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NPCMod and Addons


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Please post a link to your log, and that should show where the error happens.  Make sure you have the latest version of SCore (Version , as its unlikely anything in the NPCCore would lock up Linux.  

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Thanks for the quick response.

Fun facts:

Currently installed and tested on my system version:

So no surprise that there are errors then, what is surprising is that this is the version you download at the only place I know to download it:


Odd also searching this site for 0-SCore there are no hits, also at nexus mods. 

Where are you downloading this newest version from?  May want to poke someone at the 7daystodiemods.com site to get the latest version there. Also at https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/

I would expect to see some branches or updates there but that is still just the same old version. 

I will see about logs once I find this sweet newer version.

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51 minutes ago, DoctorGreen said:


So no surprise that there are errors then, what is surprising is that this is the version you download at the only place I know to download it:


Odd also searching this site for 0-SCore there are no hits, also at nexus mods. 

Where are you downloading this newest version from?  May want to poke someone at the 7daystodiemods.com site to get the latest version there. Also at https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/

I would expect to see some branches or updates there but that is still just the same old version. 

I will see about logs once I find this sweet newer version.


I do not recommend using 7daystodiemods.com for that exact reason. I believe it is run by one person who updates everything manually. (Mod authors have no involvement with that site.)


The repo for SCore is here:


I don't believe there is any way to download only a subdirectory in a GitHub repo (his repo contains many mods and modlets). However, he has a mirror at GitLab, and you can download just SCore from that:



EDIT: Or you could just use the Mod Launcher, which is what I do:


(There is a version for Linux too, but I've never used it.)

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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So trying the new version now, it is promising so far.  However I run an offline box, I don't online game for reasons.  I recall now my main annoyance with npc mod and score last time I had it running, it requires you phone home to epic games to even run the game and provide some 'auth id' or it hangs. 

I find this ridiculous and arguably evil, I don't see why any game or mod should require reporting in to some company if I'm not using any online features. 

So I do some grep and I find that the word epic only appears in some .unity3d files, and I can't open those without guessing its encoding(utf-whatever)

Any ideas how I can hack out what is essentially 'can i please run this mod epic games' and any other connections it makes?  Or provide some reasoning whatsoever why i need to provide them with some kind of metadata of my game? 


Otherwise the only mod I tried that did not work was behemoth, sad face.  FPS boost, improved hordes, better cement, better spears etc all seem to cause no issue. 


The game seems to call for more wtf moments, like some tentacle spider horde on a foggy night event like The Mist, an uncanny valley giant(was idea with behemoth), some kind of hive with a queen youd find at the bottom of the military bunker, etc.  I have considered contributing to this mod because it is so awesome and there is so much to be done, but like I said above, I do not like data farming and unity and unreal engine do exactly that.  And so does discord and so does every site that has the 'f' button, including this. 


Frankly I find zombies far less creepy than the entities that seem obsessed with logging every single computerized activity.

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49 minutes ago, DoctorGreen said:

Otherwise the only mod I tried that did not work was behemoth, sad face. 


Is this Khaine's Behemoth mod? If so, I'm guessing you ran into the same issue some other folks were having. The Behemoth mod uses the same physics body ("zombieBehemoth") that comes with NPC Core, so they are conflicting. If that's the case, you can just remove the physicsbodies.xml file from the Behemoth mod and everything should work fine.


EDIT: Also, if you want to go fully offline, there is a Steam forum post that tells you how to do it:


I have not tried it so do not know if it works.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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Hi everyone


Does anyone know how to hire NPCs and not get attacked by any survivor?
I have the latest version of SCore, XNPCCore and some NPCMod installed, but when I want to hire someone, I can't interact with the E key and it attacks me, when I find a survivor, it immediately attacks me.
Do I have to enable or disable something to prevent this from happening?
Any help is appreciated.

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20 hours ago, xyth said:

The Epic call home is part of the base game. The NPCMod has no external calls.


Couldve sworn the crash offline only started when i installed npc core, but yeah this link from khz did the trick. 


20 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Is this Khaine's Behemoth mod? If so, I'm guessing you ran into the same issue some other folks were having. The Behemoth mod uses the same physics body ("zombieBehemoth") that comes with NPC Core, so they are conflicting. If that's the case, you can just remove the physicsbodies.xml file from the Behemoth mod and everything should work fine.


EDIT: Also, if you want to go fully offline, there is a Steam forum post that tells you how to do it:


I have not tried it so do not know if it works.



Also was able to get behemoth mod to run by deleting physicsbodies.xml also, so these are good developments. 

One last question, this may not be the right thread for it but I'm having an issue with random world generator custom dialogue, whenever I generate a custom random world, it completes creating it and shows the preview but then does not either start the game or give a start button, there is only the option to go back or create another one.   Then the world that took 15 minutes to create still doesnt exist in saved games, or anywhere else it just disappears. 

How do i use a custom world once its built then? 

Thanks again for all of the other answers these are major steps forward.

And if i dont use the 7daystodiemods.com site for latest version, does that mean i have to find them all at github individually?  Where is then the best source of all of the updated ones at same location? 


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3 hours ago, kass said:

i have a question is this mod compatible with undead legacy? cause i have the npc spawning but now theres no dialog for them to be hired and same with all the traders?



As a general rule, overhaul mods (Undead Legacy, Darkness Falls, War of the Walkers, etc.) are not meant to be modified. Sometimes mod authors release "compatibility modlets" but that doesn't happen often.


In this case, Undead Legacy uses a lot of custom C# code. Since NPC Core needs the custom C# code that is provided by SCore, there is likely some kind of conflict between the two.


I think the best option would be to ask Subquake if he could include NPC Core characters in his mod. I doubt he'll do it, but you never know.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

One last question, this may not be the right thread for it but I'm having an issue with random world generator custom dialogue, whenever I generate a custom random world, it completes creating it and shows the preview but then does not either start the game or give a start button, there is only the option to go back or create another one.   Then the world that took 15 minutes to create still doesnt exist in saved games, or anywhere else it just disappears. 

How do i use a custom world once its built then?


It creates the world itself, with a random name (like "Kubixe County" or something), and saves it in your %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds folder.


When you go back to the "Start Game" screen, you select that world in the "Game World" box, just like you would select Navezgane or one of the vanilla prefab worlds.


3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:


And if i dont use the 7daystodiemods.com site for latest version, does that mean i have to find them all at github individually?  Where is then the best source of all of the updated ones at same location? 



I personally use these forums as the "source of truth" for all 7D2D mods and modlets.


You can still use 7daystodiemods.com to discover mods and modlets, but it usually includes a link back to their threads on these forums.


Or even easier, I just use the Mod Launcher. I honestly don't know why people would use anything else for modded games. I've been using without issues since the game was in Alpha 16.

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20 minutes ago, khzmusik said:


It creates the world itself, with a random name (like "Kubixe County" or something), and saves it in your %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds folder.


When you go back to the "Start Game" screen, you select that world in the "Game World" box, just like you would select Navezgane or one of the vanilla prefab worlds.



I personally use these forums as the "source of truth" for all 7D2D mods and modlets.


You can still use 7daystodiemods.com to discover mods and modlets, but it usually includes a link back to their threads on these forums.


Or even easier, I just use the Mod Launcher. I honestly don't know why people would use anything else for modded games. I've been using without issues since the game was in Alpha 16.

Where is the best link to the modlauncher?  I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Also, with score installed, which mods will work to provide greater number of zombie models?  You kindof get tired of the same old same old 10 or so.  Will that be a major performance hit?  Just increasing number of zombie types? 


Also once game has started, does it mess up the game to add more npc packs or zombie model packs?

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16 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

More questions:

Disable a single npc?  Like if I want harley quinn to keep from spawning?



Remove Harley from entitygroups.xml to prevent her from spawning.

20 hours ago, Gouki said:

Hi everyone


Does anyone know how to hire NPCs and not get attacked by any survivor?
I have the latest version of SCore, XNPCCore and some NPCMod installed, but when I want to hire someone, I can't interact with the E key and it attacks me, when I find a survivor, it immediately attacks me.
Do I have to enable or disable something to prevent this from happening?
Any help is appreciated.


This isnt default behavior.  Likely some other mod is colliding with the NPCCore.

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So looking in entitygroups.xml, there are probably a thousand lines of code with harley in there, I wonder why?  And of all of the models she has the most number of types, weapons, spawn events etc.  Do I really have to go through every line and delete/comment them out? 

Oddly in current game on day 1 she spawned 3 times, and havent seen her since on day 10.  All zombie packs are working making about 30 I think different varieties which is nice and there are ongoing street battles all night with various armed npcs, which is nice.   

I notice also in entitiesgroups there are arachnid groups but they are filled with human npc lists? 

Also I have the robots pack installed, but have seen any spiders or robots yet, or raiders.  I assume these default to later game stages?  Or biomes or pois?

I wonder also, when youve hired an npc, they basically 'sigh' over and over once a minute or something, how hard would it be to turn this off?  Or to alternately change it to something random and fun?  

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3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

So looking in entitygroups.xml, there are probably a thousand lines of code with harley in there, I wonder why?  And of all of the models she has the most number of types, weapons, spawn events etc.  Do I really have to go through every line and delete/comment them out?


If you're doing it by hand, then yes. But I find it easier to make your own modlet that does it. In that modlet's "entitygroups.xml" file, use XPath to automatically remove Harley:


  <remove xpath="//entity[starts-with(@name, 'npcHarley')]" />


If you don't want any of the NPC Core included characters to spawn (Harley, Nurse, Baker) then NPC Core comes with a replacement file that will do that. It's in "Config/Options" and is called "entitygroups_nocorespawn.xml". Rename it to "entitygroups.xml" and put it in the main "Config" directory.


If you're curious, the NPC Core characters are also meant to be used as "tutorial" characters, so that's why the all have all possible weapons. They're also the only characters that all players are guaranteed to have, so that's why they're added to most entity groups - if players don't install any of the expansion packs, then at least they'll get some characters spawning in.


3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

I notice also in entitiesgroups there are arachnid groups but they are filled with human npc lists?


The only ones in NPC Core that I know about are the "npcArachnids" groups, and they're used for POIs. They also don't have human NPCs in them (they're populated with animals, so if players haven't installed the "spiders" pack, something will spawn in those POIs). I'm not sure where you're getting that they are "filled with human NPC lists."


3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

Also I have the robots pack installed, but have seen any spiders or robots yet, or raiders.  I assume these default to later game stages?  Or biomes or pois?


Most NPCs can only spawn in biome spawns or in POIs, they can't spawn into hordes (wandering or blood moon). This is mainly due to limitations in TFP spawning code. My "Rogues and Psychos" and "Whisperers" packs can be, but right now only Whisperers are spawned into wandering hordes.


EDIT: I remembered that these aren't linked in the first post (my zombies and survivors are though). So if you want those, get them from my thread on these forums:


Since there haven't been a lot of POIs released (yet...) you will encounter NPCs mainly in biome spawns. So it depends upon which biome spawn groups the NPC pack authors chose to put their NPCs into. I think most chose to put them into "common" biome spawn groups like "ZombiesAll".


3 hours ago, DoctorGreen said:

I wonder also, when youve hired an npc, they basically 'sigh' over and over once a minute or something, how hard would it be to turn this off?  Or to alternately change it to something random and fun?  


I think the "sighing" you hear is actually the "stamina" sound for players. The NPC entity class templates (in "entityclasses.xml") have those set up as their "SoundRandom" values. If that's the case, then you can either remove that property (and they will do nothing) or replace it with a sound from "sounds.xml", probably one of the player sounds.


But the stamina sound is also used for a lot of other sound triggers in NPC Core: "SoundStamina", "SoundSense", "SoundAlert", and "SoundAttack". You can change any or all of those to whatever sound you like. (Also some NPC pack authors use their own sounds - for example I used my own sounds for Whisperers.) I think those were chosen in NPC Core because there aren't a lot of options with vanilla human sounds.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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On 12/2/2022 at 2:12 PM, Gouki said:

Hi everyone


Does anyone know how to hire NPCs and not get attacked by any survivor?
I have the latest version of SCore, XNPCCore and some NPCMod installed, but when I want to hire someone, I can't interact with the E key and it attacks me, when I find a survivor, it immediately attacks me.
Do I have to enable or disable something to prevent this from happening?
Any help is appreciated.


Just to get the obvious question out of the way...


You're sure that those are "survivors" (Whiteriver) and not bandits?


You started a new game after installing the modlets?


What is the "some NPCMod" that is installed? It's possible this altered the behavior of NPCs, or has a bug. (If it's one of mine, I'd like to know. :) )

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20 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Just to get the obvious question out of the way...


You're sure that those are "survivors" (Whiteriver) and not bandits?


You started a new game after installing the modlets?


What is the "some NPCMod" that is installed? It's possible this altered the behavior of NPCs, or has a bug. (If it's one of mine, I'd like to know. :) )


Hi Khzmusik


I found out what the problem was.
I installed the mods in a game that had already started and that's why I couldn't hire anyone and everyone was attacking me.
I haven't had any problems with your civilian and zombie mods, thanks for sharing them.

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On 1/7/2022 at 2:35 PM, xyth said:


 Current Stable Version:

Current Experimental Version:  Not Available


The NPCMod is a community modding project.  While initially started by Sphereii and Xyth back in A16, the team continues to grow in size every alpha.  The goal of this project is to provide "Core" functionality and templates that can be reused by modders to add high functioning characters to their mods.  There are 2 core modlets, both are required for this mod to work.  The 0-SCore modlet contains C# code and the 0-XNPCCore contains the xml and templates. 

By design this mod encourages expansion through expansion packs.  Character packs focused on a entity type, for example, a 1-soldier pack or a 1-spider pack add new characters to the 0-XNPCCore. A 2-soldierfactions pack might add different factions to the 1-soldier pack, reusing those same soldier models.   The sequence 0-, 1-, -2 etc. indicates there is a dependency on another modlet with a lower number prefix.  Other character modders have committed to contributing additional characters that leverage this mod pack like they do to the POI (Buildings) collection called CompoPack.  If you would like to join this community team, or have some features or characters to contribute, we would love to hear from you!




  • This mod includes a Unity Tutorial Project (available separately) containing the mods controller and templates and scripts so making new characters is easy.
  • NPC characters support all vanilla character features. These include Humanoid rigging, root motion animation, collision with vehicles, rag-dolling, 100's of animated reactions (including hit locations, limping, etc.), limb decapitation and gore.  These can also be retextured in xml to offer even more variety. There are some exceptions, especially on animals, which typically do not have ragdolls.
  • NPCs use a new Artificial Intelligence system called UAI.   Unlike zombie AI (EAI), this system allows for advanced tasks and real time decision making based on considerations.  Should the NPC attack, run, loot, follow, backup to optimized weapon range?  All tasks and considerations.
  • Work very well as sleepers in POIs, respecting all of the POI volume properties. 
  • Can be setup to attack on bloodmoons!
  • Spawn with vanilla or custom weapons just by editing xml.
  • Can be hired, becoming loyal companions, sharing your adventures and challenges.
  • Hired NPCs can be ordered to follow and stay, with new features like looting and guarding coming soon.
  • Animals can also be hired, though don’t accept Dukes.  Try meat.
  • NPCs have factions. Some like you, some don’t.  Beware of bandits!
  • Hostile NPCs have additional AI so they will hunt you down more than zombies can, be warned!
  • No more losing your NPC.  They will teleport to you if stuck, get too far away, or if configured, to your bedroll when you die. 
  • They will follow you on foot, keeping up with you, and if you get into a vehicle, they will hide and reappear once you exit the vehicle.
  • They can heal themselves when its safe to do so, and there is a medic package for characters that can heal and mend others.
  • Low maintenance, no need to feed or water these folks, but that is a feature that could be available later.
  • Lifelike Idle animations while chatting and wandering were added to improve immersion.  Many more will be added after initial release. 
  • When the player/leader crouches, so do the NPCs
  • Scalable, modular architecture, so expanding character and new behaviors is much simpler.
  • Customizable pathing per NPC will be available but requires implementation details not yet available.  Stay tuned.

NPC Controls:

There are craftable player commands that will control your hired NPCs as a group.  You can craft these commands by typing in NPC in your crafting menu.

             Tutorial Video:    NPCMod: Controlling Hired NPCs through Player Actions - YouTube
There are currently three commands:

  • Mode: This command is a toggle between various control modes:
  • Hunting (default): In this mode your NPC swill automatically target anything that it sees as being hostile towards it or yourself. You have no control over their actions besides stay and follow.
  • Full Control: In this mode the NPCs will not automatically target anything. It will behave as if all hostiles are threats and will only engage if you are hurt or if you start attacking one of the threats.
  • Stop: This command is a toggle and when paired with Full Control will make your NPCs halt or resume attacking their targets. This becomes especially useful when you feel like you or your NPCs will not survive an encounter and you want them to simply follow you so you can avoid the encounter altogether. It is also useful when you wish to travel without engaging any targets.
  • Help: This command is useful when you are in Full Control and want your NPCs to engage targets within 20 meters of you. If you are without ranged weapons, you want to be able to have your NPCs help you without having to either take damage or attack the hostile.



  • What happened to the CreaturePacks and NPC mod?  
    • They have been merged, combined and obsoleted.  Now that code can be natively loaded by the game, there was no reason to keep those two separated.  This version is simpler to load, maintain, and has more features than either one did.
  • Can I run this with EAC enable?   NO, EAC must be turned off.
  • Can I learn how to add my own characters?  
    • Sure, its never been easier to learn to make characters.  Lots of work went into simplifying the process, and scripts can do most of the work for you now.  There are videos available to assist.
  • I have great ideas for more features, where do i make suggestions?
    • This thread works or on Guppy's modding forum in the NPC-mod channel
  • I found a bug!   Where do i post that?
    • Please provide the info requested in the bug form found below, and post it here or on Guppy's modding Discord under the npc-mod-bug reports
  • Does this work on dedicated servers?
    • It should, the current version tested well on dedi.  All mods, cores and expansion packs MUST be loaded into BOTH the Dedi and all client Mods folders.
  • Have a good question?  Maybe you will see it listed here soon!



Known issues: 


  • Always use a fresh game if you update Score or NPCCore.  Strange things can happen updating the cores on an existing game. 
  • The UI needs work, some overlapping text,  Sirillion has volunteered to refresh it.
  • Hired NPCs might Leroy Jenkins on aggressive animals, use the command interface to gain more control.
  • Melee NPC detection of crawlers in the grass isn’t as good as ranged, but works.  
  • NPC ranged can sometimes not hit as well as other times.  Let us know if you see a pattern. Might be debuffs accumulating. 
  • It’s a very new mod, expect bugs we didn’t find yet, and please report those.




Summary: (a short description of the bug)

Game Version: (A20 bxxx)

Platform: (PC / Mac)

Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom (Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any))

Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on Dedi)

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) Note: do not submit a bug report until you retest your issue in a new game.  

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No)

Are you using any other mods? (Yes/No) Note: Please retest without any mods loaded in a new game.

EAC off?  Note: Needs to be Off.

Bug Description:

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

Expected result: (what you expect to occur)




Turn EAC Off!


Option 1:  Download 0-XNPCCore.zip and SCore using the links below.  If the download is a .zip or .7z file like the 0-XNPCCore.zip is, then unpack that compressed file and place the mod found inside into your Mods folder.  SCore isnt compressed, so download that folder directly.  Then load as many expansion packs as desired, unpacking the file if needed.  If you are using a dedicated server, you also need to load both Core modlets into your dedi server Mods folder.  So copies in both the client side Mods folder and also on the server Mods folder.

Option2:  Use the modlauncher to load the 2 cores.  Here is a helpful video to get you started:  





Terms of Use:

  1. You are allowed to use the NPCMod, its NPCCore, Unity Controller and expansion packs without any kind of direct modifications.  All modifications and/or derivative works of NPCCore, controller and expansion packs are restricted to private use only unless those modifications are done in expansion mods that have a dependency on the unaltered Core mods being loaded.  The mod and expansion packs contain purchased assets, including animations in the included character controller, so any derivative use of the models or controller is also contingent on purchasing those assets first.
  2. You are encouraged to use the NPCMod as part of your own mod, public or private.  However, you must provide credit to the community team by adding the “Powered by Score and NPCCore” logo to your mods opening screen and forum posts. (Resize as appropriate)









  1.  The team is not responsible for any damage, including damaged savegames, by using this mod. 





Unity Tutorial Project Download:

A20 Tutorial project:   http://drive.google.com/file/d/1DsFR0e1V-f0bNiZDAuVd0kb7_iYtyNqL/view?usp=sharing


This is only needed if you want to teach yourself how to make your own characters.



Core Mod Downloads: (also available on the ModLauncher)




Stable Release


SCore: (0-SCore)   https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/0-SCore.zip

NPCCore: (0-XNPCCore)  https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/0-XNPCCore.zip  (generally, the most current version listed in the experimental will work as well if not better)


Experimental Release -  New features, limited testing


Experimental NPCCore:  Use Stable

Most current 0-SCore version required:  https://gitlab.com/sphereii/SphereII-Mods/-/archive/master/SphereII-Mods-master.zip?path=0-SCore

and then copy ONLY the 0-SCore subfolder into your Mods folder.


Expansion Packs:


By: Xyth


1-NPCXBirdPack:  https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-NPCXBirdPack.zip

Adds birds to the sky

1-NPCXSpiderPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-NPCXSpiderPack.zip

Adds giant spiders to hostile biomes

1-NPCXMechPack:  https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-NPCXMechPack.zip

An assortment of mechanical terrors


By: DarkStarDragon


1-RaiderGurlzPack:  https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-RaiderGurlzPack.7z

Adds 50’s style Gansta gals

1-RaiderzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-RaiderzPack.7z

Adds several nasty bandit type foes

1-SoldierPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-SoldierPack.7z

Basic military types

1-VaultDwellerzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-VaultDwellerzPack.7z

Vault 99 is waiting...

1-RobotzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-RobotzPack.7z

Mechs and more!

1-ZombiezPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-ZombiezPack.7z

DarkStar's first zombies, wasn't gonna happen until it did.

1-PitFighterzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-PitFighterzPack.7z

MMA at its finest

1-SurvivorzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-SurvivorzPack.7z

You are not alone!

1-OrczPackAlpha: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-OrczPackAlpha.7z

Have no fear, they only come to liberate you!



2-OrczPackBeta: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/tree/main/2-OrczPackBeta

Must load the 1-OrczPackAlpha for this to work as expected!


1-KnightsNPeasantzPackAlpha: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-KnightzNPeasantzPackAlpha.7z

Ni! Ni!


2-GoblinzPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/2-GoblinzPack.7z

Must also load 1-KnightsandPeasants AND 1-OrczAlphaPack


1-FantasticBeastz: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-FantasticBeastz.7z

Oh My!


1-YeOldeUndeadPack: https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/1-YeOldeUndeadPack.7z

Dem Bones!


By: Mr.Devolver


2-RaiderGurlzPack-Friendly:  https://github.com/mrdevolver/7D2D_Alpha20_Mods/tree/main/2-RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly

An expansion for an expansion pack!  Adds friendly, hirable versions of DarkStar's RaiderGurlz.  You need to load the cores AND the RaiderGurlz expansion when you load this mod.


By: Arramus


2-SummonFoxFriend:  https://github.com/7D2D/A20Mods/blob/main/2-SummonFoxFriend.zip

You have a friend.


2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion:  https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod/raw/main/2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion.zip

An expansion for an expansion pack!  Adds more spider variety.  You need to load the cores AND the 1-NPCXSpiderPack expansion when you load this mod.





By: GanTheGrey


1-GansStandardZombies: https://dev.azure.com/pouellette25/_git/Gans Standard Zombies?path=/1-GansStandardZombies.zip

Gan is back with some of his A19 favorite normal zombies




1-GansSpecialZombies:   https://dev.azure.com/pouellette25/_git/Gans Special Zombies?path=/1-GansSpecialZombies.zip

Like zombie oddities?  Look no further.  





By: Khzmusik


1-khzmusik_Zombies:   https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a20-modlets/-/tree/main/1-khzmusik_Zombies

As if you have enough zombies....


1-khzmusik_Civilians:    https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a20-modlets/-/tree/main/1-khzmusik_NPC_Civilians

Folks just like you, trying to survive.


By others: Coming soon, the team is growing!



Meet the Team (Historic and Current, in no particular order)


Sphereii:  C# wizard and modding community teacher.  Famous for his mod launcher and other code bits

Xyth:  Unity guy and modding community teacher.  Not very famous.

GuppyCur: Discord master and sometimes zombie maker.  Hope to see him active in A20

TSBX:  TFP tester and previously a zombie creator

DarkStarDragon:  Active creator of NPCs, maker of great expansion packs

Sirillion:  The UI master himself, creator of screens and menus.

FuriousRamsay:  Lead tester and contributor of NPCCore xml code

Khzmusik: C# code contributor and local math wizard

Mumpfy:  Graphics and character retexturing guru

Khaine:  very helpful input on mod design

Arramus:  POI/sleeper tester and designer

Mr. Devolver:  longtime tester and advocate

Magejosh: Tester

GanTheGrey: Zombie maker



I’m sure I’m missing several others who helped along the way, please let me know whos been missed!


Videos that might be useful







Hi there! I just saw this over the weekend and I think this is cool and a good idea if you need npc help. I followed the instructions to put the "two files" in the mod folder and they work. I put the "Gurlz raider" mod in and it works, but I don't know how to deal with the "friendly Gurlz addition". Any help would be great! Love the npc mods btw! 👍

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On 12/1/2022 at 9:26 PM, khzmusik said:

The repo for SCore is here:


I don't believe there is any way to download only a subdirectory in a GitHub repo (his repo contains many mods and modlets). However, he has a mirror at GitLab, and you can download just SCore from that:



nevermind, i just notice the releases are an old version.


Edited by Canute (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Canute said:


nevermind, i just notice the releases are an old version.


Thanks for helpin, but I think the two mods themselves messed my world a little, so I won't install anymore than what I have that works. Lol. So, when I installed the two "Core mods" I went into my world and I had two bikes (one for me and the other for my other account) they are now both white (was red and blue) and whatever was in them disappeared.... Also, they both show yellow icon on map like I own them, but I only own one and the other my other account own. So funny.

 😆 Luckily I checked mostly everything else and nothing changed.


1 question: the EAC has to be off? Cant use those mods with EAC on? Isn't EAC (easy anti cheat) so that no one hacks your game? Or is it not capatable?

Waiting on ur reply

Edited by ghostsniper (see edit history)
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