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We missed you zombies

Dan Scott

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Hi everyone!


Me and a friend have an issue on our server. Suddenly 95% of the zombies are gone. In 6 hours of play we must have seen a dozen of them... Even the night. No problem for animals (I think). 

We have already checked the settings of the server : everything is normal. We have tried to disable the zombie spawn / restart / re-enable : not better. As if there was no more heat at all (we are day 48), or as if we were back to day one of the game. 


Do you have an idea to solve this ? 


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people here will need to see:

1. the server config (full, not bits and pieces and upload it to pastebin and provide the link only here)

2. client copy of output log during a current game with the issue (also upload it to pastebin and provide the link here)


you can also follow the instructions provided here



Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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Lots of chunk errors which might indicate a partially corrupted save. I’m also seeing some odd sound errors…..have you used mods in the past on this install? The log says you aren’t currently using mods. Finally, I see some issues with EOS. Be sure that on the host machine that you create exclusions for the game and saves folders in your antivirus software. If you are okay with starting a new map, I would go into the game launcher and clean all the files then verify integrity of the game files twice in order to redownload any corrupted files.

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On 10/20/2022 at 9:22 AM, Dan Scott said:

Done !

There are a number of wandering hordes and screamer hordes spawning in your log.

Some of the wandering horde spawns fail because they can't find you. As a guess I'd

say that could happen if you are deep underground at the time. Some of them despawn

as they are never discovered. This could happen if you're driving and don't see them.

Do you mean that poi's no longer have zombies in them?

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