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On 9/29/2023 at 3:05 AM, SpardaFamily said:

I hired 3 Soldiers but only 1st hired shoot to zombies. Other 2 just walk around with me. Even in Hunt control they are just walking with me. And couple questions. 

1)Do they need ammo?

2)How increase survivability? Do they use Medical supplies?

1) no

2) they heal themselves slowly over time

On 10/2/2023 at 1:14 PM, Dagger Digwillow said:

Hey guys, love your work and enjoying the mod but how do I tone down the frequency of the news NPCs/zombies? I'd like them to rarely appear as kind of an interesting encounter but right now I'm running into them everywhere and my maps seems like an active war zone. 

set their spawning chance lower in entity groups xml


On 10/6/2023 at 4:45 PM, lordneg said:

so how do I give my NPCs different weapons? Thanks :)


place the desired weapon in their backpack, then there is an option in dialogue to tell them to use a certain weapon, if it is in their backpack and they are enabled to use it then the option will be there to switch to it, i can tell you right now that the packs ive done not all weapons are enabled for all npcs, you can see which weapons they can use by looking at the tags in the entityclass xml



Edited by drkstardragon (see edit history)
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Hi all,


Major issue.  Somehow I found a perk book in one of my storage boxes called "Master of disguise" that was described as letting you join the bandit faction.  I read the book, and now the following happens:

1) Bandits don't attack me, but attack my companion

2) I can't damage bandits who are attacking my companion

3) Civilians attack me, and I can't talk to or recruit them

4) I also can't talk to or recruit bandits


Searched everywhere for how to un-do reading this book, came up empty.  Please advise.

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1 hour ago, Crepes7 said:

Hi all,


Major issue.  Somehow I found a perk book in one of my storage boxes called "Master of disguise" that was described as letting you join the bandit faction.  I read the book, and now the following happens:

1) Bandits don't attack me, but attack my companion

2) I can't damage bandits who are attacking my companion

3) Civilians attack me, and I can't talk to or recruit them

4) I also can't talk to or recruit bandits


Searched everywhere for how to un-do reading this book, came up empty.  Please advise.

Go into the CM and grab a ResetFactionSchematic and see if that fixes it.


Did you add/remove mods to an existing save or something? That's the only way you could end up with one of those books as they aren't in loot at all.

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17 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Go into the CM and grab a ResetFactionSchematic and see if that fixes it.


Did you add/remove mods to an existing save or something? That's the only way you could end up with one of those books as they aren't in loot at all.


That fixed it!  Thanks a bunch!


I added some mods to my save, yes.  None that seem like they would add something like a faction swap book though, I'm using/have used mods for vehicle storage, no gore (JasonWraith), no screamers, food models, less magazines, 30k stacks, less grind (more items in loot), empty jars, and a less-xp mod. 

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5 hours ago, Crepes7 said:


That fixed it!  Thanks a bunch!


I added some mods to my save, yes.  None that seem like they would add something like a faction swap book though, I'm using/have used mods for vehicle storage, no gore (JasonWraith), no screamers, food models, less magazines, 30k stacks, less grind (more items in loot), empty jars, and a less-xp mod. 

That's not how I meant it. In this game, if you add mods to an existing save, it shifts item IDs around. So that stack of whatever you had in a chest became the faction book you read. Those books are a part of SCore, to be used with NPCcore, but they shouldn't end up in your hands as they aren't in any loot or anything. So by adding new mods to a save, you shifted IDs and that's how you ended up with that book. Best practice is to start a new game if you wanna add mods. And it is almost required if you want to remove a mod. Not a 100% guarantee you'll have issues, but is certainly possible as you've now seen.

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7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

That's not how I meant it. In this game, if you add mods to an existing save, it shifts item IDs around. So that stack of whatever you had in a chest became the faction book you read. Those books are a part of SCore, to be used with NPCcore, but they shouldn't end up in your hands as they aren't in any loot or anything. So by adding new mods to a save, you shifted IDs and that's how you ended up with that book. Best practice is to start a new game if you wanna add mods. And it is almost required if you want to remove a mod. Not a 100% guarantee you'll have issues, but is certainly possible as you've now seen.


That's so weird.  In that case I'm glad it's minor.  I've been adding/dropping mods freely on this save, this seems to be the first actual issue.  That seems a bit problematic if best practice is to start a new game, with how long a game is :(  Are issues not likely to be game-breaking?  Honestly losing a stack of who knows what is no big deal, but being stuck with whatever mods you've got for a whole session feels quite limiting.

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On 10/15/2023 at 1:37 PM, Lostyouthkhat said:

Where is my german shephard? :(


Sorry, dog pack wont be making a return this alpha, maybe a22 or later, depending on how tfp npcs turn out and if we are continuing npc mod itself

On 10/15/2023 at 11:16 PM, paul cornwall said:

any word on a creature mod yet

see above

23 hours ago, Jasonr694 said:

What happend to the Orc pack? (fantasy) .... It was the only Orc entity mod out there.... 

see above

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On 10/15/2023 at 1:37 PM, Lostyouthkhat said:

Where is my german shephard? :(


Have you tried looking around the Red Rocket outside Sanctuary Hills?


Not sure if this is an NPCCore issue, a mod conflict glitch, or what.  Using bdub's The Wasteland overhaul with the Friendly Raider Girlz and KHZ Civilians NPC packs.

When using the "Show me your inventory" command to have hirelings/employees/followers/whateveryouwanttocallthem (I swear I hear Lydia saying "I am sworn to carry your burdens" every time I use it 🤣 ) to carry stuff, I have discovered that hirelings (at least some of them) repair items if they were at less than 100% durability. I have recreated this with weapons and armor items.

HOWEVER! If you put mods on the items before giving the items to the follower to carry, the item will be returned without the mods installed. I lost a reflex sight and extended magazine on a 10mm SMG that way.  Not gonna complain at all about the auto-repair feature at all!  LOL  And now that I know about the mods disappearing off of items, I can deal with that as well.  I used creative and got my mods back.

No error messages thrown but maybe someone will be able to duplicate the issue and see what's going on.


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21 hours ago, lordneg said:

I cam here to see if I can figure this out also. I would like them to walk around. thanks :)


i do know (for me anyways) the ai pathing is a bit buggy so i've taken to using the "guard and return to where i am standing" command for semi reliable base defense, but i never use them as companions because i lose them to the disappearing glitch in  the game. i'm trying to learn about this block i found known as the "pathing cube" and the "patrol coded route" command. 


edit: if anyone would know the coding you make patrols with those that would be a game changer for me thank you!

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On 10/13/2023 at 2:19 PM, Crepes7 said:

Hi all,


Major issue.  Somehow I found a perk book in one of my storage boxes called "Master of disguise" that was described as letting you join the bandit faction.  I read the book, and now the following happens:

1) Bandits don't attack me, but attack my companion

2) I can't damage bandits who are attacking my companion

3) Civilians attack me, and I can't talk to or recruit them

4) I also can't talk to or recruit bandits


Searched everywhere for how to un-do reading this book, came up empty.  Please advise.

That sucks. can you hire the raiders?


1 hour ago, joshk666 said:

i do know (for me anyways) the ai pathing is a bit buggy so i've taken to using the "guard and return to where i am standing" command for semi reliable base defense, but i never use them as companions because i lose them to the disappearing glitch in  the game. i'm trying to learn about this block i found known as the "pathing cube" and the "patrol coded route" command. 


edit: if anyone would know the coding you make patrols with those that would be a game changer for me thank you!

I mostly do have them just stand where you are standing.  I worry about them defending themselves when I am not close.  I have found a few of them dead. idk.


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Problem.  In a downtown Wasteland area, there are HUGE numbers of NPC's spawning in and it's creating a downtown warzone.  Like 20+ friendly and bandit NPC's in a TDM match, and it's destroying my framerate.  Happened multiple times, and is only happening in a Wasteland city area.


Help appreciated!  Maybe  how to turn down NPC spawn rate?


Doubt it makes a difference, but I'm running a *slightly* older version of SCore ( and/or XNPCCore ( because I got this mod in September and the intro post said to not update unless you start a new game save.

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I recently got the Wasteland overhaul mod that uses S Core and Npc Core and I haven't had a single spawn yet of ANYTHING. I am on day two. My game stage is only 2 because I am not leveling at all yet.

Is there anything special I need to do to enable spawn? It feels like it's broken. When I use "spawnw h" I can get it to register a horde should spawn but none have shown up. When I use "spawnw b" for bandits it says that is an unknown entity.



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