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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (9/5/17)


I ran some tests and want to confirm that zombie gore blocks will in fact decay naturally and remove themselves after a period of roughly 16 - 20 in game hours. I have also fixed animal gore blocks to now properly decay as well.



-Changed doors can only use simple rotations

-Fixed animal gore now properly decays



-Slight increased loot chance for books

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I want to try this promissing mod after playing true survival. Is this mod supposed to be slow paced? I'm in day 5 and still using lvl 1 tools, blunt weapons just become lvl2 and other skills vary between lvl1-lvl5, mostly lvl 1.


Yes it is very slow leveling, you can get 1 or 2 maybe even 3 levels per day in any skill if you focus on that skill for the entire day. Reading two skill books will give you one full level in that particular skill.


Usually on beginning of day 2 I will have lvl 2 in construction tools lvl 2 in blunt weapons and sometimes lvl 3 in athletics for eg simply because I use my stone axe a lot in the first day and punch a lot of grass and smash a lot of zombies faces with the wood club and travel a fair distance with running.

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Update (9/6/17)


-Reduced chance to get infected for all stages of hygiene

-Reduced chance to get stunned to 0.25 from 0.4, 0.5 to 0.3


I swear to god the more I play the more I feel that these chances are not 100% accurate and need to be compensated for. It should feel like the chances were not changed and only that they working as initially intended due to "compensation" changes.


This is going to need more testing but for now I feel that something needed to be changed, I want hygiene to matter more, if you are only a little dirty or clean you should have a fairly low chance of infection but again chance is chance so its going to need a lot more testing.


I may even decide that if you are clean you have no chance for infection.

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Update (9/7/17)


Fixed a bunch of Items and Blocks so that they show up under the crafting groups that correspond with what skill group is affected by crafting them.



-Fixed rocket is now also under the Science group tab

-Fixed gasCan is now also under the Science group tab

-Fixed explodingCrossbowBolt is now under Ammo/Weapons, Science group tabs

-Fixed pipeBomb is now under Science group tab

-Fixed dynamite is now under Science group tab

-Fixed molotovCocktail is now under Science group tab

-Fixed steelDart is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab

-Fixed steelDart is now affected by craftSkillWeapons

-Fixed partsMaster is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab (Extended to all weapon parts)

-Fixed partsHandlebars is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsHandlebars is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsChainsaw_parts is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsChainsaw_parts is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsChainsaw_blade is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsChainsaw_blade is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsAuger_parts is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsAuger_parts is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsAuger_blade is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsAuger_blade is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed minibikeChassis is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed minibikeChassis is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed minibikeHandlebars is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed minibikeHandlebars is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsNailgun_frame is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsNailgun_frame is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsNailgun_receiver is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsNailgun_receiver is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsNailgun_parts is now under Tools/Traps group tab

-Fixed partsNailgun_parts is now affected by craftSkillTools

-Fixed partsNailgun_battery is now under Tools/Traps, Science group tabs

-Fixed partsNailgun_battery is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed partsCompoundBow_body is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab

-Fixed partsCompoundBow_grip is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab

-Fixed partsCompoundBow_parts is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab

-Fixed partsCompoundBow_string is now under Ammo/Weapons group tab

-Fixed gunPowder is now under Science,Ammo/Weapons,Tools/Traps group tabs

-Fixed gunPowder is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed smallEngine is now under Science group tab

-Fixed carBattery is now under Science group tab

-Fixed headlight is now under Science group tab

-Fixed headlight is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed solarCell is now under Science group tab

-Fixed solarCell is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed glue is now under Science group tab

-Fixed ductTape is now under Science group tab


(Probably missed a few and will go over them again)



-Fixed porchLight01 is now affected by craftSkillScience (All player crafted lights that are extended from this)

-Fixed streetLight01 is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed woodLogSpike1 is now under Tools/Traps group tab only

-Fixed barbedFence is now under Tools/Traps group tab only

-Fixed looseBoardsTrapBlock1x1 is now under Tools/Traps group tab only

-Fixed trapGlassBusinessCTRSheet1x1 is now under Tools/Traps group tab only

-Fixed industrialLight01 is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed autoTurret is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed shotgunTurret is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed generatorbank is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed switch is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed solarbank is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed batterybank is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed electricwirerelay is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed pressureplate is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed speaker is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed electrictimerrelay is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed bladeTrap is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed dartTrap is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed pressureplateLong is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed spotlightPlayer is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed tripwirepost is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed electricfencepost is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Fixed motionsensor is now affected by craftSkillScience

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Update (9/7/17)



-Fixed workbench is now under Building/Basics tab group



-Fixed bandage is now under Basics tab group only

-Fixed firstAidBandage is now under Science tab group only

-Fixed firstAidKit is now under Science tab group only

-Fixed electricParts is now under Resources,Tools/Traps tabs

-Fixed electronicParts is now under Resources,Tools/Traps tabs

-Fixed mechanicalParts is now under Resources,Tools/Traps tabs

-Fixed feather is now under Resources,Ammo/Weapons tabs

-Fixed ironArrowHead is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed steelArrowHead is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed buckshot is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed bulletCasing is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed bulletTip is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed nail is now under Resources,Ammo/Weapons tabs

-Fixed rocketTip is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed rocketCasing is now under Ammo/Weapons tab only

-Fixed repairKit is now under Resources,Science tabs

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Update (9/7/17)



-Changed Electricity Basics now unlocks with level 10 of each of its required skills instead of lvl 5

-Do It Yourself Perk now unlocks mechanical parts and springs



-Changed Mechanical parts is now under the Resources tab only

-Changed Mechanical parts is now affected by craftSkillMiscellaneous

-Changed spring is now under the Resources tab only

-Changed spring is now affected by craftSkillMiscellaneous

-Changed electricParts is now under Resources,Science tabs

-Changed electricParts is now affected by craftSkillScience

-Changed electronicParts is now under Resources,Science tabs

-Changed electronicParts is now affected by craftSkillScience

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Update (9/7/17)



-Fixed stick spikes now can cause infection if you bleed out for long enough, the cleaner you are the longer you have to bandage the wound before infection

-Fixed log spikes now can cause infection if you bleed out for long enough, the cleaner you are the longer you have to bandage the wound before infection

-Fixed barbed fence now can cause infection if you bleed out for long enough, the cleaner you are the longer you have to bandage the wound before infection

-Fixed Steel Spike now can cause infection if you bleed out for long enough, the cleaner you are the longer you have to bandage the wound before infection

-Fixed Steel Fire Spike now can cause infection if you bleed out for long enough, the cleaner you are the longer you have to bandage the wound before infection


Bandaging the bleeding wound before this timer expires will avoid infection. Bleeding does make you dirtier over time however the infection time interval is based of of how dirty you were when the bleeding buff initially occurred.

Clean 30 seconds

Dirty 15 seconds

Grimy 10 seconds

Filthy 5 seconds

Infectious 1 second (nearly impossible and guaranteed infection)

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Funny, I'm the only one how liked your nutrition system after all.

But I will give the newest updates a chance.


Before I played the mod very long with one character. I think till day 90 or more. But the frustrating thing was, I killed about 5000 zombies and never come to a lvl from every weapon higher than 21. So, you can play so long you want you never will make an electric weapon ie. (to get lvl 90 in blade weapons you have to paly a realtimeyear every day!!) by your self or a sniper. Also the half of my weapon lvl's came from books I bought from traders. At the point you can produce Ak's or Rocketlauncher you can easily make many money to buy them.

So till the point I could make the money I really bought all weapon-books and blueprints I could get, but I never got over lvl 21 in every weapon. So it would be really cool if there where a way to get to the higher weapon classes. ie. with very rare receipts books you can find. Why not making a spike club which is brown or organe? Or you dived between producing a weapon and the ability to repair it. So you could repair higher weapons you found, but you can't produces them.



Also I figured out, that your system of making weapon parts by your self is much more powerful than the combine station. With combine station you have to collect the weapon items to combine them. With your system you just can leave the parts where they are, because you can make them every time you like.


Just some thoughts.

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Funny, I'm the only one how liked your nutrition system after all.

But I will give the newest updates a chance.


Before I played the mod very long with one character. I think till day 90 or more. But the frustrating thing was, I killed about 5000 zombies and never come to a lvl from every weapon higher than 21. So, you can play so long you want you never will make an electric weapon ie. (to get lvl 90 in blade weapons you have to paly a realtimeyear every day!!) by your self or a sniper. Also the half of my weapon lvl's came from books I bought from traders. At the point you can produce Ak's or Rocketlauncher you can easily make many money to buy them.

So till the point I could make the money I really bought all weapon-books and blueprints I could get, but I never got over lvl 21 in every weapon. So it would be really cool if there where a way to get to the higher weapon classes. ie. with very rare receipts books you can find. Why not making a spike club which is brown or organe? Or you dived between producing a weapon and the ability to repair it. So you could repair higher weapons you found, but you can't produces them.



Also I figured out, that your system of making weapon parts by your self is much more powerful than the combine station. With combine station you have to collect the weapon items to combine them. With your system you just can leave the parts where they are, because you can make them every time you like.


Just some thoughts.


Yeah i prefer that you can craft all weapon parts, instead of combine them. Once you reach a level of being able to craft 600 quality weapon parts you can make whatever you need so long as you already have the mold made for it.


I may revisit this but I think I like it much more than the combine window because the combine window allows you to get 600 quality tools and weapons from day 1 so long as you have a workbench to do it at.


Also leveling skills is linear an I get at minimum 2 levels for whatever skill i am focusing on for the day so I can easily get to lvl 100 in blade weapons if I continue to murder zombies with a blade weapon... Idk what you mean exactly by it not going higher than 21. Maybe an update caused an issue when I removed the nutrition system. Removing buffs that are on a character will cause some issues.


And yes the purchasing books for skills is something I want, I want the trader and trade system to feel like it really has purpose and what you have just told me makes me think I have accomplished that.


And I am happy you liked the nutrition system I put over 100 hours into it to finally scrap it because I didn't like it lol. If you want I can send you the code for it.

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Yeah i prefer that you can craft all weapon parts, instead of combine them. Once you reach a level of being able to craft 600 quality weapon parts you can make whatever you need so long as you already have the mold made for it.


I may revisit this but I think I like it much more than the combine window because the combine window allows you to get 600 quality tools and weapons from day 1 so long as you have a workbench to do it at.


Also leveling skills is linear an I get at minimum 2 levels for whatever skill i am focusing on for the day so I can easily get to lvl 100 in blade weapons if I continue to murder zombies with a blade weapon... Idk what you mean exactly by it not going higher than 21. Maybe an update caused an issue when I removed the nutrition system. Removing buffs that are on a character will cause some issues.


And yes the purchasing books for skills is something I want, I want the trader and trade system to feel like it really has purpose and what you have just told me makes me think I have accomplished that.


And I am happy you liked the nutrition system I put over 100 hours into it to finally scrap it because I didn't like it lol. If you want I can send you the code for it.



No you can't combine at day 1 items to 600. Try vanilla. You have a limit depending on your skill-lvl. Also you can make a combine-workbench with an own perks.(see valmod)



No, there was no issue with leveling. The leveling of the weapons are so slow, that you never will reach lvl 100 in a reasonable time.


Maybe you could increase the probability for finding blue papers. In 90 day I found about 25 more or less, that are 5 books, 2 and a half lvl of what ever. Not so many.

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No you can't combine at day 1 items to 600. Try vanilla. You have a limit depending on your skill-lvl. Also you can make a combine-workbench with an own perks.(see valmod)



No, there was no issue with leveling. The leveling of the weapons are so slow, that you never will reach lvl 100 in a reasonable time.


Maybe you could increase the probability for finding blue papers. In 90 day I found about 25 more or less, that are 5 books, 2 and a half lvl of what ever. Not so many.


I will look into the combine option more then but I think I still prefer the molds and crafting timers rather than instant transform and once you have earned that level I feel its no issue that you can make them any time you want this is geared towards servers so that people who focused on a certain skill can offer that skills related items to others. That is also why I like the slow leveling and feel its perfect.


I want it to take a super long time to get to 100 but like i said I can get 2 to 3 levels per day in a skill by focusing on it for that day and since its linear progression it does not get longer the higher the level you are so I can consistently get 2 to 3 levels per day all the way to 100.


I will probably reduce the amount of required schematic pages for crafting skill books to make up for low probability but I have found 2 in 1 day from loot so I probably wont adjust the probabilities since those are really hard to test and get perfect.


Its MMO RPG Leveling it should take hundreds of hours to get to full 100 in all skills. But like you said books will speed that up drastically at the trader. So again a nice balance.

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-exception "buff named bleeding wound....." Have to force-quit the game. But I had no wound, I just took a bath in a lake.



"Excewption Buff named bleeding woundActivatorClean.woundActivatorDirty.woundActivatorGrimy.woundActivatorFilthy.woundActivatorinfectous dows not exist" (try to read it...)


can't paly anymore, because it's while I'm starting

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-exception "buff named bleeding wound....." Have to force-quit the game. But I had no wound, I just took a bath in a lake.




- - - Updated - - -


Update (9/7/17)



-Fixed NRE for wound activation buffs



-Changed barter skill increases per level


- - - Updated - - -


-exception "buff named bleeding wound....." Have to force-quit the game. But I had no wound, I just took a bath in a lake.



"Excewption Buff named bleeding woundActivatorClean.woundActivatorDirty.woundActivatorGrimy.woundActivatorFilthy.woundActivatorinfectous dows not exist" (try to read it...)


can't paly anymore, because it's while I'm starting


Yeah it should be fixed now. I reproduced your error with my own game then made the fix and reloaded my game fine.

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I cant play everyday all day, so the lvl progression is a lil to slow for me. I cant get many lvls per day, cause i have a job, family...and need to sleep.


I too liked the nutrition system tho



Once your mod gets to a point where theres almost no chance of a world wipe, ill feel better about the extremely long grind lol

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I cant play everyday all day, so the lvl progression is a lil to slow for me. I cant get many lvls per day, cause i have a job, family...and need to sleep.


I too liked the nutrition system tho


By per day I mean in game day, so playing for an hour will get you 3 levels in a skill, skill books level you up super fast as well. I dont think I am going to be changing the speed of leveling. Especially since I finally got everything balanced to where I love it and especially when I increased book drop rate in book cases and you can buy them at the trader. Also the new addition of the utility workers also allows for collecting schematic pages fairly frequently as well. I see electrified utility works all the time and are easy to spot even at a distance.

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Speaking of the electrified zombies, is there a way to tone down the sound effect? Its awesome...but too loud IMO


I can try but usually sound volume is not really adjustable like you would think it should be.


Also if you dont spend all night in base you can level up even faster since zombies are blind as hell in the dark, but animals arnt so be careful but you can easily level construction tools and mining tools all night.


Also you should be able to get 100 in a skill by day 30 to 50 if you focus on those skills. Secondary skills can be focused on after like guns and armor. You can also freely purchase crafting skills with points cause points are unlimited with the added repeat zombie quest you get. That is all without skill books too so if you can get a few skill books a day or week then that speeds it up that much more.

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