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Bad Company Manager (ApiMod for Servers)


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dont no if it helps but i get this what booting up


2017-07-28T21:30:03 3.779 WRN Command with name "" already loaded, not loading from class BCCommandAbstract

2017-07-28T21:30:03 3.784 WRN Command with name "" already loaded, not loading from class BroadcastAPI

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ok, I'm trying a different method of doing the block changes to see if it helps with some issues, hopefully that resolves this too.


The warnings there are nothing. just means I haven't allocated a console string to those commands yet as the are not implemented

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ok, I'm trying a different method of doing the block changes to see if it helps with some issues, hopefully that resolves this too.


The warnings there are nothing. just means I haven't allocated a console string to those commands yet as the are not implemented


ok sweet the bug im getting it 100% with reloading cause if i do the loc then block 0 them move away then come back u can see the change





i dont under stand y but because on my test server it works 100% maybe has some thing to do with the other player


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ok sweet the bug im getting it 100% with reloading cause if i do the loc then block 0 them move away then come back u can see the change





i dont under stand y but because on my test server it works 100% maybe has some thing to do with the other player



yeah I've confirmed that it is players out of range that causes it to happen. I've wrapped everything up in try catch blocks so that if one player fails to reload it shouldn't break it for the others (just log the failed ones), as well as hopefully catching the offending line of code and checking for null first. The players out of range should even be getting blocks reloaded, so if this fails to stop the problem i'll have to put range limit on the reload.


I'm changing to SetBlockRPC in the hopes that eliminates the need for chunk reloads, but I need to test it with someone else tomorrow.


- - - Updated - - -


started to test ur mod - could u please add UNLOCKALL - what is in coppi mod? Thanks in advance!


That's on the todo list already :)

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Update Time




Reworked the entire list players commands

bc-lp is now the primary command, any other commands for list players will just be an alias for the various options of list players.

bc-lp /filters and bc-lp /index will list the available columns for use for the new /filter option (the first is by name, the second by int index)

bc-lp /filter=steamid,name,position,gamestage or bc-lp /filter=0,1,9,27 - new filter system allows you to list which fields to return in the data set. /filter is a csv (no spaces) of the columns or indexes

bc-gs is currently the only alias command set up. All other list player commands have been removed.

This format will be applied to the other list game object commands in the next release. The field names for list player should be pretty stable now, but if you plan to integrate the other commands hold of until they are updated as names will change.

Chat and console output options will get a bit of tidy up in next update, primary focus for recode is server managers.


All list commands default to json print pretty. To disable print pretty you can use /1l (one line) to get the result back as a single line of text. Alternatively edit your commands.xml to change the default options



bc-remove - remove entities of any type. Individually by entity id, or multiple entities with a type filter.

bc-remove <entityid>

bc-remove /type=EntityZombie (remove entities of type EntityZombie, exact match required)

bc-remove /istype=EntityEnemy (remove entities of type EntityEnemy, target type can be a parent type for the entity)

bc-remove /all - nuke everything except players, WARNING: not tested on MP server with others online)

bc-remove /type=EntityFallingBlock or bc-remove /type=EntityItem (handy for when massive falling chunks or dropped items lag the server)


bc-getspawn - gets a valid spawn point at the given location (handy for getting ground level when an air drop spawns since the reported spawn is up in the air)

This command also forces the chunk to load, and remain loaded until all players leave the server. This can be used to do block edit commands while nobody is online or in the region, or spawn entities etc. Future version will have additional options.


Entity Spawn Mutator - neuron - this currently reports the spawn pos of any new spawn (including falling blocks and dropped items), and can potentially manipulate the entities properties such as run speed, health, buffs etc. Let me know some ideas or requirements for this and I'll add some options.



Fixed issues with client chunk reloading. Please report any further issues encountered.

bc-wblocks - Sometimes has problems with multidim blocks, run the command twice to help overcome and blocks that don't render. Also applies for import

bc-wblocks - Sometimes causes console spam errors. If this happens run /undo to revert the changes (WARNING: This may break the server, please make backups of your regions regularly)


- - - Updated - - -


This update fixes the biggest issue with block and import, namely the chunk reloading code. It turns out I had everything working fine, and it was just a log out at the bottom trying to reference the updateFor list for a client that had no updates (without checking they exist first)


I tried the RPC version of the set block, but apart from making it a lot slower saw no better results for multidim block issues, so changed it back.

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I want to point out a feature that this mod has that goes unspoken a lot, and that's its extra ability to add NEW mods. An example.


One of the things the mod does is output a bit more text to the console when events happen. For instance, whenever an airdrop occurs, the vanilla output says where the crate was spawned at. That's pretty useless information.


THIS mod says where the crate will land. That's f'kin useful. Because I now have that y coordinate, I'm able to send a custom command that spawns a horde based on that location. I couldn't do that in vanilla. Well, I could, and although it's cool to see zombies fall out of the sky, it's useless.


So when people are looking at these mods, don't just look at what it does, look at what you could do with it.


Me, I wrote a custom app to listen to the telnet stream that when it sees that event indicator, it spawns zombies at that location.


Server managers are taking advantage of the features this badboy includes to not only improve the efficiency on their own commands, but to include new abilities as well.


So +1 to stompy for this.

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same as allocs, just place the folder in Mods


I forgot to mention, with the latest version I have created a DefaultConfigs folder, and if the commands.xml and system.xml don't exist in the Config folder the defaults will be used instead

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Potential Conflict - after updating Allocs, Coppi, and BC for 16.2, trying to spawn in a supply drop gives a console error. Deleting the BC manager from the server lets them spawn in as normal.


I've updated the releases with that event disabled for now. I was under the impression the chunk would always be loaded when the air drop onloaded event fired, but that appears to not be the case. I'll change it to a deferred notification that waits for the chunk to confirm it has loaded at some stage and re-enable once that is working.


if you don't need the spawn notification at all then disable the entityspawnmutator in System.xml for now

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Known Issue:


Linux servers break my code that finds the location of the Config folders.


Temporary fix, move the DefaultConfig and Config folders to the root of the Mods folder to get it working until I get a fix out.







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A handy tip for prefabbers using a remote server, create a symlink in allocs web server to point to your Prefabs folder


(windows version - change the path to match your server setup, in command console with run as admin)

cd "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Mods\Allocs_WebAndMapRendering\webserver"

mklink /D Prefabs "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Data\Prefabs"


if you run this, then you can use allocs web server to have download links for your prefabs


then you can download from:

http://<yourip>:<allocs_port>/static/Prefabs/prefabname.tts (or any file, .xml, .mesh etc)

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N00b question but I love your mod!


I install this on my dedicated server for my friends.

Do my friend need to have the mod install as well in order to join?


Edit: Aw, wrong mod. I thought this was just the bad company mod.

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