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8 hours ago, Survinator said:

Hello Hells, have some red wrn.



2024-08-20T13:11:52 9.943 INF [MODS]       [Harmony] Init done
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000001E88C0C87A0.dll
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.297 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_Harmony' from DLL 'TfpHarmony.dll'
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.298 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod IDCCore
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.299 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in IDCCore.dll, creating instance
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.300 ERR [MODS]     Failed initializing ModAPI instance on mod 'IDCCore' from DLL 'IDCCore.dll'
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.305 EXC Field not found: ModEvent .ModEvents.WorldShuttingDown Due to: Could not find field in class
  at Mod.InitModCode () [0x0009d] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 

2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.314 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod 28AL_ItemOffsets
2024-08-20T13:11:53 10.314 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in ItemOffsets.dll, creating instance


2024-08-20T13:20:05 502.650 INF Loaded (local): shapes in 0.02
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.351 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: ctnChickenCoop
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.355 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: cntAdvancedDewCollector
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.356 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: cntRainCollector
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.368 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: cntIDCAnimalSnare
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.377 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: ctnIDCBeehive
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.381 ERR [IDC Core] Attempted to get passive collector data that does not exist. Key: cntCompostBin
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 19)
2024-08-20T13:20:34 531.421 INF Block IDs with mapping


2024-08-20T13:20:42 539.930 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects in 0.02
2024-08-20T13:20:43 539.996 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'gamestages.xml' failed
2024-08-20T13:20:43 539.997 EXC Error loading gamestages.xml: Spawner 'pine_forest', gamestage 1: EntityGroup 'pine_forest_GS1' unknown! (line 0 at pos 0)
  at GameStagesFromXml.ParseSpawn (GameStageDefinition gsd, GameStageDefinition+Stage stage, System.Xml.Linq.XElement root) [0x0005e] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 
  at GameStagesFromXml.ParseStage (GameStageDefinition gsd, System.Xml.Linq.XElement root) [0x0006d] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 
  at GameStagesFromXml.ParseGameStageDef (System.Xml.Linq.XElement root) [0x00058] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 
  at GameStagesFromXml+<Load>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00079] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <6d1a8548522e46dc83d70764cc5f4032>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


Got those same error messages. Playing on 1.0 with latest b336
Tough it is a bit game breaking, there are no spawn in POIs for my map.  I have not yet tested the function of compost bin, beehive and other shape error

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8 hours ago, Hells_Janitor said:


Убедитесь, что вы НЕ удалили файл `0_TFP_Harmony` в \steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods


Редактировать: Nvm, похоже, проблема с IDCCore. Какую версию базовой игры вы используете?


v1.0 (b336) and Harmony are inside mod folder, i don't use any others mod

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29 minutes ago, Survinator said:

v1.0 (b336) and Harmony are inside mod folder, i don't use any others mod


Ok, there's a couple of things we can try.


1: You could try and update to v1.1 of the base game

2: It might be an issue with IDCCore - you could try and download the current version from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3341 Delete the current version that comes with the mod, '0-IDCCore', and then unzip the downloaded file in it's place.


Failing that, I don't know what else to suggest. It works fine for me, and I'm running v1.1 of the base game.

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21 hours ago, Hells_Janitor said:


Хорошо, есть пара вещей, которые мы можем попробовать.


1: Вы можете попробовать обновить базовую игру до версии 1.1.

2: Возможно, проблема в IDCCore. Попробуйте загрузить текущую версию отсюда:  https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3341.  Удалите текущую версию, которая идет с модом, « 0-IDCCore» , а затем разархивируйте загруженный файл на его место.


Если это не получится, я не знаю, что еще предложить. У меня все отлично работает, и я использую v1.1 базовой игры.

Just update IDCCore and it's help - zero errors

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Just made an account to report this, but loving the mod so far, I tweaked the despair drain on everything in my copy and I love it, I LOVE the torches having fuel and flashlights using batteries too, amazing!


I came across a fatal bug though. I crafted a dew collector. The one that needs the filter, not the iron bucket version.


I then put it in my hotbar to place it. The SECOND I try to place it on dirt outside, it locks up the game and I have to force shut it down. I once got the prompt window to appear and it said something like EAC error, but nothing I could see that would tell me WHERE the problem is.


But its game breaking for sure. Since I had to force close my game, it saved there, so when I try re-loading the game, it defaults to me holding the dew collector, pointed outside, and BOOM auto game freeze and crash.


I cannot play anymore with this mod.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Bloodburn said:

Just made an account to report this, but loving the mod so far, I tweaked the despair drain on everything in my copy and I love it, I LOVE the torches having fuel and flashlights using batteries too, amazing!


I came across a fatal bug though. I crafted a dew collector. The one that needs the filter, not the iron bucket version.


I then put it in my hotbar to place it. The SECOND I try to place it on dirt outside, it locks up the game and I have to force shut it down. I once got the prompt window to appear and it said something like EAC error, but nothing I could see that would tell me WHERE the problem is.


But its game breaking for sure. Since I had to force close my game, it saved there, so when I try re-loading the game, it defaults to me holding the dew collector, pointed outside, and BOOM auto game freeze and crash.


I cannot play anymore with this mod.


Hmmm - I didn't have this problem when I tested it. Do you have the Harmony folder in the Mods folder - the one that comes with the game?

Do you have any other mods installed?

Are you playing with EAC disabled?


In the meantime, I'll try and see if I can replicate the error.


Edit: Just fired up my own game, placed a dew collector without issue. Check the three things I mentioned above - hopefully one of those will fix the issue you're having.

Edited by Hells_Janitor
edit (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Hells_Janitor said:


Hmmm - I didn't have this problem when I tested it. Do you have the Harmony folder in the Mods folder - the one that comes with the game?

Do you have any other mods installed?

Are you playing with EAC disabled?


In the meantime, I'll try and see if I can replicate the error.


Edit: Just fired up my own game, placed a dew collector without issue. Check the three things I mentioned above - hopefully one of those will fix the issue you're having.


Glad you were able to test it and it works. The harmony folder is fine, had that issue in the past and learned the hard way lol.


EAC is off, I only do singleplayer, but yes, I have many mods, none of them that I know of touch any dew collector stuff, so not sure which it could be. I started a new save just to try to get the error again so I can screenshot it, if it happens. Changes are it is a conflicting mod, wish the error report would tell me which it is though. If I get the error again I will start a new save with JUST this mod and nothing else to make sure its nothing else.

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On 24.08.2024 at 15:39, Hells_Janitor said:


Отличный улов - спасибо за репортаж :)

peaceful animals try to follow me when I have meat

dew collector do not produce water (i put filter in it)

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4 hours ago, Survinator said:

peaceful animals try to follow me when I have meat

dew collector do not produce water (i put filter in it)


well, there's something screwy here, 'cos the dew collector definitely works in my testing ...

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I don't know if you have played War3zk A19 version or not.

In that Mod,  alongwith some other tough Zeds, you could find  crawler  versions which were very dangerous to confront with. I don't think they are a part of War3Zuk anymore but I would surely want them to be.


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21 minutes ago, Ganeshakw said:

I don't know if you have played War3zk A19 version or not.

In that Mod,  alongwith some other tough Zeds, you could find  crawler  versions which were very dangerous to confront with. I don't think they are a part of War3Zuk anymore but I would surely want them to be.



No, I never played War3zUK, unfortunately ...

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10 hours ago, Hell-Fire said:

Hi all,


Having a problem trying to refuel a wall torch.  Can't seem to find the way to do it.  

 you don't refuel a wall torch. You remove it from the wall, and use the spent torch to craft a new one - or make a new one from another torch.


I know it's not ideal, and one day I'll figure out a way to actually be able to refuel it, but for now, that's how it works :) 

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Thank you.  Didn't know that I had to remove to refuel it.  Also having strange problems with the dew collector.  I have one with just a water filter and it is gathering murky water.  I have another with a water filter, advance water filter, large barrel, and large tarp (I believe that's what you called them), but it didn't collect any water, the droplet bar was filling up, then reset with nothing collected.  The first droplet bar was filling up, then reset back to nothing.  Also had tried one with nothing in it and it showed the droplet bar filling up, then reset back to empty bar.

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