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Oh deep joy


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I got a treasure map. Only problem is that it is over 200m off land in that stuff where you cannot breathe, oh yes, it is called water and it is to deep to dive down there because we need air to breathe



EDIT: Success but it was a pain in the seating area, dive dig a little bit surface, breathe, dive again dig a bit more surface etc etc. Finally can get at the treasure  and it is locked. Surface AGAIN, dive again and lockpick the thing, surface and get to shore. What a surprise I am now wet

Edited by Phil (see edit history)
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I would just abandon any chest in deep water; if I had to dig one, I'd abuse the water physics to prep a breathing room at the bottom. Lay down a minimum of 3x3x3 cube of frames, remove the center ones from one side. This opens an air pocket which may or may not fill; when it doesn't you can breathe there. Any changes/damage to the surrounding blocks may cause the water to recalculate - so if left just open, it will fill up. Replacing and removing frames will work again.


If you want, you can make it a lot more reliable by using doors and such, but for a simple treasure hunt, anything more involved would be overkill.

A random tip to play with: Even poles will keep water 'out' if you place two layers of them, a single layer of pole leaks.

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