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Please for the love of sanity make New Game settings persistent again.

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I always had to change settings in A20 for each new game.  Are you saying that it didn't require that when you made new games in A20?  Or are you referring to previous alphas before A20?  Just curious.


I wish think these need to be persistent.  Most people use the same settings every game.

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Yes all of the yes this is so damned annoying and I have no idea why the hell this was done. In A20 and below it always saved the last game settings you used for a new game, A21 stops doing this for some reason, and you have to reset them all manually each time which gets REALLY annoying. I thought my game was just bugged but apparently its not just me.

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4 hours ago, Maharin said:

In A20 it would always remember the last settings I used for a game (difficulty, loot %, that sort of thing) and use those as the default for the next game I created.

Interesting.  I never had that happen in A20.  Every new game was default settings and I had to go in and change everything again.  Existing saves of course kept the same settings.  Did that maybe depend on whether or not you were making a new game using the same map?  My new games were always new maps.  Not sure why it would have been different for me.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, Riamus said:

Interesting.  I never had that happen in A20.  Every new game was default settings and I had to go in and change everything again.  Existing saves of course kept the same settings.  Did that maybe depend on whether or not you were making a new game using the same map?  My new games were always new maps.  Not sure why it would have been different for me.


It worked the same no matter if it was the same map or a different map.  I'm on Linux, no clue if that makes a difference.  But the settings resetting every time is VERY annoying to someone whose play style involves restarting maps/saves frequently (I mostly play dead is dead so I restart every time I die or go to a new map).

Edited by Maharin
I can spell whose... honest (see edit history)
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I can confirm that on windows, it also "remembered" all of my previous settings, regardless of whether i started a new game on a same or different map. having to redo all my game settings for every new game is especially annoying during experimental, with it's frequent restarts.



I am hoping this is a bug that will be fixed, because it is one of the few things i dislike about a21 so far.

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In the meantime I've just been playing with "delete everything on death" to simulate restarting after dying and then just keep playing on the same map.  It's working well enough.  I also don't use a bedroll or claim block.  I haven't made it very far yet without dying but I'm rusty from lack of play time in the past 6 months or so.

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