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[a21] how do you do this, like, at all??? (flat terrain next to blocks)


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I feel like I'm going insane, all I can tell are these blocks are half blocks, not full, and yet... I'm trying desperately to build a cabin that isn't raised on a platform and I want a porch but I am absolutely stumped on this. It probably can't be done in survival mode, which that's fine, but like, how did they even do this in prefab editor mode??

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2 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:

all I can tell are these blocks are half blocks

How is anything there a half block? That trash (top-mid of picture) is sitting flat on the concrete level, so that's a full block face at the top?


The terrain border, yeh, that can't be done in game. Artificially raised, if you touch it wrong it'll revert to the default ditch. Sadly I'm not one to advice on prefab editor either, there _must_ be some tools, but I can't point the way..

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48 minutes ago, theFlu said:

How is anything there a half block? That trash (top-mid of picture) is sitting flat on the concrete level, so that's a full block face at the top?


The terrain border, yeh, that can't be done in game. Artificially raised, if you touch it wrong it'll revert to the default ditch. Sadly I'm not one to advice on prefab editor either, there _must_ be some tools, but I can't point the way..


Explaining it best I can it's a half block that's floating, so the side you walk on is level with the terrain


so like the half block you're thinking of is like the line under this text, right? if you pretend the text is air, the trash would float.


But it's the other way around, like this, where the text is air and the block is sitting like that.


Think like the porches where you can see underneath, except it's sunken into the ground by one block. Something about that, paired with whatever they're doing with the terrain, makes it appear like it's level with the ground!


I have a few guesses but they can't be done in a survival world unfortunately 😕 My guess is using the "z" key terrain tool and the arrow keys to lower and raise the dirt underneath the half-block until it's mostly level with the terrain around it, but I've tried a million times to use it in survival mode (in god mode, at least) but it doesn't work :(

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Its not exactly a half block so much as a terrain block next to a building block, to get them level you have to kind of cheese it and have the terrain block extending into the building block.


You can do this using the select and random selection fill if you turn on the level tools in the debug menu, though it is a bit of a faff about. ocbMaurice also had a mod which added a tool you could use in survival as well, if you look him up on nexus you should be able to see if it is updated for A21 yet, need to do that myself later on.

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All blocks occupy the same physical space regardless of how much space the model itself takes up. 


This isn't intuitive because a plate seems like it's a sheet of plywood, yet you can't place anything directly on it. Just remember everything is a cube for building purposes regardless of what it actually looks like

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2 hours ago, warmer said:

All blocks occupy the same physical space regardless of how much space the model itself takes up. 


This isn't intuitive because a plate seems like it's a sheet of plywood, yet you can't place anything directly on it. Just remember everything is a cube for building purposes regardless of what it actually looks like


I figured this out pretty quickly and it has made building much simpler once you remeber that everything, no matter how small it is the player can place will take up a 1 cube block of space at the minimum, doesn't matter if the block shape is a tiny tiny square, it still exists as a full block to the engine in terms of block placement. Its also why the Ai gets repelled by certain blocks, as it sees it as a full block but doesn't/can't figure out how to walk on or around it as it gets confused.

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1 hour ago, Scyris said:


I figured this out pretty quickly and it has made building much simpler once you remeber that everything, no matter how small it is the player can place will take up a 1 cube block of space at the minimum, doesn't matter if the block shape is a tiny tiny square, it still exists as a full block to the engine in terms of block placement. Its also why the Ai gets repelled by certain blocks, as it sees it as a full block but doesn't/can't figure out how to walk on or around it as it gets confused.

yeah I got this no problem, as I was trying to build a log cabin out of those really cool half-block logs blocks... ended up making the disastrous decision of putting in a floor at terrain level instead of building it one block up because I didn't want to waste resources on a porch and now my whole base is a mess 😭😭


I'll try the leveling tool by ocbMaurice, I love their mods to death; crooked deco, pin recipes, and more waypoints are sraples in my mods folder forever (crooked deco especially... it makes the world feel so real!!)! 

I'll try it but I'll probably just lift everything by one block like is intended with this particular set. It took me three hours to figure out two of the four corner blocks had to be upside down or else the logs wouldn't line up so we'll see if I have the patience 😂

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2 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:

I'll try it but I'll probably just lift everything by one block like is intended with this particular set.

If lifting everything feels like heavy lifting, you can try to cover the gap with either plates (for a sidewalk-feel, there's also sidewalk blocks), or something like planter boxes - if the build allows.


But reading this thread ... have noneofyas actually made the Flying Plate Monstrosity yet? Place plates on the ground "naturally", rotate the blocks to the top and place a row of those on the lower plates. (Hard to aim, aim the first ones from above) Now you have a flying plate with complete structural integrity, one you can walk/crouch under.


Useful? What?

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47 minutes ago, theFlu said:

If lifting everything feels like heavy lifting, you can try to cover the gap with either plates (for a sidewalk-feel, there's also sidewalk blocks), or something like planter boxes - if the build allows.


But reading this thread ... have noneofyas actually made the Flying Plate Monstrosity yet? Place plates on the ground "naturally", rotate the blocks to the top and place a row of those on the lower plates. (Hard to aim, aim the first ones from above) Now you have a flying plate with complete structural integrity, one you can walk/crouch under.


Useful? What?

ive  thought about the flying saucer but i usually just take over a POI... only this time the only POIs near traders that are in towns are rural filler plots so I got screwed LOL


as for the log blocks, they're half blocks where if you set it up correctly, the back of the block against the edge of the cube is one way and the empty half of the block faces outward... so placing plates is useless because I'd have a weird foundation sticking out. I'm mobile right now and I don't have screenshots but it would be like


logs 1/2 shape

Full block otherwise there is a gap in my log cabin


and then the terrain blocks all around. And the more I looked the more I realized none of the actual cabin POI use these blocks 😭

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