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StayClear V1.0 (No sleeper respawn after clearing a POI!)


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Has this ever happened to you?

Never again! Say NO to sleepers respawning after you've fully cleared a building. Feel like you're making a difference in the world, slowly clearing out the infection one building at a time. How do those things totally fill up buildings so fast anyway? Do zombies hunger for shelter as much as they do for fresh meat?! With this mod, you can carefully clear out entire towns over time and claim land in the name of Cleartopia!

How much would you pay for a mod like this?
Well, the good news is that if you act now, you can get it into your game for the low price of two easy payments of $0.00!
Yes, you read that right. It's almost like I'm giving it away for free! So head over to the download page and get your copy today, because a deal this good isn't bound to last forever!

To install the mod, simply download the latest version of the mod and unzip it within your "Mods" directory inside of the game's install directory, then run the game with Easy Anti-Cheat disabled.

That's it! But if you encounter any issues, or need any help, please reply here and I'll get back to you!

Looking at the code, sleeper respawn is still tied to loot respawn, and when loot respawn is disabled, sleepers respawn in 30 days, and this is unable to be changed, hence why this mod is still necessary.

If you wish to restore sleeper respawning after using this mod, just remove the mod and sleepers will start to respawn once again after several days, as they did before.

As with all C# mods, EAC must be disabled in order to use the mod.


[Github Repo]

[Latest Release]

Edited by ExtremeLurker
Updated title to reflect that this has been tested on V1.0 (see edit history)
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  • ExtremeLurker changed the title to StayClear A21 (No sleeper respawn after clearing a POI!)
17 hours ago, drkstardragon said:

One of my fav modlets, and you keep updating it every alpha without question, thanks again pardner!



Thanks for posting! So glad to hear that you enjoy it! I don't like to play without it, haha. Happy clearing! 


16 hours ago, pottervogel said:

Thanks man. Time to clear out the riff raff. ^^

You're very welcome! Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I like the basic premise!

Is it somehow possible to have POI's sleepers slowly repopulate when they have been away from player for a time?

I love the idea of clearing out a town and it stays clear of sleepers (but have wandering zombies walking in), but if no players are around for a configurable time

the sleeperzombies eventually returns, ramping up from just a few sleepers per POI to eventually all sleepers restored.

I don't know if such a feat is even possible to mod in?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod! I've been testing it out for loot respawn. I have loot respawn set at 5 days and chunk reset to 10. I looted a POI near my spawn point, the traveled  .5km to another POI, placed my LCB, looted it, then waited. On day 6,none of the loot in my LCB area had respawned. I went to the spawn point POI and none of that loot had respawned, either. Plus, I checked a car close to the poi on the road that I had looted on day 1 and it was still empty. 


What am I missing? Is it supposed to work this way? 

Edited by SoundGuy (see edit history)
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Update: I waited until well past the 10 day chunk reset and then saw that all 9f the loot everywhere had respawnee. So I guess with this mod the loot reset time doesn't matter. Since loot reset is tied to zombie reset, the player will. Just have to wait for the chunk reset to happen. 

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  • 1 month later...


On 8/24/2023 at 5:12 PM, SoundGuy said:

Update: I waited until well past the 10 day chunk reset and then saw that all 9f the loot everywhere had respawnee. So I guess with this mod the loot reset time doesn't matter. Since loot reset is tied to zombie reset, the player will. Just have to wait for the chunk reset to happen. 


I'd have to dig deeper into the loot respawn mechanics to give you an answer on exactly how they function. This mod works very simply. When entering a sleeper volume, there is a check to see whether sleepers should respawn based on a timer, and this mod resets that timer every time, thus never respawning the sleepers. Perhaps the loot containers are tied to the sleeper volumes.


On 8/16/2023 at 5:17 AM, -Holo- said:

I like the basic premise!

Is it somehow possible to have POI's sleepers slowly repopulate when they have been away from player for a time?

I love the idea of clearing out a town and it stays clear of sleepers (but have wandering zombies walking in), but if no players are around for a configurable time

the sleeperzombies eventually returns, ramping up from just a few sleepers per POI to eventually all sleepers restored.

I don't know if such a feat is even possible to mod in?


If I understand correctly, you are requesting the following:

  • Sleepers to respawn if players are not in the area for some time
  • The amount of time should be configurable
  • The amount of sleepers that respawn should ramp up proportionally to the amount of time that has passed
  • Allow for wandering zombies to enter and become sleepers (would require detecting if the building is sealed)

These things vary in difficulty but may be accomplishable, but I will not pursue them, unfortunately, as I do not have time for modding endeavors these days! 😥
This mod is intended for people who dislike the sleeper respawn mechanic, however. The above features more closely resemble the vanilla experience, the main difference simply being that sleepers respawn completely instead of proportionally over time.

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On 10/16/2023 at 1:00 PM, ExtremeLurker said:



I'd have to dig deeper into the loot respawn mechanics to give you an answer on exactly how they function. This mod works very simply. When entering a sleeper volume, there is a check to see whether sleepers should respawn based on a timer, and this mod resets that timer every time, thus never respawning the sleepers. Perhaps the loot containers are tied to the sleeper volumes.



If I understand correctly, you are requesting the following:

  • Sleepers to respawn if players are not in the area for some time
  • The amount of time should be configurable
  • The amount of sleepers that respawn should ramp up proportionally to the amount of time that has passed
  • Allow for wandering zombies to enter and become sleepers (would require detecting if the building is sealed)

These things vary in difficulty but may be accomplishable, but I will not pursue them, unfortunately, as I do not have time for modding endeavors these days! 😥
This mod is intended for people who dislike the sleeper respawn mechanic, however. The above features more closely resemble the vanilla experience, the main difference simply being that sleepers respawn completely instead of proportionally over time.

A mod that does what you listed would be an amazing mod for the feeling of the world (I and my group of players generally play for long time on the same map)
Hopefully when (if?) the game ever goes Gold and gets released, there will be an influx of modders to take a bite of the game again :)

I know absolutely nothing about dll modding and can barely mod the xmls to do what I want, but it's always amazing to see what -can- be done when picking apart the engine a bit :)

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2 hours ago, -Holo- said:

A mod that does what you listed would be an amazing mod for the feeling of the world (I and my group of players generally play for long time on the same map)
Hopefully when (if?) the game ever goes Gold and gets released, there will be an influx of modders to take a bite of the game again :)

I know absolutely nothing about dll modding and can barely mod the xmls to do what I want, but it's always amazing to see what -can- be done when picking apart the engine a bit :)


I agree with you that it's really cool how much potential there is! I wish I had time for it, as I have plenty of ideas, but it takes quite a bit of time picking through code as the codebase of the game is decently large, and I'm actively trying to reduce the amount of projects I take on outside of work 😅

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/2/2023 at 12:39 AM, Ozzland said:

Has anyone seen the issue where this also keeps the location from respawning when you do a 2nd quest there?
Or is that a feature of this mod? 
Or something new to A21 I was not aware of?

Hey, this came up a while back in a previous alpha, and my explanation was that the mod should work fine due to the fact that when you start a quest at a POI, it completely resets the POI, respawning everything including loot. I did a test just now where I grabbed a quest for a location, completely cleared the POI with the mod enabled, moved time to be sure that sleepers were not respawning, and then I activated the quest at the POI, which completely reset the POI and sleepers respawned again.

I'm not sure if what you're saying is that you completed a quest at a POI and then accepted another quest at that same POI and the second time it did not have sleepers, but I can't imagine why that would be, as the POI is completely reset each time you activate a quest with the quest marker at the POI. I believe there is a small chance that a POI can generate with few or no sleepers, however, so perhaps that's what happened for you. Regardless, I'm as certain as I can be that there is no issue here with using the mod. I can't think of a way to test doing multiple quests at a single location beyond modding the game to be able to test for that, which would take more time than I have to dedicate to it.

I hope that you've not experienced any other issues! 🙏

Edited by ExtremeLurker (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

I'm not sure how I've done this, but since installing this mod, there are no sleepers in any of the POIs. They were fill of them before. I'm just going through a town I've been to, but only cleared out one house... The other's I've visited are clear too apart from 1 house which had 1 Z in it... Could that just be luck, or I have managed to break something? I only have this mod installed with the files in the directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\StayClear), and I have Craft From Containers installed (https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2196), but that's it. Not sure what I've done

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Posted (edited)
On 3/1/2024 at 2:30 AM, Mike King said:

I'm not sure how I've done this, but since installing this mod, there are no sleepers in any of the POIs. They were fill of them before. I'm just going through a town I've been to, but only cleared out one house... The other's I've visited are clear too apart from 1 house which had 1 Z in it... Could that just be luck, or I have managed to break something? I only have this mod installed with the files in the directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\StayClear), and I have Craft From Containers installed (https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2196), but that's it. Not sure what I've done


Hey there! I don't think this can be related to my mod, as my mod is a very simple change that just resets the respawn timer whenever a POI is entered, and that timer does not come into play until after you've fully cleared the POI. Perhaps just bad luck? To assuage your fears, I just tested my mod out on the latest version (A21.2 b37) and cleared out a pop n pills POI at gamestage 57 and 20+ zombies were inside. After fully clearing out the POI, I advanced time by 3 weeks and re-entered and nothing respawned, so everything seems to be working fine here!

Edited by ExtremeLurker (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm still at the stage where I do quests, so I was wondering, how this mod works with quest POIs. Do quests still trigger full respawn as normal? I would love to install this mod as it sounds amazing, I'm just sligthly worried about clearing quests especially.

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 4/6/2024 at 8:44 AM, bbyhighness said:

Hi, I'm still at the stage where I do quests, so I was wondering, how this mod works with quest POIs. Do quests still trigger full respawn as normal? I would love to install this mod as it sounds amazing, I'm just sligthly worried about clearing quests especially.


Hey there. Sorry for the late reply. I've tried many times to get notified about replies to this, but it never works. I've played with this mod for years, and questing works just fine! When you start a quest at a location, the game handles fully regenerating that POI, and so my mod does not conflict with it.


On 6/27/2024 at 11:39 AM, goldenfyre said:

please  update for beta 1 spacer.png


Hahaha. I've always thought about Morgan with regards to clearing out areas with my mod 😆 I'll look into researching the new changes and testing things out as soon as I can!

Edited by ExtremeLurker (see edit history)
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Okay, you knew as soon as 1.0 hit I was going to be wondering if this will get updated. Lol! I am going to test the A21 version tomorrow or Monday just to see what it does, but figured I would ask just in case it doesn't work. Besides that, I hope you are doing wonderful!

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On 6/30/2024 at 3:56 AM, MandyCMoore said:

Okay, you knew as soon as 1.0 hit I was going to be wondering if this will get updated. Lol! I am going to test the A21 version tomorrow or Monday just to see what it does, but figured I would ask just in case it doesn't work. Besides that, I hope you are doing wonderful!

So far so good. If something changes I will post it. For now, it appears Stay Clear is still working in single player. Going to test it on our server later this week.

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On 7/1/2024 at 8:10 PM, MandyCMoore said:

So far so good. If something changes I will post it. For now, it appears Stay Clear is still working in single player. Going to test it on our server later this week.


Thanks for letting me know! I'm planning on doing my own testing methods soon. I'm interested to hear that it's working, as from what I can see, there's quite a bit of changes to SleeperVolume, which is what my mod modifies, so I want to see if I can determine if the changes will lead to anything breaking, then do some quick tests.

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I went over the code and I'm fairly certain none of the changes should impact this mod at all, and from what I can see from my testing, it appears to work fine, including if you clear out a POI and then start a quest there.


@MandyCMoore please do let me know if you run into any issues, but it seems to be good 🙏

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  • ExtremeLurker changed the title to StayClear V1.0 (No sleeper respawn after clearing a POI!)

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