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I have an Iron Crossbow equipped, I have an Iron Crossbow Bolt in my inventory, I spent a Perk Point, but when I try to load it the ammo count is 0. What do I have to do? Also, I Spent 30,000 Dukes on a motorcycle but it doesn't deploy. I haven't played in a while and a lot of things have changed. I'm OK with the Block Shapes, I like the Farming, I have more food than I can use, But the Iron Door is so much weaker it really messes up my early game Base. Are there any other things I should know?

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Bolts.. 1st check that they're actually bolts, not arrows. Hold the reload key (R?) until you see the ammo-type options in a wheel; choose from there, should work.

Motorcycle; deployed just like a block, just a little free-er. Since you said you bought it: you can't place one down within the trader protection area. Any other relatively flat piece of land should work.


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Equip motorcycle, go to a relatively flat area with no "block" items (like small stones, shrubs, harvestable plants, etc.), when motorcycle goes from red to green?  Right mouse click.

POOF!  Deployed.

ProTip:  In early game you can craft Iron Hatches from scrap iron, they can be upgraded to have 3000 hit points with just scrap iron, and you can use advanced rotation to place 2 of them in a doorway (one to cover bottom of doorway, one above to cover the top.  Like a split door used in stables).  Two upgraded iron hatches in a doorway makes 6000 HP a zombie has to break.  Without using any forged iron. 


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On 4/22/2022 at 3:39 PM, Bugher said:

Are there any other things I should know?

I mean, that's such a broad question, and given your other questions, I could probably say just about anything and it would be news to you. Others have already commented and answered some of your questions. I'll reiterate some below, but my best advice I can give to a new/returning player is to go to Twitch and just watch some streams. I would suggest looking for "vanilla" streams since that content will likely be the most use to you (and some mods change the gameplay drastically). I'll plug one of my favorites, HellsJanitor. Awesome player and community. He's currently doing a vanilla playthrough. Anyway, hope that helps.

  • As others have mentioned, Crossbows take bolts (which it sounds like you already knew since you said bolts). Just hold R to pull up your ammo selection wheel. New weapons always default to the most basic ammo type, which in the case of bows is usually stone arrows/bolts
  • Motorcycle and other vehicles must be "deployed" from your toolbelt. If it's in your inventory, put it in one of your toolbelt slots, select it like you would a weapon, go to an open, flat-ish area (does not have to be flat, but it's harder to place otherwise) with no harvestable objects (crops, garbage piles, rocks) and place it with right-click. As others have noted, like other play-placed blocks, it cannot be deployed in or next to a trader. Go a few blocks away from the trader walls.

I would provide other tips, but I've been playing only since A19, so I have no idea what's changed since you played last. Best of luck

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