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Crafting Speed! [?]


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How is Crafting speed defined

I know of the xml that changed the speed based on your level

but were is the default mechanic that add's speed to whatever you craft based on items you craft.



Confirmed and tested

The old mechanic still Works adding craft_time = "0.5" > at the end of recipe name

Thanks again [ Valmar ] for pointing it out i thought they have removed it in 13.*

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The crafting time is handled by the ingredients now. Look in the items.xml:


<property name="CraftingIngredientExp" value="4" />

<property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="4" />



You can still assign a specific time to a recipe in the recipes.xml though if you want.


<recipe name="railingOldWood" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time = "0.5" >

<ingredient name="wood" count="4"/>




Is that what you're after?

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The crafting time is handled by the ingredients now. Look in the items.xml:


<property name="CraftingIngredientExp" value="4" />

<property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="4" />



You can still assign a specific time to a recipe in the recipes.xml though if you want.


<recipe name="railingOldWood" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time = "0.5" >

<ingredient name="wood" count="4"/>




Is that what you're after?




Yes Thank you very much modding a hardcore server and i want stop people from crafting 100's of items to level up in certain skill .


i Just saw That there is no craft_time = "0.5"

at the end of each recipe in 13.6 so can it be added ?


is it still optional..?

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It can be added, yes.


A13 for the most part dropped the craft_time in recipes and now uses the ingredienttime in the items. The code still works in recipes.xml though (and is infact still used by some recipes). The craft_exp_gain line is still used too. Though you could possibly adjust how much exp they get for crafting certain items. Or make some recipes give zero exp so players cant "farm" them for levels.



<recipe name="scrapIron" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_area="forge" material_based="true" craft_time = "0.5" craft_exp_gain="0" >

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="5"/>


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  • 2 weeks later...

CraftingIngredientTime Vs



<crafting_skill name="Miscellaneous Crafting" icon="misc_crafting" description_key="miscCraftingDesc" title_key="miscCrafting">

<effect name="CraftingTime">

<multiply skill_level="1,50" value="1,0.75"/>

<multiply skill_level="51,99" value="0.74, 0.4"/>

<multiply skill_level="100" value="0.25"/>





if i was to put


<multiply skill_level="1,5" value="3"/>


the CraftingIngredientTime is not mutiplied x 3 Why?

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I suspect the value needs to actually be lower. If you look at the skill levels it seems the higheryour skill the lower the value goes. Implying that lower values are what are needed to increase speed, not higher.


Assuming you want faster speeds try setting the values to lower percentages such as 0.1

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

Thanks for this hahaha Been busting my Balls trying to reduce my HD Wrench from 40 mins..... The 5 is seconds so set it too 300 for 5 mins, Thanks....


<recipe name="HD Wrench" count="1" craft_time = "300" >

<ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="150"/>

<ingredient name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="25"/>

<ingredient name="resourceDuctTape" count="30"/>

<ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="resourceSpring" count="10"/>


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