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Xbox 7dtd responsibility?

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Where's our update! There  Is no such thing as one gamer type. We have people that play on nintendo DS, xbox,  Xbox 360, xbox 1, PS system 2,3,4,5.  Why is it that the PC gets to be updated but us gamers on consoles can't have the same thing. 7 days to die is a game sold on Microsoft in the store. The game does not have any downloadable content just player skins that you only see when you pick up your character. The only version available to xbox 1 for 7 days to die is As far as I can see alpha 15. The version is   Me and a buddy play to player in the local section of 7 days to die. The game crashes every 2 to 4 hours. For online play it crashes roughly every 15 to 25 minutes. There is no news of any update except on pc where they have the version alpha 21. I think everyone has played this game has had enough. We'd be better for everyone a place this game that likes this game we got together and made our own server. With our own updates and transferred 7 days to die over to our side.


I found this game myself by chance a lot of scrolling through game pass. I am not somebody that looks at reviews when I go and find a game but no after I have had the game for about 2 to 3 months. I've looked at the reviews and realized there's no hope. You've known about everything even after 5 years this is Nothing done. The comments are obvious they are mentioned game crashes game bugs no online multiplayer, The loss of progress random destruction of bases.  I think everyone out there knows  No matter what kind of console or system they like this game and they want a continuation, An update.

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I guess you didn't do your research.  TFP sold the gaming rights to TellTale Games who farmed out the game to Iron Galaxy to port it over to the consoles.  TFP had nothing to do with the console game.  Unfortunately, when TellTale Games when bankrupt, all development / updates on the console game was stopped and the version you have today is the final version for the console until the PC game goes Gold.

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I wish these people realized that coming out repeating the same things just makes console people look like uninformed morons. The situation has been around long enough and explained to death, so there is no reason for these types of posts still. A simple google search will tell you all you need to know about what happened, why it happened, why the current version is dead, and what TFP are doing to not make that mistake again.

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14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I wish these people realized that coming out repeating the same things just makes console people look like uninformed morons. The situation has been around long enough and explained to death, so there is no reason for these types of posts still. A simple google search will tell you all you need to know about what happened, why it happened, why the current version is dead, and what TFP are doing to not make that mistake again.

Sadly, it would appear that the practice of doing research, reading, ect. is now a lost art form. 

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On 3/4/2023 at 8:43 PM, bdubyah said:

I wish these people realized that coming out repeating the same things just makes console people look like uninformed morons. 


Tell me about it, lol! I'm a console player myself but, I think it's fair to say that I'm one of the chill ones on here. I never complain about updates, I've never blamed TFP, and I always try my best to do some research before assuming things. Also, everytime someone comes on here and complains about the console version before looking into its past/current situation, it makes some of the console players (like myself) who are being chill and patiently waiting look bad.

Edited by II Blittz II (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, KOOLLAYDTAC said:

So he didn't do his research. Kicking dude for it doesn't make you lot look any better. Just being honest mates. lol😜


OP came into the forums with an attitude and blamed TFP for the current status of a TTG game.  OP also didn't bother to read the red banner link or the pinned links about the past history of the situation and the future of console.  Kicking was justifiable, but not much was really done.


Had the OP simply came into the forums and asked what was going on in a more civil form, responses would have probably been a bland response giving them an update.

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On 3/13/2023 at 11:53 AM, BFT2020 said:


OP came into the forums with an attitude and blamed TFP for the current status of a TTG game.  OP also didn't bother to read the red banner link or the pinned links about the past history of the situation and the future of console.  Kicking was justifiable, but not much was really done.


Had the OP simply came into the forums and asked what was going on in a more civil form, responses would have probably been a bland response giving them an update.

Fair enough mate. Yousa point well said. lol👍😁

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On 3/1/2023 at 4:01 PM, Silverslayer5050 said:

Where's our update! There  Is no such thing as one gamer type. We have people that play on nintendo DS, xbox,  Xbox 360, xbox 1, PS system 2,3,4,5.  Why is it that the PC gets to be updated but us gamers on consoles can't have the same thing.


Technically, every PC update is also a console update. The difference is that PC gamers can play the development versions that are released to early access. Console players can only view the updates as they would news about any video game that hasn't been released yet. I just watched some footage for the new Zelda game that I definitely plan to get for my Switch. But there is no program established that lets me play development versions of Zelda until it releases in its final gold form.


You just have to view the updates as footage and news for how the console version is coming along and wait for the full release much like most every game that exists on console. Even among PC gamers only those who access the game through steam can play the experimental versions when they are released. Gamers that play through Game Pass and Geforce Now have to wait until the stable build is released as the experimental versions can only be access through Steam's beta opt in program.


It would be cool if console players could have some kind of early access program but to my knowledge it doesn't exist and even seems impossible given Sony and Microsoft rules that updates cannot break saves. Unless Microsoft and/or Sony have an Early Access program that they maintain like Valve does AND TFP is willing to switch over their current console development to an early access model, console players just have to think of all of the PC updates as news releases for them and nothing more.

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On 3/21/2023 at 5:01 PM, Roland said:

It would be cool if console players could have some kind of early access program but to my knowledge it doesn't exist and even seems impossible given Sony and Microsoft rules that updates cannot break saves. 


Xbox actually has an early access program, it just mainly depends on if the devs really want to bring their game to its early access program on console which then has to be accepted and approved by Microsoft. Most devs don't though because, it's more of a hassle for smaller devs to develop the same game on multiple platforms. The devs that do usually has a console team that handles the Xbox port of the game. Xbox's early access program is called "Game Preview" where you can play the game during its development, report bugs, leave feedback, etc up until its official 1.0 release. With that being said, I'm not 100% sure about PlayStation since they didn't get PUBG until its official 1.0 release a year after Xbox once it left early access on PC and Xbox. I've recently been playing Valheim through early access on Xbox the last few days as well, it's actually a pretty cool viking survival game but, nothing can top 7 Days To Die though.

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1 hour ago, II Blittz II said:


Xbox actually has an early access program, it just mainly depends on if the devs really want to bring their game to its early access program on console which then has to be accepted and approved by Microsoft. Most devs don't though because, it's more of a hassle for smaller devs to develop the same game on multiple platforms. The devs that do usually has a console team that handles the Xbox port of the game. Xbox's early access program is called "Game Preview" where you can play the game during its development, report bugs, leave feedback, etc up until its official 1.0 release. With that being said, I'm not 100% sure about PlayStation since they didn't get PUBG until its official 1.0 release a year after Xbox once it left early access on PC and Xbox. I've recently been playing Valheim through early access on Xbox the last few days as well, it's actually a pretty cool viking survival game but, nothing can top 7 Days To Die though.

Sony does too. I've Alpha'ed more than a few things on it like Rainbow 6 Siege when it was literally just testing vehicle mechanics on an island and nothing else. It definitely isn't common though, and a title like 7 Days or Valheim is extremely rare.  Usually it's not something you're buying into, but you do sign up with the developer for access to the test.

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11 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Sony does too. I've Alpha'ed more than a few things on it like Rainbow 6 Siege when it was literally just testing vehicle mechanics on an island and nothing else.


Oh, nice, that's pretty cool. I can't speak too much on PlayStation since I'm not really familar with the programs they offer on their platform. The only one's on console I can speak on are Xbox's programs, they have an early access program called "Game Preview" and a program for independent developers called ID@Xbox.





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