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Thoughts On Crafting Magazines?

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I just started a test run of a "dwarven miner" -playthrough, so I'm highly biased.. thirsty, and biased. But yes please, gief progression without paper boy runs .. :) Doesn't have to be the only option, keep dropping mags as well, it's probably "better" for some of the skills anyway.

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Certainly not perfect but IMHO, the best thing about "magazines" was the disassociation from perk levels that gated crafting abilities.    

Realistically, people learn in various ways, means and stages.  Some leaning techniques can be more effective for specific skills/disciplines but a mix is often the best approach.

The underlying assumption in the OP that learning is a simple single path; and that learning from a "magazine" is inferior to "repetition" is demonstrably false.

Certainly, a blended system would be more "realistic" and intuitive with a series of repetition only getting a players so far, then magazines are required (or vice versa).  Rinse, repeat...

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I remember Joel saying how much fun he was having looting for magazines in the streams before 21. I find it tedious and boring. Before there was the excitement of "will I find a rare gyro schematic?". Now it's, "Oh, great, a vehicle magazine. ONLY 99 more to go." They really are turning this into a looter/shooter on rails.

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I love the magazine system.   It feels like I get a good progression.  Also in a21 when I was playing with a group we all progressed faster in our chosen skills because we would bring back everyone else's mags to them.

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Much as I am not a fan of the magazines, I hated learn by spamming. This game had probably one of the worst implementations of LBD I've ever had to suffer through.

They used to like to throw the baby out with the bathwater around here. I think they've finally gotten over it so what you see is what you get.

It will at least get some more polish probably.


I wouldn't mind them so much, but they have taken over the game. Traders and mailboxes. That's what they should call this game 😛

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Ideally you should all be looting - not just one person. It's certainly meant to be a fun part of the game -- although I realise some people simply don't enjoy that aspect. I especially like the bigger, Tier 5/6 infestations and it's just guns blazing. Whoever we need to get certain magazines the most, we let them open all the relevant book loots. We did play with one guy who auto-opened all the book loots, despite everything we agreed, and we eventually kicked him from the game.


If your friends get magazine reward bundle, considering they're out questing all the books in the POI, they could give them - unopened - to the guys staying in the base and when opened the magazines inside should reflect their particular skills.


Not 100% sure if it still works, as I don't like to do it, but if you have a mission for one of the buildings that you know has a lot of book cases in it ... you can save and quit before you finish the mission, and then when you come back in you can restart the mission - resetting the poi - and go to the library again. Books, books, books.

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