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No Trader Challenge


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Hi guys,


So I have recently started a no trader challenge.  I simply downloaded the mod that removes all traders from the game.  Why did I do this? well in my last short-lived playthrough, I found that I was just doing trader quests. I would find myself going to the same places over and over again, collecting everything (and destroying everything!) with the knowledge that the same place would be a trader quest in the future.  I lost a bit of the desire, so this challenge has definitely changed that! However, I was wondering how other people approached this challenge? How do you make this work for you to make it a fun save?


What bigger challenges have I noticed so far? Not getting the chem station as a reward and brass!  I am only on day 14 and I am enjoying the save, but I worry about longevity. Hence the thread!

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The Trader quests do make it very difficult to want to do regular loot runs.  Instead of clearing out every building in my city I want to just do quests over and over to get the loot from the POI as well as the quest reward.  I have 5/5 in Daring Adventurer so that makes it even harder lol.  I would really like to see the devs make it so the same quest doesn't show up over and over.  Like make it have a cooldown before it would show up again.  I'm not sure how they would program that but I think it would make the quests more enjoyable.  Another option would be to make it where we only have a certain number of quests available per 3 days.  The quests would replenish the same day their inventory changes. 

As for removing all the traders I think you would have to turn on loot respawn.  Maybe set it to a very high day count just to make sure you aren't just looting the same buildings over and over.  Without loot respawn you would eventually loot all the items and be stuck relying on zombie drops and the drops from the sky.  Well that's if you plan to stay on the map for an extended time.  If you don't plan on clearing the map it's definitely not needed though.  I might have to try that challenge sometime.  It sounds like it would be a nice change to how I usually play.

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2 hours ago, BarryTGash said:

If you create an empty map it can also be challenging :D



I tried that out once, i created a custom map on kinggen, i lived was a small island about half a square kilometer, with no pois at all!  It was an interessting concept, but it quickly became abit boring, as you spend the days mostly chopping wood and stone, and constantly searching for spawned zombies that might drop a loot bag... 😅

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Careful @Andros, your mod is already making people nervous. 😆


We actually discussed doing a non-trader game in A19 already. Our next A20 game will not have any traders as we miss the old style loot and exploration game. But it can’t be denied, if your time is limited and you want to progress the trader quests are the way to go.

I even tried this in A19 and would have preferred to run out of quests rather than have POIs magically respawn in a day or two.


	<set xpath="/quests/quest/property[@name='repeatable']/@value">false</set>
	<set xpath="/quests/quest/property[@name='name_key' and (starts-with(@value,'quest_tier'))]/../property[@name='repeatable']/@value">false</set>


Edited by John Black (see edit history)
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11 hours ago, Andros said:

Yeah, I guess I could just control myself with the traders, but ya know....  


I am considering adding this mod  with will allow me to mine copper and zinc to make brass.

I would say if you don't have traders than you will not have much use for the Dukes you get from looting and can melt them down for the extra brass you need.  

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