel etc] with stats slightly better than the bone shiv. [perhaps use a bone in the recipe for the handle to end up with something like the picture below]


Perhaps give the knife a smidge more block damage and make it last much longer as well. Currently there is no benefit whatsoever to use a stone knife over a bone shiv [aside from the skills it trains], and that is a real shame. The stone knife also should be able to be repaired with stones, its created with 20 stones, so as far as lore is concerned, it kind of makes sense that you would use stones to rechip an edge on it at the expense of the shrinking blade size.


Bone shiv should be a thing of necessity, and something you use for the first few days only.



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I have a bit of feedback and it might be a bit longwinded. First let me say that this mod is incredible and I have had an insane amount of fun playing it.


Now that I think about it, I think my feedback might not even be related to this mod, but more the nature of 7D2D in general.


It's just that every time I play I lose the fun at the mid-game. There just isn't any more goal or challenge. Survival is easy, decapitating zombies in 1 hit is easy. I was the highest level player on Spider's official server as of a few days ago (59 I think)


I wasn't even close to Steel tools, but I crafted weapons (like TheShark) that would instantly decapitate zombies in 1 hit 90% of the time. And I had no points into the dismemberment perk. I could wade in to hordes of zombies at 0,0 in Iron Armor and with a few stims and med kits just slice through dozens of zombies.


What this does is make my desire for better weapons (guns, end game katana, steel tier stuff)-- completely disappear. Melee combat is trivial with mid-game weapons. Even with my crafted spiked clubs it was a 1- or 2- hit for most zombies. I had 100 archery and 100 melee at Level 55. I had no decent guns.


Some might say: Well wouldn't going for guns be motivation to keep playing? My answer would be hell yes! But the way the heatmap works, firing off a lot of rounds ends up with a never-ending cycle of screamers, cops, and eventually miners, military, etc zombies, enough to deplete ammo supply. And for what? What's the point? Running with an archery/melee combo keeps the heatmap low and kill count high.


I am realizing this is sounding ilke a complaint, I'm truly not complaining. I have a TON of fun playing this mod. I'm just recounting my experience of what happened when I hit mid-game. Maybe some people can make suggestions for other goals to keep me motivated at mid-level, something to make me desire end-game items. But to me, it felt like the mid-game items felt like I was using epic purple raidboss legendeary quest items. Any feedback/thoughts are welcome


Again, I really hope this doesn't come across as an accusation or complaint about the mod.

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Stone knife [being a primitive weapon] should require Fibre Rope to make not Duct Tape. It should be the next logical progression from the Bone Shiv and should therefore be a relatively painful tool to use, but painless to make [same as the stone axe/shovel etc] with stats slightly better than the bone shiv.


Perhaps give the knife a smidge more block damage and make it last much longer as well. Currently there is no benefit whatsoever to use a stone knife over a bone shiv [aside from the skills it trains], and that is a real shame. The stone knife also should be able to be repaired with stones, its created with 20 stones, so as far as lore is concerned, it kind of makes sense that you would use stones to rechip an edge on it at the expense of the shrinking blade size.


Bone shiv should be a thing of necessity, and something you use for the first few days only.


It is important to know that the bone shiv is NOT a hunting weapon - it doesn't not give bonus harvesting from animals and is ONLY a bladed weapon. The stone knife, however, is the first hunting tool.


Bone shivs are for stabbing zombies in the face, stone knives are for harvesting resources from dead animals.

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@Spider - possible bug?


Woodframeblocks have their max damage set to 50, overriding the wood_weak material maxdamage of 1000. However, other shapes like the wedge do not have this override so those frames have 1000 hp.


Also, base redwoodblock has 3000 hp, and upgrades to a 2000hp rwoodblock. Not sure if that's intended or not.

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Having played a few starts in this mods I have come to realize that if there is a god in this mod it has the shape of a wrench. No wrench, life suxs. With wrench, all things are possible.


The wrench is a prerequisite for the creation of most significant things, directly or indirectly. You cant make a wrench without an anvil, and that takes, well 1200 untis of iron. Its very tough getting 1200 units of iron is a reasonable amount of time without a wrench. With one its trivial. Catch 22. Sure, in theory if you pray long enough to the random gods you might find one, but per the loot tables its a very long shot at best. I have NEVER found one, though I'm sure someone luckier than I has. Also, the OldWrench NEVER drops. Its not in the loot.xml at all, unlike the other OLD items.


My estimation (Warning Maths) of getting a wrench drop is:





Working Stiff crate 1%

Lower kitchen cab (sink?) 3%

Car .1%

Specific Zeds (Worker types) .3%

Garage boxes .5%





The low drop rate is because the wrench only has a


chance of dropping in the tools lootgroup, which is then used in loot containers to calculate the containers loot drop.


This is very low for the item that is so critical to moving forward in this mod. Assuming my maths are correct, I recommend increasing the drop rate in the tools loot group to something higher, or better yet, making the OldWrench a possible and more likely drop.

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Having played a few starts in this mods I have come to realize that if there is a god in this mod it has the shape of a wrench. No wrench, life suxs. With wrench, all things are possible.


Yep, i have just come to the same conclusion, no wrench certainly shoehorns you into a specific place for a while. I'm currently just about to make a screwdriver though [thanks to the post above] in the hope that it will help me somewhat.

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I think it's not a problem that wrench is a rare thing. The live with a wrench is super easy.




I have a few apple trees. How can I get the apple form the trees?


I don't find the recept for the steak-knife in crafting menu. But I need to craft one in my quest.

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