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NPCMod and Addons


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17 minutes ago, mprojekt said:

Regarding the Robots pack, are the robots hostile to zeds and neutral to living humans, or are they indiscriminately violent murder-toasters?

There is only one mech at the moment and even that one doesn't spawn automatically by default, you will have to spawn it manually through entity spawner menu (with debug mode enabled). It's just for tests for now, but could eventually turn into something more by third party modders. By default with NPCMod installed, faction based attacks are in place and the mech itself is set to Whiteriver faction, which means that by default it is friendly to players, but just like any other Whiteriver faction member will attack enemies such as zombies, aggressive animals and bandits, etc.

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36 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

There is only one mech at the moment and even that one doesn't spawn automatically by default, you will have to spawn it manually through entity spawner menu (with debug mode enabled). It's just for tests for now, but could eventually turn into something more by third party modders. By default with NPCMod installed, faction based attacks are in place and the mech itself is set to Whiteriver faction, which means that by default it is friendly to players, but just like any other Whiteriver faction member will attack enemies such as zombies, aggressive animals and bandits, etc.

Gotcha and thank you for the reply!

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11 hours ago, Aidaou said:



First time using your mod and I'm running into a strange issue; I feel like it's probably me but I downloaded all of the mod files, put them in the Mods folder, and when I load a new game I get a bunch of errors that flood by fast than I can read them then repeating errors saying "EXC NullRefernceExceptoin: Object not set to an instance of an object."


Game never loads. Sits on "Creating Player"


Any idea what I'm doing wrong? It's a new map and a new save.


Also tried to load this onto a server with a fresh map and save and the server itself loads but I get stuck connecting with an error pulling configs.


Thanks for the help

What mods are in your Mods folder? Please link your log file so we can see whats happening.

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4 hours ago, xyth said:

What mods are in your Mods folder? Please link your log file so we can see whats happening.

Thanks for the reply. I looked in the logs before sending it to you and it looks like when I turned off ECA on my server it somehow got enabled on my client side. The issue is resolved now. 



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New build, compatible with A20.1


What's new?


HUGE gains in efficiency!  You can now have those mega battles you wanted.   NPCs take about the same computer resources as vanilla zeds, with vastly greater functionality and AI.

New templates, basic versions for highest efficiency when you wouldnt plan on hiring and commanding those NPCs, advanced for when you want it all.

Many bug fixes, will update the list later.






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On 1/21/2022 at 4:41 PM, xyth said:

Pushed updates to the expansion packs that needed edits to be compatible with this new version.  Also pushed minor update to reduce NPC melee damage against players to match the same ranged reduction

What about raider girlz friendly?


everything was working fine until this update, now on the existing save when i look at my existing hired npcs that come from the friendly pack, there is no (E) prompt and i cannot interact with them, however the ones i hired that are part of raider girlz core work fine...


gotta have my friendlies so it's a deal breaker, gonna roll it back until i get a response here...

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Also, in the raidergurlzpack, in entityclasses.xml, you have several instances of:

                        <property name="Names" value="Jayne, Hedy, Gina, Betty, Gypsy, Molly Straight Jacket, Halie Numbers, Kyra the Beast, Pegleg Mandy, Fast Fingers Sonya,
                        Rusty Rylee, Samara MadEye, Jazmine Ghost, Crazy Breonna, OneEye Jaelyn, Pickpocket Samantha, Eve The Brute, Rusty Cora, Elena Nine Lives" />
should be:
                        <property name="Names" value="Jayne, Hedy, Gina, Betty, Gypsy, Molly Straight Jacket, Halie Numbers, Kyra the Beast, Pegleg Mandy, Fast Fingers Sonya, Rusty Rylee, Samara MadEye, Jazmine Ghost, Crazy Breonna, OneEye Jaelyn, Pickpocket Samantha, Eve The Brute, Rusty Cora, Elena Nine Lives" />


removing the line ending and extra tabs inside the quotes...

it's hard to see with the forums word wrapping...

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38 minutes ago, ktrain said:

What about raider girlz friendly?


everything was working fine until this update, now on the existing save when i look at my existing hired npcs that come from the friendly pack, there is no (E) prompt and i cannot interact with them, however the ones i hired that are part of raider girlz core work fine...


gotta have my friendlies so it's a deal breaker, gonna roll it back until i get a response here...


Hi. I maintain the friendly raider gurlz. I'm sorry for trouble. Long story short, sometimes updates of the base mods break working code of the mods that depend on them. I'll have to take a look at friendly raider gurlz and see what can be done to make them work again in this new version. Thank you for your patience.

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Please keep in mind this mod is very complex, and is a work in progress.  We are not getting much feedback on how it plays, but are fixing issues as we see them when streamers play with it enabled.  The more feedback we get, the faster this mod will be "stable" for long term play

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5 hours ago, ktrain said:

What about raider girlz friendly?


everything was working fine until this update, now on the existing save when i look at my existing hired npcs that come from the friendly pack, there is no (E) prompt and i cannot interact with them, however the ones i hired that are part of raider girlz core work fine...


gotta have my friendlies so it's a deal breaker, gonna roll it back until i get a response here...


2-RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly is now updated for a new version of NPCCore. Enjoy!

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6 hours ago, xyth said:

Please keep in mind this mod is very complex, and is a work in progress.  We are not getting much feedback on how it plays, but are fixing issues as we see them when streamers play with it enabled.  The more feedback we get, the faster this mod will be "stable" for long term play

Should i give feedback here or is there a better way?

2 hours ago, mr.devolver said:


2-RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly is now updated for a new version of NPCCore. Enjoy!

testing now..thanks!

5 hours ago, xyth said: pushed.   Adjusted exp on all NPCs, fixed boars from initiating attacks, minor cleanup.  Should be save safe.

testing now..thanks!

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36 minutes ago, ktrain said:

Should i give feedback here or is there a better way?

testing now..thanks!

testing now..thanks!

Looking great so far!


A little feedback:


the name when you look at NPC should match the name you see in target health bar

the gun sounds are too loud

the harley quinn sounds are too loud and sound like the pitch was raised, very immersion breaking


more to come i am sure after tonights playtest...

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4 minutes ago, ktrain said:

Looking great so far!


A little feedback:


the name when you look at NPC should match the name you see in target health bar

the gun sounds are too loud

the harley quinn sounds are too loud and sound like the pitch was raised, very immersion breaking


more to come i am sure after tonights playtest...


Target health bar? Are you using special mod that displays it? SCore was enabling health bars by default, but it was reverted in one of the latest versions, so if you're definitely not using a specific mod for this, you're probably not using the latest version of SCore and in that case, you should update it to take advantage of the latest features including performance improvements and various fixes including important fix that helps to prevent the infamous bug (well in most cases anyway) which causes NPCs to fall through the ground, making you lose hired NPCs forever.

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36 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:


Target health bar? Are you using special mod that displays it? ...

Yup, I am, MeanCloud__EnemyHealth(because it centers the entity name properly instead of left justified).


Here's what i am running: 


Game version: Alpha 20.1 (b5) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20.1
Mod 0-SCore:
Mod 0-XNPCCore:
Mod CSMM Patrons: 21.0
Mod 1-NPCXBirdPack:
Mod 1-RaiderGurlzPack:
Mod 2-RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly: 2
Mod Allocs command extensions: 22
Mod Allocs server fixes: 24
Mod Allocs MapRendering and Webinterface: 39
Mod Bdubs Vehicles: 4.22
Mod DizorBrokenGlassFixedDamage: 1.0
Mod Doughs Punishing Weather Core: a20.0-b233.1.0.0
Mod Doughs Punishing Weather Effects Light: a20.0-b233.1.0.0
Mod ElectricityNoWires: 0.9.0
Mod ElectricityOverhaul: 0.9.1
Mod ElectricityWindPower: 0.1.1
Mod ElectricityWireColors: 0.9.0
Mod ElectricityWorkarounds: 0.3.1
Mod EnhancedCraftAndRepair: 1.0
Mod Guppycur's Ivy Collection: A20
Mod ImprovedHordes: 1.0.0-STABLE
Mod InfoPanel: A20
Mod Khaine's 3-slot Forge Input: 1.0.0
Mod KHA20-96BBM: A20
Mod Khaine's Kill Tracking Mod: 1.0.0
Mod Lockable Slots: 1.0
Mod MeanCloud's Enemy Health: 1.01
Mod MeanCloud's Fishing and Supplemental Pumpkins: 1.06
Mod No XP Penalty on Death: 2.0
Mod QuestAreaTimer: 1.0
Mod Salvaged Electronics - Battery Bank: A19.3_1.0
Mod Salvaged Electronics - Generator Bank: A19.3_1.0
Mod Sam's Hunger Tamer: 20.0.0
Mod Sam's Sustainable Forestry: 20.0.0
Mod Stallionsdens Store Shelves: A20
Mod UnlockOpenDoors: 1.2
Mod Workbenchbugfix: 20.0.0
Mod enZombies: 2.4
Mod zzz_enZombiesNoDecos: 1.0
Mod ktrain_Tweaks: A20


Whenever NPCCore updates, i redownload both cores and the packs birds, raidergurlz, and raidergurlzfriendly, so i am up to date


More feedback:


Randomly all of the compass indicators for quests,vehicles,land claim, bedroll, turn the same blue as the npc arrows for a while, then back to normal, at apparently random intervals

Edited by ktrain
clarification (see edit history)
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Okay, so for some reason there is no "talking" option. Anyone know why?


I have JaxTeller718 NormalZombieRageRemoval and WorkingDevices mods as well as KHA20 DangerousCities and HeadshotsOnly. 


No crashes or errors...NPCs move and shoot just fine...


Edit 1: I tried without those mods, still doesn't work. 


Edit 2: Only Baker doesn't seem to work. Tried with the Nurse and it went fine...

Edited by Dosu Kinuta (see edit history)
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I can add hireable versions of both, but the core was intended as a template for modders to follow as an example, not as a complete mod in itself.  I could add a set of hireable Bakers if he's a popular model, but with all the hireable characters in the expansion pack, why would you want a baker hireling that cant bake yet?  Harley could be hireable if you had a good relationship with bandits, but that's out of scope for this core, that will happen in mods made by other folks.  


18 hours ago, ktrain said:

Looking great so far!


A little feedback:


the name when you look at NPC should match the name you see in target health bar

the gun sounds are too loud

the harley quinn sounds are too loud and sound like the pitch was raised, very immersion breaking


more to come i am sure after tonights playtest...


The guns are pure vanilla, so is the sounds.   The NPC guns should be no louder than player guns.


I dont use a target health bar so I have no information on what you are seeing or not seeing.  Example would help.


Harley Quinn is loud and obnoxious, the sound files are from a voice actor and not pitch adjusted.  Like on the guns, feel free to turn your sound volume down, or remove her from spawning.  That said, if I get multiple requests to lower her volume a few db, I can do that.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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44 minutes ago, xyth said:

I can add hireable versions of both, but the core was intended as a template for modders to follow as an example, not as a complete mod in itself.  I could add a set of hireable Bakers if he's a popular model, but with all the hireable characters in the expansion pack, why would you want a baker hireling that cant bake yet?  Harley could be hireable if you had a good relationship with bandits, but that's out of scope for this core, that will happen in mods made by other folks.  



The guns are pure vanilla, so is the sounds.   The NPC guns should be no louder than player guns.


I dont use a target health bar so I have no information on what you are seeing or not seeing.  Example would help.


Harley Quinn is loud and obnoxious, the sound files are from a voice actor and not pitch adjusted.  Like on the guns, feel free to turn your sound volume down, or remove her from spawning.  That said, if I get multiple requests to lower her volume a few db, I can do that.  


Can you turn her into a screamer? i mean she is very loud, very obnoxious, so she should be attracting zombies for miles around. So is it feasible to give her screamer properties despite not being a zombie? 

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1 hour ago, xyth said:

I can add hireable versions of both, but the core was intended as a template for modders to follow as an example, not as a complete mod in itself.  I could add a set of hireable Bakers if he's a popular model, but with all the hireable characters in the expansion pack, why would you want a baker hireling that cant bake yet?  Harley could be hireable if you had a good relationship with bandits, but that's out of scope for this core, that will happen in mods made by other folks.  



The guns are pure vanilla, so is the sounds.   The NPC guns should be no louder than player guns.


I dont use a target health bar so I have no information on what you are seeing or not seeing.  Example would help.


Harley Quinn is loud and obnoxious, the sound files are from a voice actor and not pitch adjusted.  Like on the guns, feel free to turn your sound volume down, or remove her from spawning.  That said, if I get multiple requests to lower her volume a few db, I can do that.  

Hey, shout out to the voice actor you got to play Harley Quinn. She's good to her role! Seriously. You guys have put a LOT of excellent effort into these modules. I'm enjoying them. I appreciate the amount of time you have taken to get these things up and running in a straight-forward, easy-to-use manner.


Also, no bully on baker. He flunked out of culinary school before the apocalypse. Nurse Ratchet was about to have her nursing certificate revoked. And the soldiers spent their first months in a bunker playing nothing but CS:GO. It all makes sense if you think about it.

23 hours ago, mr.devolver said:


2-RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly is now updated for a new version of NPCCore. Enjoy!


Smooth brain question: is there anyway to automatically update from github to latest version?

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9 hours ago, xyth said:


I dont use a target health bar so I have no information on what you are seeing or not seeing.  Example would help.


Here are some examples, first is the minibike to show how they should match...



More feedback:


the NPC's don't seem to know god mode, if you're in god mode and encounter a raider they will kill you then you just glide along and can't do anything until you turn god mode off, then you can die and respawn


Also, what is the point of the Baker if you can't hire him? he's just running around doing nothing to justify use of server cpu cycles and RAM...

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