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I gotta know


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I want to say first is that I love 7 DTD it was so much fun, my favorite parts of the game was the vehicles, Guns, the Cosmetics everything. But when the armor buff system was added I was disappointed to see all the cosmetics have been removed. I understand that the new armor system grants like buffs and stuff. but that can be implemented with all the cosmetics. like the old armor pieces that went over the cosmetics. I'm only hoping that the cosmetics being removed is only temporary and that they will return in a future update.


I only ask if you can message me back and tell me if it is only temporary and that they will return someday.

Edited by SGT (see edit history)
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  • SGT changed the title to I gotta know

Clothing is gone for good.  There will be a clothing/armor/wardrobe update that will likely add more armor and allow for some cosmetic changes, but clothing as a set of items is gone.  Honestly, the new armor just looks better.  Sure, you could change how you look more with the clothing, but it just all looked so bad no matter what you wore.  Now you can at least look good.  I definitely prefer this to the clothing.

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There are many DLC on Steam that are free.  These days, any additional content is called a DLC.  Even full expansions in many cases are being called DLC on Steam.  I'm sure some things will cost money and some will be free.  But it's hardly a big deal except perhaps for console players.  If you just want whatever bonuses might be tied to an outfit, you can easily add those to another armor without buying the DLC.  The only thing you miss out on is the cosmetic of it and that doesn't affect anything other than how things look.  I'm fine with them selling DLC if that's what they want.  No one who doesn't want the stuff needs to buy it and they'll still be able to play the game just fine.

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Haven't they already said it is payed? If not, I agree with @pApA^LeGBa there is no reason to call it DLC if it were free as everyone would download a free DLC anyway, making it identical to all the patches we get.


I would assume they do it because of timing. DLCs only sell well shortly after a game releases and for console it is a release, sort of 😀, approximately 😆, somewhat 😅, nearly 😂


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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

as everyone would download a free DLC anyway, making it identical to all the patches we get.

Hmm, they might be features "not everyone wants", especially if you can choose which ones to load (even on consoles). "Disable digging" as DLC ... that's a market ripe for picking... :)

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26 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Hmm, they might be features "not everyone wants", especially if you can choose which ones to load (even on consoles). "Disable digging" as DLC ... that's a market ripe for picking... :)


That is an idea, but it has drawbacks. It would create two incompatible versions that would split the player base and make some mods work only with one version and not the other. This is probably why optional DLCs mostly only add stuff and do not change stuff (expect if it is optional as well).


Therefore something like "Disable Digging" should better be implemented as a game option, not as a DLC. Then modders would have to make their mods compatible with the option.


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Posted (edited)

The old Clothing had more purpose then the new armor looking good and having buffs. It gave the players character while being in a zombie wasteland trying to survive in an unforgiving new reality. the Commando design looks good but it looks like a Communication Uniform for Central command of the USA Military. The farmer outfit was good and had a great buff but it makes it look like you worked for a agriculture Company growing and harvesting wheat and corn. The Raider outfit looks cool but it looks like a mad max outfit for the desert. assassin looks good but it looks like a outsiders outfit equipped with a bunch of screw drivers and a few knifes. the Ranger outfit has a similar look to the old style of trader Joel. I respect the effort of the new look of the armor sets but they have no character. you'd want a game who can give you character

Edited by SGT (see edit history)
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But what real character did you have with the old clothing and armor?  Other than the trench coat or the cowboy hat (or I suppose the beanie or propeller cap if you liked those) what was special about it in any way?  A t-shirt or sweater or tank top?  Those aren't special in any way.  At least now you have some stuff that actually looks interesting and different, and there is more to come.  Not only that, but this should make it easier for modders who want to add their own sets.  Maybe one can even be talked into adding armor that looks like some old clothing and armor setup.


I wore the trench coat as soon as I could get it just to hide the clothing and armor as much as I could.  Not because of any character it provided, though I did like wearing a trench coat.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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first: the old clothing didn't have to be special to begin with. Second: you need more then just a cowboy hat and a trench coat to make you're character. if you can't then you're just being lazy. Third: the armor and clothing wasn't special to anyone only because they looked ugly. The new armor looks well detailed and badass but they are just pieces to a full armor set that looks like costumes. and they have buffs for specific purposes that don't seem to help you're survival, I don't see any other purpose for them other then for protection. Lastly The characters I made back then were mostly military themed. The Old Clothing may mean very little to some individuals but to others they mean more then you realize. The Old clothing may be old but it was way more useful then the new armor today.

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Heh. Your "character" is just what you decide to make it.  Clothing or armor are just addons that you don't even see if you're not in a vehicle.  As you said, the clothing and armor were ugly.  Unless your "character" was intended to look ridiculous, it wasn't better to have the old stuff.  As with most things, people are nostalgic for what they are used to and don't like change.  Ask the majority of new players who have never played the older versions of the game which armor (including clothing) they prefer and they'll likely choose the new armor because they don't have that nostalgia and the new stuff looks significantly better.


Now, I'm not saying that losing additional clothing slots is great.  It was nice having the additional slots for mods and I do like having more options to customize your look.  But if you're just comparing the old stuff with the new stuff, the new stuff is better.  If you want to ignore the clothing and armor itself and just compare the mechanics of it (more slots, more options for the old stuff), then the old stuff is better.  But as they continue to add more clothing options (there are some they said were coming that aren't in the game yet and likely more to come, either free or as paid DLC if you want them), there will be more options.  But people will still mostly use sets just because sets look good together and mixing things up doesn't always look that great, depending what you're mixing.  I would have preferred to have chest and leg armor separate, but it's fine.


As far as the armor and set bonuses, I think they are poorly done and just promote swapping armor for every little thing you do, which is a bad design, imo.  I just don't bother and use the same armor all the time, but most people will "need" to swap armor to get the best benefit in whatever they are doing.


In the end, what people like most is subjective.  And there's nothing wrong with preferring one over the other.  You're going to have people who like the new stuff better and people who like the old stuff better.  No one is wrong for liking one or the other better.  For me, I prefer the new armor even though I'd prefer leg armor being separate and having some cosmetic mods like the old hat mods to create some variety, as well as dyes.  And I'd prefer a complete rework of the bonuses on the armor and sets, though I don't expect that to happen other than perhaps slight adjustments.  Even so, I like the new armor better.  But that's just my opinion.

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I see what you mean. and that is true some people don't like change. but so if the old clothing looks ugly then why not just recrate the old clothing entirely? The Clothing is the key component in the games survival gameplay. you spawn in the world, Naked and have only a few supplies. you'd scavenge for clothing to protect yourself from the elements. so tell me is the new armor useful to the player's survival?


PS I see you're opinion and I appreciate hearing it

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On 10/8/2024 at 2:52 AM, Riamus said:

Even full expansions in many cases are being called DLC on Steam.

That was, not so long ago, the definition of DLC, i.e. substantial map and story expansions, etc.  Unfortunately, the gaming industry, kissing cousin of the tech sector, has normalized the idea that anything requiring download in addition to base game assets (thanks only in small part to BGS' infamous horse armor) is "content." Ntm, the present push for a gaming "metaverse" and subscription "services". And, once again, marketers and propagandists whose job it is to render words meaningless have succeeded in gaslighting the public into believing they're getting value for their money when purchasing virtual "assets" (generally retextures and recolorings) that are not only not tangible and won't last, but took mere minutes to accomplish in a software program like Photoshop while upward of the price of a full game is being charged for them.

There is a movement among artists of all kinds to stop use of the word, content, in reference to artistic work requiring a substantial amount of time, energy and talent to produce and I can see why. It devalues human creativity. Alas, few are bothered even by the fact that the tech sector presumes AI will take over for us in that capacity.

I'll not argue for or against insubstantial "paid DLC" or talk of "slippery slopes" and just hope people with more money than sense will come to their senses eventually and stop allowing themselves but, especially, their children to be bamboozled.

Obscenely greedy industry practices are ruining the hobby of gaming and game modding for many and most just can't quite seem to put their finger on why it is they don't enjoy it as much as they once did. I'd hazard to guess the real reason is that they're exhausted of having to defend themselves, psychologically and otherwise, when playing a video game. We can't just sit back, relax and enjoy one anymore. Nope. We have to protect ourselves and our families from ever-more egregious industry practices, machinations and manipulations.

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Although it has been years now since DLC first started being made available and maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I think DLC were originally the minor extras you could get and only later were full expansions considered DLC.  After all, in the earlier days of DLC, expansions were often still being sold as physical media and were not available as downloadable content due to their size.  Not that you couldn't get them digitally, but it was less common initially.

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There IS going to be a pay-to-download outfit DLC. The update will also include many free features that have all been designated as part of the base game so no further purchase is necessary but there will be a component that will be some new outfits for sale for those who want them. Hope that clears things up.


I just want the rest of the biome and weather survival elements to be put back in and hopefully enhanced beyond what they were so the outfits matter again beyond the simple bonuses they provide. I also have a nephew on Xbox who is patiently waiting to play with the rest of us who are on PC so we are looking forward to being able to play with him. If the Pimps can deliver it all before Christmas it will be a huge win for our vacation time. Hope this next update will be "...the one where they hit their target"...

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1 hour ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

We can't just sit back, relax and enjoy one anymore.


Don't say we, man. That's you standing with your fist in the air contemplating the greedy machinations of whobodywhatsit.


Me and mine are definitely relaxing on our soft chairs and sofas drinking our Dr Pepper and enjoying our video games. Today my brother, my mother, and I did a Tier 6 infested quest and had a blast. We didn't think once about how long this game was in Early Access, what the version number is or should have been, what the meaning of 1.0 was-- none of that. We were 100% into the game and enjoying the camaraderie this game has always been able to evoke. I talk about that other stuff from time to time here on the forum but none of it is in my consciousness while I'm playing.


I'm 100% fine with live service games, loot boxes, in-app purchases, 1.0 as a milestone instead of the finish line, ongoing development and bug-fixing, seasons, and pay-to-win games. I do my research and play the ones that I like and avoid the ones I don't. I play as long as I am having fun and then move on when I'm not having fun any longer. But there is always something to just sit back, relax, and enjoy. I think you are way too stressed about this kind of stuff. Let it go and you'll enjoy the hobby again. 




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7 hours ago, Roland said:

We were 100% into the game and enjoying the camaraderie this game has always been able to evoke.

Not surprising. Nothing else is in the way for the moment. It's a product, if incomplete as yet, being sold as a product in what I think of as an "old school" kind of way, among the many reasons I've supported it myself. Despite that I specifically said that I'm not to going argue one way or the other, you go right ahead and try to portray me any you like ("fist in the air," etc.). That's a reflection on you and doesn't affect me in the least.

Have a nice day.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

Not surprising. Nothing else is in the way for the moment. It's a product, if incomplete as yet, being sold as a product in what I think of as an "old school" kind of way, among the many reasons I've supported it myself. Despite that I specifically said that I'm not to going argue one way or the other, you go right ahead and try to portray me any you like ("fist in the air," etc.). That's a reflection on you and doesn't affect me in the least.

Have a nice day.


"fist in the air" was simply a visual of you protesting. Maybe it's your name that inspired that image to me. You are welcome to your beliefs about the current and future state of the industry. I sympathize that they negatively affect your enjoyment of this hobby. I enjoy video games just as much if not more than when I was a kid. I recently got a Meta Quest and VR is just magical and at times brings me wonder like I haven't experienced since I was a child. When you said we can't sit and relax and play video games any more I felt like you were the one projecting your own feelings onto gamers as a whole and I wanted to emphatically state that your views don't apply to me and they don't affect my enjoyment of the hobby.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

I felt like you were the one projecting your own feelings onto gamers as a whole

Understandable. I'm primarily thinking of the never-ending "gaming is dead" and "why I didn't enjoy this or that" and "this or that was 'lifeless' and 'soulless'" and what have you YouTube videos and articles and blog posts and what not coming forth like an avalanche from the gaming community these days.

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On 10/15/2024 at 12:35 PM, InfiniteWarrior said:

Understandable. I'm primarily thinking of the never-ending "gaming is dead" and "why I didn't enjoy this or that" and "this or that was 'lifeless' and 'soulless'" and what have you YouTube videos and articles and blog posts and what not coming forth like an avalanche from the gaming community these days.

Easier to ignore all that junk.  A lot of it isn't even what the person really believes and is just to get a reaction.  Yes, there are issues with some games and some developers these days that we didn't have in the past, but then again, there were issues in the past that we don't have today.  There are still plenty of good games out there.  There is also the issue as you get older of wanting a bit more out of a game than what you wanted when younger, which can make newer games feel like they aren't as good.

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On 10/16/2024 at 3:31 PM, Riamus said:

A lot of it isn't even what the person really believes

A lot, maybe, but not all. The issue is industry wide, especially in the triple A space, and I've absolutely no interest in the "influencer" phenomenon myself. I'm very picky when it comes to media consumption in general and listen primarily to those who actually have something to say as opposed to clickbait mongers. BGS, Bioware, Arkane.... The list goes on of studios that were flying high... until the industry was bitten by the "live service," formerly 'F2P', "let's go whaling" bug and were pressured from on high into making games they had no experience making and, in some cases at least, likely didn't even want to make.

That "whaling" video is positively sickening to me and that mentality has been adopted across the board in the industry, though not necessarily by everyone in it. Pretty much why I'm personally spending so much time in the indie space now. It's not been spared the ignomious influence, but is still relatively free of outright psy ops.

There's a lot I don't like about 7DTD and I'm sure some would just as soon not hear it, but there's no question in my mind that TFP have been transparent and above board about what they're doing on the business end of things thus far. So I don't have much patience with the "we're the consumers and, therefore, always right" mentality, either. What I have to wonder is why they think of themselves as consumers as opposed to the human beings they are and have a working theory about why that is.

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On 10/7/2024 at 8:48 PM, Riamus said:

Clothing is gone for good.  There will be a clothing/armor/wardrobe update

In which case, clothing is not necessarily gone for good?

Best solution to clipping issues and all that rot I've seen to date was a mod for Fallout 4 that allowed you to render armor pieces invisible, if desired. Obviously, BGS picked up on that and implemented a similar system in FO76, which renders armor invisible -- without your input -- if you simply don a wardrobe item. (Guess they missed or skipped the player agency step in that mod.)

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