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Bicycle question.


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I'd like it mostly for a little more complex game mechanics; at the moment, none of your stuff is any danger, so nothing you build to "protect" it matters. If zeds would randomly attack boxes / vehicles / farms / whatnot, you'd actually have to design something to keep your things safe. That doesn't mean it would have to be every zed every time, just some of them, occasionally. But it would actually give value to a good base, making them a little more rewarding in a way.

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Oh, heck I thought I had to hang chest from walls to keep zed off them in case of a breach.   Has it always been this way?  I was told to keep away from poi or Zedd would attach bike.  But that person hasn't played in a while.  I was mainly wondering about home base without building a garage.

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Zombies can go into random destruction mode if there is no path to you. So they might randomly hit your vehicle or storage containers if they are near them and in destruction mode. But they don't have a task to specifically attack objects--- although, I believe you can go into the xml file for entities and add attack targets to their list of tasks.

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Here is the list of possible additional/alternative targets for zombies that you can set:



<!--Classes for AITarget:
        <property name="Class" value="EntityAnimalRabbit"/> and chicken
        <property name="Class" value="EntityAnimalStag"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityBackpack"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityBandit"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityEnemyAnimal"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityLootContainer"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityMinibike"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityNPC"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityPlayer"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntitySupplyCrate"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntitySupplyPlane"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntitySurvivor"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityVulture"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityZombie"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityZombieCop"/>
        <property name="Class" value="EntityZombieDog"/>


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27 minutes ago, Roland said:

Zombies can go into random destruction mode if there is no path to you. So they might randomly hit your vehicle or storage containers if they are near them and in destruction mode.

For boxes, this. But as far as I can tell, DestroyArea will make the zeds attack things at face height, with no significant preference between blocks - otherwise you might exploit that of course, and other reasons. Boxes on the floor are at risk of being stepped on.. /shudder :)


The list of entities for attack; there's "minibike" there, so that might help, probably a more generic "vehicles" would be better. Would be interesting to see them attacking 'EntityLootContainer's, as I assume they don't really have mechanics for being attacked..  (I assume that's the Zed-bags, since 'entity', but you can't hit them or explode them, zeds whould have a hard time as well)


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3 minutes ago, theFlu said:

For boxes, this. But as far as I can tell, DestroyArea will make the zeds attack things at face height, with no significant preference between blocks - otherwise you might exploit that of course, and other reasons. Boxes on the floor are at risk of being stepped on.. /shudder :)


The list of entities for attack; there's "minibike" there, so that might help, probably a more generic "vehicles" would be better. Would be interesting to see them attacking 'EntityLootContainer's, as I assume they don't really have mechanics for being attacked..  (I assume that's the Zed-bags, since 'entity', but you can't hit them or explode them, zeds whould have a hard time as well)



Minibike was the first vehicle in the game so it is probably the name for the class of all vehicles and was never updated after additional vehicles were added but I agree it probably should be at some point.

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1 hour ago, Rotor said:

Oh, heck I thought I had to hang chest from walls to keep zed off them in case of a breach.   Has it always been this way?  I was told to keep away from poi or Zedd would attach bike.  But that person hasn't played in a while.  I was mainly wondering about home base without building a garage.

They're safer on the ground than on a wall.

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2 hours ago, theFlu said:

Sadly no; the only real threat to your vehicles is your own traps. A certain dev demonstrated that a while back with a dart trap iirc; to a great effect.

I remember watching that vid and covering my eyes.   Madmole's poor gyro!

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