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19 hours ago, Riamus said:

Well, I originally thought I liked the update but the more I am playing, the more I'm finding that I am starting to hate it.  I am about to just quit playing because it's annoying me so much.  Almost every hit from a zombie causes a negative effect - usually bleeding.  At the first levels you just don't have bandages enough to keep up with dealing with all these high numbers of bleeds.  Lighting is so messed up that it will go from full brightness to full darkness with a single step inside a building and the fade in/out looks extremely unnatural.  Greatly increased damage by zombies, or so it seems, may be fine at high difficulties for those that like that but there wasn't a reason to change difficulty from what it was before.  The constant crawling of zombies at broken doors causing them to get their super reach attacks is getting old really fast.


I really hope this gets balanced quickly because it is so frustrating to play right now.  I love the look and changes overall but whatever "balancing" that was done is awful.


And WHY would I get spawned on top of a POI roof when I spawn near backpack?!  There's no reason for that.  It wasn't even a roof you're meant to be on and so no way down besides jumping or building something.


At this point I can't even play anymore.  I'm just so fed of with a bleed from practically every hit from a zombie.  Waiting for a fix or someone to mod it back to better levels.


No offense, but you sound kinda fragile.  Maybe try Mario Kart first?

Edited by tdevine (see edit history)
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Just now, Riamus said:

And is there some reason you feel the need to be rude?


I was kinda joking.  This is a hardish game about survival and maybe certain death.  If you are getting hit that often you are doing it wrong.  This game has 100 ways to loot, fight, and stay safe.

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2 hours ago, Fox said:

I agree. Eye candy is often what draws ppl in, although I'm sure some players with budget gaming systems would disagree. But if you had to choose between eye candy and new content for the next major update, which would you prefer?


Content, 7dtd hasn't gotten anything new item or zombie wise in a long time. We need a tier above steel items, and zombies above radiated to use them on. Its one of the major things 7dtd needs other than optimizations.

21 hours ago, Riamus said:

Well, I originally thought I liked the update but the more I am playing, the more I'm finding that I am starting to hate it.  I am about to just quit playing because it's annoying me so much.  Almost every hit from a zombie causes a negative effect - usually bleeding.  At the first levels you just don't have bandages enough to keep up with dealing with all these high numbers of bleeds.  Lighting is so messed up that it will go from full brightness to full darkness with a single step inside a building and the fade in/out looks extremely unnatural.  Greatly increased damage by zombies, or so it seems, may be fine at high difficulties for those that like that but there wasn't a reason to change difficulty from what it was before.  The constant crawling of zombies at broken doors causing them to get their super reach attacks is getting old really fast.


I really hope this gets balanced quickly because it is so frustrating to play right now.  I love the look and changes overall but whatever "balancing" that was done is awful.


And WHY would I get spawned on top of a POI roof when I spawn near backpack?!  There's no reason for that.  It wasn't even a roof you're meant to be on and so no way down besides jumping or building something.


At this point I can't even play anymore.  I'm just so fed of with a bleed from practically every hit from a zombie.  Waiting for a fix or someone to mod it back to better levels.


Hate to be the one to say it but, sounds like a skill issue and not a game issue here. Wanna avoid the debuffs? don't get hit in the first place. Not trying to be a jerk but its just the truth. If you don't get hit you don't get debuffs.


I do agree with the zombies crouching in front of doors though, why is it when they crouch their reach is suddendly double what it was when they were standing? and how do they hit me thru the bottom of a soild door, I mean if it was thru the hole in the door i'd understand but they do it even if the door is at full hp, they just clip thru it and hit you due to the crouch.

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2 hours ago, tdevine said:

I was kinda joking.  This is a hardish game about survival and maybe certain death.  If you are getting hit that often you are doing it wrong.  This game has 100 ways to loot, fight, and stay safe.

I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, though that really only comes across one way.  To answer you, there is a difference between a game being a challenge (this game really isn't unless you raise difficulty to the highest level or adjust settings in certain ways that will have a similar effect) and an imbalance in how things are working causing things to happen that really shouldn't.  As I said, this was in one save and did not occur at all in another save and so it is likely either a bug in the save or just very bad RNG the entire game for everyone.  In that safe, literally 1 out of every 2 or 3 hits would result in a bleed effect.  That isn't normal.  It shouldn't happen.


I'm assuming you have not experienced a game where this happened to you or you would most likely agree it was a problem.  They need feedback on how things work in A21, both good and bad.  With this being the first save, it appeared that they changed buff chances significantly and so I said it needed balanced/fixed.  As it did not happen in two other separate saves, I have to assume they did not make a change it that it was minor and is either a bug or bad RNG.

1 hour ago, Scyris said:

Hate to be the one to say it but, sounds like a skill issue and not a game issue here. Wanna avoid the debuffs? don't get hit in the first place. Not trying to be a jerk but its just the truth. If you don't get hit you don't get debuffs.

So you are saying you never get hit?  I'm not suggesting I get hit constantly.  I get hit maybe once or twice in a POI on average until I get to tier 4-5.  For that matter, one POI has a ladder to the attic where a zombie will hit you while you are still climbing.  Now I know it is there, I can change how I deal with it but until knowing if that, it was a guaranteed hit.  But when 1 out of every 2-3 hits is a bleed, that isn't good.

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2 hours ago, Riamus said:

I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, though that really only comes across one way.  To answer you, there is a difference between a game being a challenge (this game really isn't unless you raise difficulty to the highest level or adjust settings in certain ways that will have a similar effect) and an imbalance in how things are working causing things to happen that really shouldn't.  As I said, this was in one save and did not occur at all in another save and so it is likely either a bug in the save or just very bad RNG the entire game for everyone.  In that safe, literally 1 out of every 2 or 3 hits would result in a bleed effect.  That isn't normal.  It shouldn't happen.


I'm assuming you have not experienced a game where this happened to you or you would most likely agree it was a problem.  They need feedback on how things work in A21, both good and bad.  With this being the first save, it appeared that they changed buff chances significantly and so I said it needed balanced/fixed.  As it did not happen in two other separate saves, I have to assume they did not make a change it that it was minor and is either a bug or bad RNG.

So you are saying you never get hit?  I'm not suggesting I get hit constantly.  I get hit maybe once or twice in a POI on average until I get to tier 4-5.  For that matter, one POI has a ladder to the attic where a zombie will hit you while you are still climbing.  Now I know it is there, I can change how I deal with it but until knowing if that, it was a guaranteed hit.  But when 1 out of every 2-3 hits is a bleed, that isn't good.


Oh I get hit enough, I just deal with it when it happens, I am used to Darkness Falls overhaul, if you think the crit rate in vanilla is bad you should try that. On warrior your crit resist is in the negatives unless your in full steel/heavy armor and even then its lower then what cloth armor gives in vanilla. Teaches you real quick to try not to get hit. Though I do admit the zombies need a range reduction cuz they can hit you way farther away than you can hit them unless using a spear anyway. The bug when they crouch and suddendly gain double reach also needs to be fixed. Most of my hits in a21 have been from trying to melee zombies thru a hole in a door only for them to glitch out and crouch and half glitch thru the door and are able to hit me thru a closed door. I mean if it was coming from the hole I can see it, but they are literally crawling at the very bottom of the door and clearly glitch right thru it with half their body.

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3 hours ago, jemriah said:

if you take CONSECUTIVE hits then you get debuffed very quickly.. like very very quickly. if you take the occasional hit, it's pretty rare that you get debuffed. at least this is my experience with it

And that is what you would expect but was not my experience in that first game.  It's what I see in two other games, though.  In the first game, the first hit would cause the debuff and hits were not even remotely close together.

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In previous versions you could back away and advance for a hit, this version there reach is longer and they hit you even if your trying to move out of reach, also agree the bleeds are to much. Yes it gets easier at higher levels but the first 2 or 3 are enough to make you want to give up or turn on cheat mode. Really takes the fun out of the game and I've been playing it for 9 years, off and on.

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A21 takes a bit of getting used to... and maybe the bleed/injury rate needs very slight nerfing.  Stamina was always an issue... not sure if it's slightly worse now.  Zeds started to hit harder in A20 (and with ridiculous reach), but it can be adjusted for.  Hit boxes seem to have been adjusted and are perhaps a bit smaller now too.  Spears are really, really good now and once you get the knack, you can handle groups fairly easily, especially if you spec into heavy armor - or go stealth/bow (my preference).


I'm glad someone else noticed the zeds glitching though doors/gates.... that's happened to me several times and I don't remember that occurring (much) in A20.  It's probably related to the weird crouch mechanics that definitely need tweaking.


Not a fan of the water changes... but love the other QOL improvements to the game - especially being able now to run over chickens in the road!  hehe


Early game is always BRUTAL... I died non-stop after A20 launched, so not much different now.

/like every update... two steps forward and perhaps a small step back 

Edited by Lumpus (see edit history)
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23 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


I was about to say no nerf, but there was a slight one (and probably well deserved).  All stumps now have a 20% chance of harvesting honey; previously POI stumps were set at 40%.


If you meant A19 with "previously" you are probably correct.


I am pretty sure the nerf happened in A20 and stump chance for honey in A20 was 0.2 already (or even lower). I remember searching for it and having a low expectation to actually finding one.


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Just now, meganoth said:

If you meant A19 with "previously" you are probably correct.


Nope, by previously I meant as late as 20.5 for certainty (I have 20.5 files on my work laptop and it shows p=0.4 for POI stumps and p=0.2 for biome stumps).

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3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


Nope, by previously I meant as late as 20.5 for certainty (I have 20.5 files on my work laptop and it shows p=0.4 for POI stumps and p=0.2 for biome stumps).


Ah, I was talking about biome stumps. Didn't even know that POI stumps were a separate block

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