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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (7/23/17)


Minimalist UI V2 added to UI version pack


I was not a huge fan of the heart symbol so I decided to make this version as well, let me know what you guys think.





I like it a lot! are you releasing this as a stand alone UI?

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Update (7/24/17)


I made the following tweaks based off of this thread



-Changed zombie sight range to 60 cause why not I want them to see you and I want things to be harder, should help wandering hordes as well

-Changed zombie SightScale which is basically there ability to see you based off of your light level, I have not tested this yet but I will be, I still want stealth to be a factor I just want it balanced properly.

-Changed TimeStayAfterDeath to 3 seconds for zombie bodies, cause again why not if you can still loot their gore piles anyways, I dont see any real need for their ragdolling bodies to stick around anymore anyways, in the past you could only get loot from their bodies and that made for a urge too loot before they disappeared, now that is gone anyways and I cant bring it back so this might be the best way for me to do that, the sooner they turn to corpse blocks the sooner they disappear and the sooner you loose the chance for loot.

-Removed invisible animal



-Changed invisible animals to be zombies to thin the heard by actually giving you zombies to fight in a zombie game whoda thunk it


I did not however increase the range of zombie attacks as suggested in this thread simply because your mileage may vary with issues when it comes to that.


And particle effects have already been redone for the biomes so that should be fine.

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Update (7/24/17)


I made the following tweaks based off of this thread



-Changed zombie sight range to 60 cause why not I want them to see you and I want things to be harder, should help wandering hordes as well

-Changed zombie SightScale which is basically there ability to see you based off of your light level, I have not tested this yet but I will be, I still want stealth to be a factor I just want it balanced properly.

-Changed TimeStayAfterDeath to 3 seconds for zombie bodies, cause again why not if you can still loot their gore piles anyways, I dont see any real need for their ragdolling bodies to stick around anymore anyways, in the past you could only get loot from their bodies and that made for a urge too loot before they disappeared, now that is gone anyways and I cant bring it back so this might be the best way for me to do that, the sooner they turn to corpse blocks the sooner they disappear and the sooner you loose the chance for loot.

-Removed invisible animal



-Changed invisible animals to be zombies to thin the heard by actually giving you zombies to fight in a zombie game whoda thunk it


I did not however increase the range of zombie attacks as suggested in this thread simply because your mileage may vary with issues when it comes to that.


And particle effects have already been redone for the biomes so that should be fine.


It's kinda funny, I've been doing the same thing with the zeds just slightly different. I did change the particles up in the biomes a touch and it does run better with little change to the biome vibe.


I changed all the 7's to 14 but in the:



<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="14"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_hotembers" ChunkMargin="1"/>



<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="14"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="17"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_hotembers" ChunkMargin="1"/>


Still get a good vibe.

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It's kinda funny, I've been doing the same thing with the zeds just slightly different. I did change the particles up in the biomes a touch and it does run better with little change to the biome vibe.


I changed all the 7's to 14 but in the:



<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="14"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_hotembers" ChunkMargin="1"/>



<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="14"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="21"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="17"/>

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_hotembers" ChunkMargin="1"/>


Still get a good vibe.


Yeah I really like what you did with the particle effects I wouldn't change them even for performance reasons but its good to know that your changes also make it run smoother too.


I am currently testing sight range and how well they see you based off of light level because the 60 range was too much and I had already given the zombies 360 degree vision because of wandering hordes being so dumb. So I found that sight range of 40 feels a lot better. Still need to test light levels now though.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (7/24/17)


-Changed zombie sight range to 40

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there is a bonus level above that.

You have a concept but cant make it do what you want :(


Lol yeah there is always that, wish I could rotate the fill direction but that does not seem to be possible. I can flip the image but not the fill direction of radial360 which makes radial 180 or raidal90 completely useless at least from what I have tried. And another thing is Idk what the difference is between fill="0" and fill="1" they seem to not change anything.

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UI Minimalist mild V2


Hi Clockwork, i'm first time poster although have been playing 7days for around a year or so. I'm one of the lurkers :smile-new:


I'm currently playing your mod single player and i'm running the compo pack version from spheri's launcher. Having a blast i might add!

I saw your recent posts regarding the UI's you have been working on and liked the look of UI Minimalist mild V2 so...


I downloaded it and copy pasted the 2 folders (data and config) into my modded version but when i re-started the game the original version (the wristwatch) was still the UI.


Now i know you mentioned something about editing a file to make it work but i'm a bit thick when it comes to all that.


Any help you can provide to enable me to have the new UI on would be greatly appreciated.


Lastly, the biomes you have done are just fantastic, far more realistic than vanilla!


Cheers Snappy

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Hi Clockwork, i'm first time poster although have been playing 7days for around a year or so. I'm one of the lurkers :smile-new:


I'm currently playing your mod single player and i'm running the compo pack version from spheri's launcher. Having a blast i might add!

I saw your recent posts regarding the UI's you have been working on and liked the look of UI Minimalist mild V2 so...


I downloaded it and copy pasted the 2 folders (data and config) into my modded version but when i re-started the game the original version (the wristwatch) was still the UI.


Now i know you mentioned something about editing a file to make it work but i'm a bit thick when it comes to all that.


Any help you can provide to enable me to have the new UI on would be greatly appreciated.


Lastly, the biomes you have done are just fantastic, far more realistic than vanilla!


Cheers Snappy


Hey Snappy, glad you are enjoying the mod, first off you wont have to edit any files at all, just make sure that you have fully installed the main mod first and have placed all files in their proper directories, then after that you can choose to switch to any other Ui version simply by replacing the windows.xml file found inside the XUi folder, it sounds to me like you may have put a folder in the wrong spot or have a file in the wrong spot.


One thing I did not do is supply full path directories for the UI Version pack I simply made the XUi folder to show people that the windows.xml file goes in that folder. The XUi folder is inside your Config folder. So after you install the full mod and get that all working properly then just take the new windows.xml file form the UI version you want and copy and replace it with the existing windows.xml file inside the XUi folder.


Let me know if you get it working, worst case scenario if you cant figure it out is I will tell you how to require the vanilla files so you can try a reinstall form scratch.


After you get it working I will make full path directories for the Ui Version pack as well to make things easier.


Also it might be easier to manually install the new UI instead of using the launcher that might be what caused the issue, the Launcher will install the main mod properly but wont install the New Ui's properly until i set up full path directories for it. And I am scared to update the path directories now until you get this fixed as to not create more confusion lol


It also sounds to me like you have downloaded the UI Versions for the vanilla game not the one for my mod, I have two separate UI Version mods available the one for my ACP mod is downloaded form the main mod page here and the one for vanilla users is the Clockwork UI's Mod totally separate mod.

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Update (7/23/17)


Minimalist UI V2 added to UI version pack


I was not a huge fan of the heart symbol so I decided to make this version as well, let me know what you guys think.





I am definitely a fan of this UI more than the old version. If it wasn't so small and hard to read it could be better, but this looks much more interesting.


Love the mod, runs excellent on my and Wolverine's server.

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Update (7/24/17)


+A Clockwork Project Ui Versions


-Added full path directories so it should be easier to figure out how to switch to any different UI you want.

-To switch to any new UI all you have to to is change what windows.xml file you are using. The windows.xml file is located in the Data/Config/XUi folder


- - - Updated - - -


I am definitely a fan of this UI more than the old version. If it wasn't so small and hard to read it could be better, but this looks much more interesting.


Love the mod, runs excellent on my and Wolverine's server.


Great to hear DarkKlotz, glad you guys are enjoying the mod, I can defiantly make the icons larger but I was afraid to make them too big as to create the same issue some have with the watch, that it takes up too much room.

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Hey Snappy, glad you are enjoying the mod, first off you wont have to edit any files at all, just make sure that you have fully installed the main mod first and have placed all files in their proper directories, then after that you can choose to switch to any other Ui version simply by replacing the windows.xml file found inside the XUi folder, it sounds to me like you may have put a folder in the wrong spot or have a file in the wrong spot.


One thing I did not do is supply full path directories for the UI Version pack I simply made the XUi folder to show people that the windows.xml file goes in that folder. The XUi folder is inside your Config folder. So after you install the full mod and get that all working properly then just take the new windows.xml file form the UI version you want and copy and replace it with the existing windows.xml file inside the XUi folder.


Let me know if you get it working, worst case scenario if you cant figure it out is I will tell you how to require the vanilla files so you can try a reinstall form scratch.


After you get it working I will make full path directories for the Ui Version pack as well to make things easier.


Also it might be easier to manually install the new UI instead of using the launcher that might be what caused the issue, the Launcher will install the main mod properly but wont install the New Ui's properly until i set up full path directories for it. And I am scared to update the path directories now until you get this fixed as to not create more confusion lol


It also sounds to me like you have downloaded the UI Versions for the vanilla game not the one for my mod, I have two separate UI Version mods available the one for my ACP mod is downloaded form the main mod page here and the one for vanilla users is the Clockwork UI's Mod totally separate mod.



Thanks for getting back to me. I now have the UI working ... but.


It seems to be something to do with the launcher as you rightly guessed. Every time i copy the new file over and the run the game (from launcher) the launcher then overwrites the new file with the original. The only way i could get round this was to launch ACP manually.


A small price to pay for a great looking UI though :smile-new:


Thanks again Snappy

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Update (7/24/17)


Semi Important!



-I had to rename an Icon because I am an idiot and spelt health wrong, this is going to require you to do at least 1 of 2 things

-First things and most important thing is to update your item icons, this will add a new item icon named ui_game_symbol_health2

-Second thing you should do is properly locate the misspelled item icon and delete it (ui_game_symbol_helath2), or simply find that Item Icon and rename it and you wont have to update them.

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Update (7/24/17)


+Windows (All Minimalist Ui variants V1 and V2 mild and extreme)

-Removed xml file color coding to use my colored UI Symbols only, this improves the color of all the symbols

-Simply update and replace whatever windows.xml file you are using



Note: Tomorrow I will be updating both Minimalist V2 Ui's to use my new food symbol which is smaller and looks a lot nicer and I will also make the icons a bit larger so they are easier to see.

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Update (7/24/17)


Screw it I cant stop :)


Updated both Minimalist V2 Ui's, (only the V2's Mild and extreme, V1 still uses the large food icon)



-Added new food icons

-Fixed wrapping on level icon just update it and it will prompt you to replace it, probably best to just copy and replace all item icons to make sure nothing gets messed up



-Changed food icon

-Increased size of icons slightly and moved them up a touch



This is what the new Minimalist V2 UI will look like for both extreme and mild only the extreme version will not have any text on screen!


This also shows the color changes I just made in my previous update, if you preferred the more over saturated colors I can easily add back the color coding in the xml files!



You can also right click the picture to view a larger scale!










Here is what it would look like if I added back the color coding in the xml file!





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I have the UI working now. You was right about starting from the launcher. Starting the game manually solved the problem.


Thanks very much for your help :smile-new:


Ha ha your posts showed up now for some reason I did not see them until now lol, glad you got it working!


I talked with Spherii today and everything should be set up to work with the launcher now! :)

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Ha ha your posts showed up now for some reason I did not see them until now lol, glad you got it working!


I talked with Spherii today and everything should be set up to work with the launcher now! :)


Hehe great news.


A quick question for you.


I've crafted a compost collector and placed and added compost. Is it just case now of waiting for the block to change to a collection state? At the moment it just resembles a wood log/block and i'm unable to interact with it.

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Hehe great news.


A quick question for you.


I've crafted a compost collector and placed and added compost. Is it just case now of waiting for the block to change to a collection state? At the moment it just resembles a wood log/block and i'm unable to interact with it.


Yup it takes a while for it to upgrade to a full composter, it will look like a reinforced wood version when its ready to collect.


Also as a side note the dew collector does not need to be upgraded or anything and it will not look any different when its ready for collection so just check in on it once in a while. :)

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I have an idea but want to run it by everyone who uses the mod first, so if you have an opinion please make sure to let me know.


I was thinking about adding occasional land mines to the wasteland biome the same way birds nests are generated in biomes so you might end up walking on them, but I was also thinking about making defuser kits as well so you can disarm land mines. The defuser kits are going to happen for sure but I want to know what you think about me adding mines to the wasteland biome?


I was thinking this would be one good way to make people want to go to the wasteland so they can get mines once they get defuser kits

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I have an idea but want to run it by everyone who uses the mod first, so if you have an opinion please make sure to let me know.


I was thinking about adding occasional land mines to the wasteland biome the same way birds nests are generated in biomes so you might end up walking on them, but I was also thinking about making defuser kits as well so you can disarm land mines. The defuser kits are going to happen for sure but I want to know what you think about me adding mines to the wasteland biome?


I was thinking this would be one good way to make people want to go to the wasteland so they can get mines once they get defuser kits





Sounds like a 'blast' :smile-new:

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