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Opening 20.1 save instantly kills me because of the motorbike


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I've been playing with a friend on PC since the alpha 20 release. Since the alpha 20.2b update, joining the save kills me in a weird way, as if I were sent at the top of the map and died from sort of collision damage. The save has been backed-up so I've set it back several times the way it was before the update, the result is always exactly the same. 


I recorded it so it can be shown in the following video : 



The video shows the entire process.


At 0:46 you can see I have an pickaxe in my hands and I am on the motorbike when I respawn, immediatly after (almost the next frame) I am taking damages while being sent several meters in the air, and I die.


Then once I'm dead, the console shows infos that appear to say my character is at some impossible coordinates (-99 312;93808 on Navezgane ?).


Spamming escape or any of the keys (inventory, skills etc...) doesn't show any menu, only the console works. I used the teleport command, and after a while (and lots of error messages in the console) I had the option to respawn on my bed. I still have my XP and skills, obviously my inventory is empty, but my backpack can be seen in the GPS and points towards a direction that doesn't display it on the map. I guess it is in these weird coordinates that I saw earlier in the console.


The motorbike is still at the spot near my house on the road, and my friend doesn't have any problem joining the game.


Is this a known issue due to the version change, and is there a way to fix it ? If not, I guess I can use the creative mode to give me back my stuff but I'd rather fix the save if there is a way to do so.


Thank you for your help !

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I just opened mine and it made it seem like I died from a fall or something. I was in a safe spot when I exited last night, got on today and as soon as it opened, it showed me quickly dying my exactly like yours. Also have 20.2b. Extremely annoying to have to go a long journey without my stuff and have that xp debt. 

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Same happen to me 3 times with 3 different games when i log out and back in near a vehicule it send me in the air and i got achivement say that i hit top of the world ,i hit bottom of the world and say that i travel 100 000 km and if i log out after it bug and try get back on the world will be corrupt

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Hey, I didn't check the answers for a while, I managed to fix it, I'll answer at the end of this message.


On 2/9/2022 at 7:53 PM, Jugginator said:

Well, the way you die is quite interesting and I had a mild chuckle at it, though sorry it's happening to you.


That isn't every time you log in, is it? And are you the host of the save?


Since I have the habit of zipping the save folder after every session I could set it back again and again, and basically what is shown in the video happened every time I tried logging the first time from the original save. After my death, I respawned without my stuff and could login normally. And yes I was the host of the save.


On 2/9/2022 at 8:08 PM, BFT2020 said:

What happens if you rollback 7D2D to 20.1?  If you reinstall the backed up save, does it do the exact same thing?


Also, any mods?  Don't think this might be causing your issue, but should rule it out first.


Didn't try the rollback, and I don't use any mods.


So for those who encountered the same problem, here's the solution I used to "fix" it :


* I reset it as the original save (as I explained earlier, so basically I'm restarting from the exact point my video starts)

* I opened the console

* When I see that the game started loading my character's position (I don't remember exactly what were the messages in the console), I use the command "tp 0 0 0" (any coordinates should work)

* A tons of errors pop in the console

* When the loading ends, I'm safe and sound at the coordinates I teleported to.


So in the end, I'm a 100% convinced that the origin of the problem was the fact that I ended my previous session while still riding the bike (the bike was not moving but I was still riding it). Not sure wether the version change caused this, or if it will be the same regardless of the version and the updates though.


Anyway, thanks for the help !

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I came to report this bug. Lost 20 days into a survival run because of it. My only explanation is that I quit while in a moving vehicle (in my case the minibike.)

Had been playing and needed to stop to keep my sleep schedule for a new job so I didn't think to stop the bike and get off it. The video shows the same thing I had happen to me, and I got an achievement as well.

Here is my pastebin for that incident.

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I'm on 20.3 and am having this problem. I don't think I logged off on the bicycle but next to it. I log in and have the screen of death but no option to do anything. I can't check the log like in the video above. I know there were no animals or zombies near my character when I logged out. I don't know why my character isn't respawning on the bedroll if she died all I get is the game closing down after the death screen appears for a minute. Really bummed out right now.

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