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Generators and battery banks need fixing

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So, as a person that has depended on generators for several years, it's always frustrated me how little the in-game power generation makes sense. 

The smallest 4 stroke generator I've ever used was 650w, and that was with an engine that wouldn't power a lawnmower. 

Most generators with a "small" engine will generate anywhere from 1000-2500W of power. I currently have a 7hp honda lawnmower engine which generates 2200W of electricity. 

Could you imagine how many engines you would need to power an 800w PC in the 7 days world?


Well that, and the fact that the icon for the sewing kit isn't a Danish butter cookie tin. 


Just my two cents 

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3 minutes ago, PikeyNinja said:

Could you imagine how many engines you would need to power an 800w PC in the 7 days world?


Just say the number you like and it will be so. 😉



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19 minutes ago, PikeyNinja said:

So, as a person that has depended on generators for several years

How many watts do your autonomous friend-or-foe shotgun turrets require..? :)


Sure, to call it watts in game and then have car engines producing 50W each ... not a great look, realistically; but not exactly a problem for the game play either.. :)

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4 hours ago, theFlu said:

How many watts do your autonomous friend-or-foe shotgun turrets require..? :)


Sure, to call it watts in game and then have car engines producing 50W each ... not a great look, realistically; but not exactly a problem for the game play either.. :)

I guess more than a large desk fan, but not as much as a CIWS on a naval vessel. 

I mean, I'm guessing you'd need a pc to run the OS for the turret (200w max), the servos/motors to move the turrets (45w each) and a small 5w servo to pull the trigger. 

So all in all, probably less power than to run an old CRT TV. 

But yeah, they could just adapt it so an engine gives a flat 1000w. 

I mean, most car stereos are about 45w, could you imagine having to run a separate engine in your car, just to blast some tunes?

Maybe I'm just taking this too seriously, it's a game about zombies, which means that if you just stayed safe until rigor Mortis sets in, you'd be Gucci. 

4 hours ago, meganoth said:


Just say the number you like and it will be so. 😉



Just a flat kilowatt per engine would make the most sense realistically. I couldn't imagine how much petrol I'd go through to run a gaming rig if I only got 50w per engine. My phone requires 22.5w of power to charge, just for reference.

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17 minutes ago, PikeyNinja said:

But yeah, they could just adapt it so an engine gives a flat 1000w. 

Ye, straight up 20x for every watt number would be more realistic, even 100W light bulbs wouldn't be too much off the mark for our lovingly handcrafted scrap versions. Wouldn't bother me, but it already doesn't :)

Tbh, all the numbers in the game are pretty much random, just good small numbers that work for the game. Except for fuel, that's counted in ml for some reason ...

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If you are looking for realism, "this isn't the game you are looking for."  :D


Just about any number in this game is going to not be realistic.  It's not there for realism but for gameplay.  If you could power everything in your base with a single generator, it would be kind of pointless to even have electricity in the game and just let everything have free power.  With lower values,  you have to be concerned about power, which is a good thing.  Besides, it isn't like it is difficult to just use multiple generators or solar banks to cover all your power needs.


Don't worry about the numbers.  Just enjoy the gameplay.

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