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Please buff INT tree (for fighting) (also, where are the flamethrower towers?)


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I will not critique the rest of the loottables, even thoug hthere is a lot to say.
But Please PLEASE give the INT tree the autoturrets back.
Without them they have no way of fighting zombies other than the baton (which is pretty powerful with all upgrades tbf)
It took 3 of us 34 days for one of them to finally find that book. (in my 40 day singleplayer I didn't find it at all)
Which wouldn't be THAT bad, if we weren't completely T6 after 20 days already (every armor and gun T5 or 6 of the highest tier)

The sledge turret is absolutely laughably useless and nobody worth their salt will disagree here:
slow attackrate, low dps, and knockdown rate is also slow.

If I place 2 fully upgraded T6 sledges, they can hold away about 3-4 zombies.
That is about as useful as 1 level 1 scrap turret.

So either make sledgeturrets viable by increasing their range and atkspeed, or give us the option to craft scrap turrets again.

(also shotgun scrap turret bullets are useless. Lower rate of fire, lower knockdown and lower range. That needs some fixing too)

While we are on turrets:
Where is the flamethrower tower?
Since Drones were supposed to be the T3 turrets, before the ability to shoot was scrapped, maybe now is the time for some flamethrowerturrets.
Yes the original was electricity only, but that doesn't HAVE to be that way :D


A flamethrower turret that is using gas would be SO NICE and could replace the drone as a T3 turret.

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2 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

nobody worth their salt will disagree


Way to try and shut down a discussion before it's even started - that's bad form fella. Well, I'm worth my salarium and I disagree. Strategically placed, modded one/preferably two sledges can take a bit of pressure off and be quite effective. They aren't supposed to be god-tier damage/utility but they do assist with some crowd control.


Flamethrower turrets would be cool though. Someone brought up flamethrowers the other day and as a top tier weapon I think they'd work well with a suitable fuel; my suggestions for such below:



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1 hour ago, PoloPoPo said:

I'm sure double junk turrets that slaughter everything are still available at INT level 10, no?

Nope. Recipe only. Since the start of A20. They probably thought "hey all other skills have their highest turret locked behind a schematic... never mind that it only has primitive and advanced tier" ... 😕



1 hour ago, BarryTGash said:

Way to try and shut down a discussion before it's even started - that's bad form fella. Well, I'm worth my salarium and I disagree. Strategically placed, modded one/preferably two sledges can take a bit of pressure off and be quite effective. They aren't supposed to be god-tier damage/utility but they do assist with some crowd control.

But... it is a simple fact that sledge turrets only have one use. To throw down zombies from 1block walkways.
They don't have anything. Like... you can like them. Their design is pretty neat. And it is fun to see the Z's stumble... but...
mechanicially, they are about as bad as a wooden club, probably worse, because that at least gains damage from skills, while this one only attacks up to 40% faster.
Having two sledges means you have 10 int. Meaning you fully specced into them.
And for 10 int, they do not deliver.



1 hour ago, BarryTGash said:

Flamethrower turrets would be cool though. Someone brought up flamethrowers the other day and as a top tier weapon I think they'd work well with a suitable fuel; my suggestions for such below:

There was a design being shared by MM himself years ago (A14 I think... one alpha after introduction of electricity). And it looked awesome. But I guess they couldn't figure out how to make it work 😕

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4 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

But... it is a simple fact that sledge turrets only have one use. To throw down zombies from 1block walkways.

That's the main use for sure, and I'll take your word for their A20 weakness as I haven't played an INT run yet; but another decent use case used to be placed with a good position towards a corner. The A19 ones could stunlock any zed to death, while still hampering some passers-by. With a little prep and "assisting" with the target selection that was one big boy out of the picture. Then again, with the way the POIs (thinking bookstore HQ) are now, that doesn't really count for much now I suppose... not so great in target rich environments.

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