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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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7 hours ago, Sabziro33 said:

Здраствуйте, после обновления мода в столе исследователя пропала способность исследования 2 уровня. Подскажите в чем проблема?


You no longer craft T2 or T3 workstations, instead you upgrade them, hold E on a workstation you want to upgrade.

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17 hours ago, Subquake said:

Вы больше не создаете рабочие станции T2 или T3, вместо этого вы обновляете их, удерживая E на рабочей станции, которую хотите обновить.

Спасибо большое👍

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55 minutes ago, spouner said:

Hi Subquake 😃


Could you tell me what is the difference between the jackhammer and the drill please? because in the spec, both are +200 ore damage



Valk drill is the next tier up from jackhammer, it does ore and dirt type blocks (like vanilla auger).  Jackhammer just does ore type stuff (metal, stone etc), Auger just does dirt, etc.

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20 minutes ago, Matheus Henrique said:

hello all right my name is Matheus Henrique nice to meet you, I play mod undeady legacy Alpha 20.5 UL 2.5.82

I didn't find another level 2 ballistic table to make automatic shotgun, please fix it, thank you very much good work for you!!!

you have to upgrade the existing stations, hold E on a workstation, if it can be upgraded, there will be an option :) 

it's a unique feature only present in Undead Legacy, fairly recently introduced

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Undead Legacy is by far the best overhaul mod there is. Everything you’ve implemented is super clean, thought out, and just plain awesome.

I'm loooking forward to pretty much everything on your road map, and love that you have a commpunity suggestion section.


There is one thing I’ve always wish was more interesting…  The “Special Jobs” that traders send you on to go a new trader.



When a trader gives you the special job to go to:



Accepting the quest replaces that specific Hugh POI with a version overrun by animals (based on game stage and biome?).  When you arrive its basically a clear quest. After killing all the animals, you talk to Hugh to complete the quest and he will now interact with you as a trader.



Similar to Hugh, but Joel’s POI is over run by human survivors/bandits.



When you arrive, you have to defend Jen from X# of zombie waves (based on game stage and biome?) as she moves around her POI healing injured survivors.



When you arrive Rekt is drunk and even more of an a$$hole. You have to fist fight him and bring him down to X% health to defeat him and then he will interact with you as a trader.



The trader giving the quest to go to Bob needs their vehicle repaired. The vehicle breaks down X# of times on the way to Bob, each time you have to defend against a zombie wave.

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4 hours ago, hrshy said:

Hello, sorry if this is the wrong place to post. I've tried installing using the 7D2D Mod Launcher and have gotten this error on startup during menu load.

So far i read, the mod launcher got problems with installing this overhaul. I think because it need to copy stuff at different folder then just Mods.

But basicly you should look/ask that at the mod launcher topic, i hear the the newest version can do it.


But basicly it is very simple it install it manualy.


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It's too hard to get advanced repair kits and blueprints for the gyrocopter. I wonder if there is a specific drop location. (+ the merchant is incompetent)

And if you attach the scope to the hunting rifle, it works abnormally. It seems to be a bug.


+ A zombie called Shadow seems too over-balanced. I would like to increase the hit range a bit or shorten the duration of the blindness.

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2 hours ago, jojojun said:

It's too hard to get advanced repair kits and blueprints for the gyrocopter. I wonder if there is a specific drop location. (+ the merchant is incompetent)

And if you attach the scope to the hunting rifle, it works abnormally. It seems to be a bug.


+ A zombie called Shadow seems too over-balanced. I would like to increase the hit range a bit or shorten the duration of the blindness.

Undead Legacy does not have a zombie called Shadow, that's not part of base version of UL, you're playing with additional modlets - not my problem, sorry.


Advanced Repair Kits are end game stuff, so is gyrocopter, getting them in loot is rarer than normal repair kits and when you get them depends how high your loot stage level is. Traders sometimes sell them too. It is not a bug, it's intentional. Alternative way to repair vehicles is at the trader repair station or maintenance station, repair kit should be last resort for field repairs.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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@Subquake hi, help please.

Previously created a dedicated server with your mod on my pc, played with friends. And now, the new versions of UL do not allow me to play on my own server. All my friends can connect and I can not.


Note: Joining the server sometimes gives an error, sometimes the game just shut down, sometimes the console starts spamming red text


We were able to find a solution in order to play on a normal server (which is created on the client), but I would like to know if it is possible with your mods to create a dedicated server as before?

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3 hours ago, EndBringer said:

@Subquake hi, help please.

Previously created a dedicated server with your mod on my pc, played with friends. And now, the new versions of UL do not allow me to play on my own server. All my friends can connect and I can not.


Note: Joining the server sometimes gives an error, sometimes the game just shut down, sometimes the console starts spamming red text


We were able to find a solution in order to play on a normal server (which is created on the client), but I would like to know if it is possible with your mods to create a dedicated server as before?

Sorry to hear, that you have problems with your server. Yes it is possible to create a dedicated server and that should be the encouraged way to play 7 days to die in multiplayer. All you have to do is copy over the mod files to the root directory of the server, where the run script is at, just like as if you would install the mod manually for your client, if it's a linux server, there's more steps involved, more about that here: https://ul.subquake.com/servers

on other news, gokarts coming in next update as well:


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Sorry if i am in the wrong subpage but i thing i found a very disturbing "bug".

On my multiplayer session the time of the ore extractor doesent show up correctly.
the remaining time says 10675199116725:18:33:12.
i tried picking it up and reposition it, deleate the old drill and cheat a new one and restarted the Server.
nothing helped.
i dont know if it is a common or known problem, or if there is a solution already. 

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