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User connection problem to dedicated server


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So I recently started a dedicated server with a group of friends in alpha 20.6. I don't know why but very frecuently some ramdom player suddenly can't join anymore to the server. It has happened 3 times already. According to the logs, player succesfully logs into the server but cannot spawn. 

I've done my research and it looks like it is a common bug which involves a corrupted ttp file of the player.

Here's the output log: https://pastebin.com/b4vyzEBU

Here's the ttp file of the player: https://pastebin.com/MKEUEE6p

Player is named Kal-el

If you need any extra data or logs just tell me to do so.


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We would need the complete logfiles of server and client. That small excerpt doesn't tell me anything.


The immediate solution is probably deleting the player files. As you had the problem before you probably know that already.


Since it happens often and to different players it seems the network or server performance could be the problem. It might also be possible that one particularily weak client makes other players get out of sync(?).


If it is network you should check if any or all players connect through steamnetworking instead of litenetlib (a complete logfile will tell you). That decreases network performance. Server performance can be checked easily, search for lines with "FPS:" in the server log, the FPS on the server should be at or above 20. 



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@meganoth  I think i'll just do a manual backup of server files each day to prevent this from happening. Server performance is alright (I checked the server logs and most of times it sits around 40-30 fps but it decreases to 20 in horde nights, which makes it kind of unplayable).


If you have any tips in increasing servers performance or overall game performance I would like to hear them. 


Though I didnt understand what you meant in the last part. Should players connect through steam or litenetlib?

They are currently connecting via steam.


In the other hand, If neither network or performance are triggering the corrupted files, what could be causing it? Is there something I could be doing wrong when saving the server or anything else?


Regarding the logs you asked for, could you guide me on how to get them?

Edited by reydelcum (see edit history)
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The game has 2 network protocals for game servers: steamnetworking and litenetlib which are not related to Steam but are for connecting to individual servers. Which protocals are used by servers are stated in the serverconfig.xml. Assigning steamnetworking to the disabled network protocals causes players to join via litenetlib which is the better of the two.

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12 minutes ago, reydelcum said:

@meganoth Thx for help but I think i'll just do a manual backup of server files each day to prevent this from happening. Server performance is alright (I checked the server logs and most of times it sits around 40-30 fps but it decreases to 20 in horde nights, which makes it kind of unplayable).


If you have any tips in increasing servers performance or overall game performance I would like to hear them. 


Though I didnt understand what you meant in the last part. Should players connect through steam or litenetlib?

They are currently connecting via steam.


In the other hand, If neither network or performance are triggering the corrupted files, what could be causing it? Is there something I could be doing wrong when saving the server or anything else?


What Star69 said.


And: Don't confuse server FPS with client FPS. If you see 20 FPS on the server that is totally fine, you don't need more. Only if it goes below 20 you should worry.


I can't tell you if you are doing anything wrong when stopping or saving the server when you don't tell me how you stop or save the server.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Ok. That means that you did not forward the server ports in your router. Or the servers firewall blocks the ports.


I assume you have your server in your home network, right? Then you need to forward a few server ports in your router. The ports are (if you kept them at default) 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP. This part is different for all kinds of routers, more information is in https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/


Especially the info under "What are the system requirements for a dedicated server?" is important for you, there is a link to a page where you can get info about opening ports on all router brands.


And  " Why are you telling me to exclude the program from my Antivirus software? "   gives you info how to handle your PCs firewall so that it doesn't block the ports.


If you do that, players should be able to join without steamnetworking and your latency should drop. 


Another thing: WLAN is generally not the best idea when playing networked games and especially bad for a server. If you have your server on WLAN, change that. If you or your friends have their client PCs on WLAN, well, it works most of the time, but if they have the option to connect them via wire(especially if they live in a densly populated area) it would be a good idea.




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2 hours ago, meganoth said:

I checked and I had already opened the ports both in my router and firewall:



  • 8080-8081 (ONLY if you plan to administer your server remotely.)
  • 8082 (If you are using Alloc's mods, this is for the web map.)
  • 26900




  • 26900-26903

Do I need to open a different port?


Regarding the antivirus thing, Im currently using the default windows defender, when I click on adding an exclusion nothing pops up. Do you know how to fix it?

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Oh right, I didn't notice that the antivirus FAQ was only about excluding the directories, not about opening ports at all, though you should do that step anyway.


I am a linux-user so I don't even know whether the windows firewall has those ports blocked or not and what you can do about it. @SylenThunder : Do you have a moment to enlighten us?


One thing you should do: Use   to find out your routers current outside IP adress (also shown in the router webpage surely). Then start your server and ask one of the other players to point a port sniffer program at that address. He should see port 26900 TCP and at least one of the UPD ports in the range 26900 to 26903 being open. If not you failed at forwarding them.


If the ports are open but your friends still fail to connect, then maybe it really is time now for you to post full logs, one of the server and one of a client trying to connect and failing.


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I’ll tell one of my friends to try the port sniffer.

There are no actual logs of the connection attempts, they just get the message that they couldn’t obtain server’s information, and in the servers cmd it’s like nothing happened.

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3 hours ago, reydelcum said:

I’ll tell one of my friends to try the port sniffer.

There are no actual logs of the connection attempts, they just get the message that they couldn’t obtain server’s information, and in the servers cmd it’s like nothing happened.


Sure there are logs. The real logfiles talked about here, if there is any question what I am talking about: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/


How do you know there is no relevant information in there? Have you read many of them already? Do you know what to look for? I can't promise that anyone here finds a smoking gun in there but I would wager our chances are better.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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On 1/9/2023 at 9:50 AM, reydelcum said:

There are no actual logs of the connection attempts

Every time you run the game it creates a log. Post a log from a player that fails to connect.

Your server log looks fine, though I don't recommend playing on same machine as the server.

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