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Recommendation for a third-party server service?


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Honestly - I would recommend you get a spot instance on AWS and learn to manage your own server. Full control over everything, which mods, when to back up, etc. But also full control over resource contention. While AWS does share its infrastructure between clients, youre not going to have the degree of either CPU or network contention you get while budget gaming hosts.


As long as you remember to shut down your server between gaming sessions, it shouldn't be that much more expensive that a game host.


Of course, if you have no seever admin skills and no desire to learn, it might not be for you.

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I’ve used Bluefang for 4 or 5 years and am extremely happy with the performance and customer support. As for server saves, that isn’t handled by any of the server providers but is handled by server tools that you install and manage yourself. Search these forums and you’ll see several server tools and check them to see which one fits your needs.

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3 hours ago, Star69 said:

I’ve used Bluefang for 4 or 5 years and am extremely happy with the performance and customer support. As for server saves, that isn’t handled by any of the server providers but is handled by server tools that you install and manage yourself. Search these forums and you’ll see several server tools and check them to see which one fits your needs.

Thanks for the recommendation!


Ah, I was unaware of the need for server tools.  I asked the folks at Supercraft hosting about backing up and they said I’d be able to go into my filesystem and download WORLD.ZIP to backup my save daily.  Can I ask what else server tools are for?  I don’t plan to run any mods.  

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Avoid Nitrado. They are cheap, yeah, but it shows.


We are using G-Portal for years now. Customer Support is awesome and fast. They even help you with mods. Couldn´t get Age of Oblivion running on the server, they managed to  download the mod and install it for me in ca. 45 mins. You can backup your saves manually, wich is only a few clicks, just need to manage the 50GB cloud space and delete older backups from time to time.


Have only heard good things about bluefang aswell, never had a server there myself though.

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Server tools greatly increase your abilities of maintaining a server. Things like kick/ban list, online map of discovered territory, simplified repair tools, automatic scheduling of backups and server restarts etc. There's much much more but definitely something to look into if you plan to run a public server. If it's a private server then they are needed as much but still have some handy tools. Here is just one example:

Server Tools - Tools - 7 Days to Die

 Others can be found in Game Modification/Tools

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