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Please do something about the drone


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I really like using the drone for the extra inventory but WHY does it always have to be in your face???


It gets in the way when you're trying to place blocks, when you're trying to upgrade blocks, when you're trying to mine, and when you're trying to fight off zombies!  Can't it be programmed to be slightly above your face?  The thing gets pretty annoying a lot.

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7 hours ago, Kosiam said:

Biggest complaint I have with it also. It should ALWAYS attempt to go behind you. No exceptions.

There is an inherent problem with programming it to always get behind you. When you DO want to interact with the drone, how do you do it? As soon as you look at it, it will attempt to get out of your view.


I already have a hard time interacting with it in certain situations where the drone is coming to me from the side, I turn to interact with it, but it continues to fly past my view because it was going to where my view was previously. Then I turn to see it again, and it has already recalculated its position to where I turned to initially. It's almost comical where I turn left and right trying to interact with it as it keeps flying right and left opposite of where I'm looking. In those situations I've had to learn to just sit still and wait for it to come to a stop.


TL:DR, the drone is an issue right now, especially when it comes to combat. Players seem to forget that this is still EA and the first implementation of the drone. Improvements will be made. I do think it needs to get behind you, but it should do so only when enemies are near, not all the time. I also think there should be a hotkey to call the drone either into view, or just pull up its radial menu automatically without having to hold E on it.

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On 11/2/2022 at 4:38 AM, Diragor said:

How about programming one button that changes it's pathing. Press it and it stays behind you, press again and it will be in front of you.

I was thinking along those lines.  Just have the drone follow you around but when you want to interact with it, press a mapped key and it will move to face you.


It really is ridiculous when you've got a dozen zombies coming at you and the drone is right there in your face as you're trying to fight them.  Or when you're trying to place blocks and the drone is right there where you want to place one.  It happens all of the time and it is very annoying.


I really hope this is one of the things TFP is working on for A21.

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I don't have a lot of hours in ARK, but I have come to somewhat like the system they have in place for ordering your tamed dinos around. It would be a bit overkill for 7DTD, but a simplified version of that would work nicely for the drone. In a perfect world I would be able to aim at a spot on the ground, press a key and the drone will fly to and stay in that spot until called upon again with another key press.

Edited by Syphon583 (see edit history)
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Another option if they don't want to hotkey it to come in front of you is to default it to behind you and then as long as you are standing still, you can turn and it won't reposition unless you move forward or backward and then it will once again go behind you.

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23 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

I don't have a lot of hours in ARK, but I have come to somewhat like the system they have in place for ordering your tamed dinos around. It would be a bit overkill for 7DTD, but a simplified version of that would work nicely for the drone. In a perfect world I would be able to aim at a spot on the ground, press a key and the drone will fly to and stay in that spot until called upon again with another key press.

Because attitude doesn't come across in text I will say this is not meant as sarcastic or snide or any of the other negative ways it could be taken.

As I recall right now you can aim at the drone press a key and tell it to stay and it will stay in that spot until you do it again and tell it to follow.

Yes, I also agree that looking at ground and hitting one key and it sets there and then hitting the key again to cancel it would be easier but i don't think by all that much.


EDIT: I also like we can tell the damn thing to shut up :D


Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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