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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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One of the bugs I fixed locally, but posting the fix here, is a durability issue. I resolved the issue by adding the line property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600", to the attribute section of the appropriate armor piece. IF you look at the cloth pieces you will notice that they have this, then look at the leather, iron, ... and notice how some might have it (boots) and some don't (leatherJacket). The end result was that when you have max skill producing level 600 piece, that the durability is also 600. I believe you need to also double check the clothing too (fiber, hide, and scrap) I forget if they were needing fixing or not.



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Thanks for all the fixes and continuous updates.

This may have been discussed previously, but it's a long thread to dig and find out.

Last night I was in a building and for some RNG reason I was looting a ton of boots. Of course inventory got full very fast.

Shouldn't boots be able to scrap to leather, or is this a logic decision to not allow it by the developers?


Thanks again for all the hard work.


I have not changed anything with loot chances or loot tables to change what you will receive when looting at all.


I think you may be referring to the worn boots, and these have been considered as cloth forever and a day. There are still a few things that need addressing it seems and as for "logic" decision no I dont think much if any thought was put towards it, the "logical" thing to do is simply allow them to be scrapped at least. All items that use a scrapable material should be allowed to be scrapped, I will look into fixing the different clothing items even further.




One of the bugs I fixed locally, but posting the fix here, is a durability issue. I resolved the issue by adding the line property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600", to the attribute section of the appropriate armor piece. IF you look at the cloth pieces you will notice that they have this, then look at the leather, iron, ... and notice how some might have it (boots) and some don't (leatherJacket). The end result was that when you have max skill producing level 600 piece, that the durability is also 600. I believe you need to also double check the clothing too (fiber, hide, and scrap) I forget if they were needing fixing or not.





Thanks for pointing that out I will go through all of the clothing and armor and give them a good look.


Thanks for posting guys! :)

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Update (1/26/16)




Fixed missing attributes


miningHelmet: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

leatherPants: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

leatherJacket: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

leatherHood: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

ironBoots: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

ironLegArmor: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

ironChestArmor: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

ironHelmet: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

leatherGloves: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

ironGloves: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

cowboyHat: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

wornBoots: Fixed added missing <property name="Weight" value="5" /> worn boots are now scrap-able

animalHidePants: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

animalHideJacket: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

animalHideHood: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

animalHideGloves: Fixed added missing <property name="DegradationMax" value="40,600" />

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I do use Git and I keep track of every change. I just forgot to update the txt file when I pushed the update so the version txt file was a bit behind on the push.


The version txt files is purely for the users benefit of knowing they are in fact up to date and since it is a new thing I just started doing I forgot to include a version change to the txt file with my last update and include that version number in the update notes that I posted here.


You will see what I mean in the next update if I have to fix anything else.

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Hi Clockwork,

I've loaded your Decorate mod and I mentioned to you earlier that Im having errors with water. For one thing, as we build on this lake ( a whole community of us are doing lake houses) we are getting some strange reactions with water. Blocks are disappearing and it makes the water look weird so we get water elsewhere and try to fill in the blank spots. Today I was doing that and checked the console and a whole field of red greeted me. I'm not sure where the error logs are to show but here's a console screenie 57331696_blockerrors.jpg.e7a240c98e7f94b2f47fa79dd2795449.jpg


Damnit I posted full size but it shrunk it so you can't see the errors. Can you tell me the path to the logs I need?

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Update (1/25/16)


I have now fixed hide clothing to now scrap into animal hide



animalHide: Added to materials to allow for scrapping of animal hide clothing



animalHide: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from organic
               Added <property name="RepairAmount" value="20" /> to allow for repairing animal hide clothing
               Added <property name="Weight" value="5" /> to allow for proper scrapping of animal hide clothing

animalHideBoots: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from leather
                       Changed reapair material to <property name="RepairTools" value="animalHide" /> from leather

animalHidePants: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from leather
                       Changed reapair material to <property name="RepairTools" value="animalHide" /> from leather

animalHideJacket: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from leather
                        Changed reapair material to <property name="RepairTools" value="animalHide" /> from leather

animalHideHood: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from leather
                      Changed reapair material to <property name="RepairTools" value="animalHide" /> from leather

animalHideGloves: Changed material to <property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from leather
                        Changed reapair material to <property name="RepairTools" value="animalHide" /> from leather




Added recipe to allow for scraping animal hide clothing into animal hide


<recipe name="animalHide" count="1" scrapable="False" tooltip="ttScrapMetalBrass" >
       <wildcard_forge_category />

I just figured this out this morning.. I wish I had of looked 2 days ago..

May I make a suggestion?


Remove the weight values so that they are based upon ingredient usage and add the weight value to the animalHide. May also want to add an exp value and crafting time.


   <item id="372" name="animalHide">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Crafting/animal_hide" />
       <property name="Material" value="hide" /> [color="#FFFF00"](I ended up creating the material as hide, adjust to yours)[/color]
       <property name="RepairAmount" value="25" /> [color="#FFFF00"](A little higher than leather since 1 hide = 2 leather)[/color]
       <property name="HoldType" value="21" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="250" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="12" />
       <property name="Group" value="Resources" />
<property name="Weight" value="5" /> [color="#00FF00"](Also remove weights from crafted items)[/color]
<property name="CraftingIngredientExp" value="2"/> [color="#FFFF00"](1 is default, adjust as you see fit)[/color]
<property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="1"/> [color="#FFFF00"](see above)[/color]
       <property class="Preview">
           <property name="Zoom" value="28" />
           <property name="Pos" value="0,-0.05" />
           <property name="Rot" value="90,45,0" />

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I will leave the the crafting exp at its default and not add anything in regards to that, also I think that there is nothing wrong with the crafting ingredient time that it currently already has.


I did however do as you suggested and removed the weight values from the animal hide clothing to keep it the same as the other clothing, I should have noticed that the first time I fixed it, and I increased the repair amount of animal hide to 25 from 20 no big deal seems reasonable.


Thanks for posting!

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Update (1/27/16)


Version 1.03



animalHide: Fixed <property name="RepairAmount" value="25" /> from 20

animalHideBoots: Fixed removed weight value to allow for proper scraping output

animalHidePants: Fixed removed weight value to allow for proper scraping output

animalHideJacket: Fixed removed weight value to allow for proper scraping output

animalHideHood: Fixed removed weight value to allow for proper scraping output

animalHideGloves: Fixed removed weight value to allow for proper scraping output


- - - Updated - - -


Hi Clockwork,

I've loaded your Decorate mod and I mentioned to you earlier that Im having errors with water. For one thing, as we build on this lake ( a whole community of us are doing lake houses) we are getting some strange reactions with water. Blocks are disappearing and it makes the water look weird so we get water elsewhere and try to fill in the blank spots. Today I was doing that and checked the console and a whole field of red greeted me. I'm not sure where the error logs are to show but here's a console screenie


Damnit I posted full size but it shrunk it so you can't see the errors. Can you tell me the path to the logs I need?


Anything related to my mod should be posted on my mod thread. And I can only say that I have not changed anything with water or the water bucket at all and I have tested moving tons of water around using a bucket and several buckets and could not reproduce any error. the error log is here Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data output_log.txt

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I will leave the the crafting exp at its default and not add anything in regards to that, also I think that there is nothing wrong with the crafting ingredient time that it currently already has.
Agreed and for vanilla agreed more. I added the xp increase to make crafting 'leather' a viable way to increase 'leatherworking' (also adjusted leather to use CraftingSkillGroup "Leather Working"). The crafting speed entry is default value, I set to ensure items created with animalHide were receiving xp - just to ensure the xp value was accepted if the override function required two variables. (Like action/crafting skill groups)


I did however do as you suggested and removed the weight values from the animal hide clothing to keep it the same as the other clothing, I should have noticed that the first time I fixed it, and I increased the repair amount of animal hide to 25 from 20 no big deal seems reasonable.


Thanks for posting!


Great work on this pack! I started my mod with this 'cleanpack' as a base. Ended up merging it into Val's but really appreciate the work you (both of you) have done.



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@Clockwork Orange


Is there any way to adjust the Hornets flight heights? They seem to only fly up to 132 elevation. This is a problem when seeds spawn elevations in upwards of 164+ heights, they just bug out on the ground and don't move. Alternatively is there a way to create an argument to check biome elevation before spawning?




Edit: Gallery

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<item id="26" name="blackCowboyHat">

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="leather" />


<item id="391" name="cowboyHat">

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="leather" />



Cowboy hats are typically felt (animalHide). Suggest setting both to use animalHide.

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Update (1/27/16)


Version 1.04


Added Dropbox Link on the Original Post!




Added repair values for several more blocks



cowboyHat: Fixed changed property name="Material" value="leather" /> from cloth
                Fixed changed <property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Leatherworking"/> from Tailoring

blackCowboyHat: Fixed changed property name="Material" value="leather" /> from cloth
                Fixed changed <property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Leatherworking"/> from Tailoring

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<property name="ExperienceGain" value="100" /> listed twice



<property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarZombie01Controller" /> listed twice



<property name="ExperienceGain" value="300" />

<property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" />



<property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spiderpain" />

<property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spidersense" />



<property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" /> listed twice



<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardBoeRagdoll" /> - triple entry

<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombie01Ragdoll" /> - triple entry

<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardBoeRagdoll" /> - triple entry

<property name="Prefab" value="NPC" /> - listed twice

<property name="Class" value="EntityZombie" /> - listed twice

<property name="Parent" value="Enemies" /> - listed twice

<property name="WalkType" value="2" /> - listed twice

<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.08" /> - listed twice

<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="0.2" /> - listed twice

<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.08" /> - listed twice



of note, only the hornet uses this zombie to extend, and it is not used anywhere else in the code. Could move its xml to the hornet and remove zombie04

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<item id="26" name="blackCowboyHat">

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="leather" />


<item id="391" name="cowboyHat">

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="leather" />



Cowboy hats are typically felt (animalHide). Suggest setting both to use animalHide.


Wait, what? Do you even Google. Are snooker and pool tables made with animal hide where you're from? Felt is not animal hide at all, just the fur, in some cases. While it may be true that some cowboy hats are made using hide, some are made with felt; a cloth material. It could go either way, but there's little need in making an item of clothing harder to repair. I suppose animalhide is a better material than leather.

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Wait, what? Do you even Google. Are snooker and pool tables made with animal hide where you're from? Felt is not animal hide at all, just the fur, in some cases. While it may be true that some cowboy hats are made using hide, some are made with felt; a cloth material. It could go either way, but there's little need in making an item of clothing harder to repair. I suppose animalhide is a better material than leather.


Cowboy hats already needed to be repaired with leather, they only had a wrong material of cloth so when you scrapped it you would only get cloth.


So I changed the material to leather to match the repair cost and changed the crafting exp to leatherworking if anyone wants to mod in a recipe for it.

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Update (1/27/16)


Removed Dropbox link Github is back online


Version 1.05


zombie01: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="100" />

zombieYo: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarZombie01Controller" />

snowzombie: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" /> is now 300

spiderzombie: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spidersense" /> is now spiderpain

fatzombiecop: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" />

zombieUMAfemale: Fixed removed triple and duplicate code 
<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardBoeRagdoll" />
<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombie01Ragdoll" /> is still BoeRagdoll
<property name="Prefab" value="NPC" />
<property name="Class" value="EntityZombie" />
<property name="Parent" value="Enemies" />
<property name="WalkType" value="2" />
<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.08" />
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="0.2" /> is now 0.33
<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.08" />

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Update (1/27/16)


Removed Dropbox link Github is back online


Version 1.05


zombie01: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="100" />

zombieYo: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarZombie01Controller" />

snowzombie: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" /> is now 300

spiderzombie: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spidersense" /> is now spiderpain

fatzombiecop: Fixed removed duplicate code <property name="ExperienceGain" value="500" />

zombieUMAfemale: Fixed removed triple and duplicate code 
<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardBoeRagdoll" />
<property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombie01Ragdoll" /> is still BoeRagdoll
<property name="Prefab" value="NPC" />
<property name="Class" value="EntityZombie" />
<property name="Parent" value="Enemies" />
<property name="WalkType" value="2" />
<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.08" />
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="0.2" /> is now 0.33
<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.08" />



There is a SoundSense property. Should the spiderzombie not have this instead of removing the line?


<property name="SoundSense" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spidersense" />

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