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NPCMod and Addons


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Hi. I am hoping someone can help me because I cannot find any information on it. In NPC mod there is an item called pathing block anyone know how it is used?


Second question would be, in ADMIN menu during interaction with your NPC, there is an option to set pathing as patrol path, I dont know how to set path code, anyone can explain to me on how it works? or any video tutorial? I would like it to patrol certain path to avoid clashing to dead-end all the time or going thru ways that I dont want them to go. Any idea?


Third, will the NPC auto heal themselves if I equip them with bandages or first aid? or can my upgraded drone heal them (detected as ally)?


thank you so much

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9 hours ago, MartinTampan said:

Hi. I am hoping someone can help me because I cannot find any information on it. In NPC mod there is an item called pathing block anyone know how it is used?


Second question would be, in ADMIN menu during interaction with your NPC, there is an option to set pathing as patrol path, I dont know how to set path code, anyone can explain to me on how it works? or any video tutorial? I would like it to patrol certain path to avoid clashing to dead-end all the time or going thru ways that I dont want them to go. Any idea?


Third, will the NPC auto heal themselves if I equip them with bandages or first aid? or can my upgraded drone heal them (detected as ally)?


thank you so much


1. A pathing block is an invisible block that you can write on, in order to give orders to the NPCs around it. It was originally (A19?) created to give pathing codes to NPCs, but I think it's mostly used nowadays by NPC POI designers, to make their ranged NPCs stay in place and act as sentries. There is a little bit of documentation in SCore. If you're not designing POIs, I wouldn't worry about it.


2. That also came from A19 (I think). The idea is that you told the NPC to follow you, set patrol points at certain places, and at the end told them to patrol that route. I don't think it works currently, but people can still test it, which is why it was moved to the admin menu. I also wouldn't worry about it.


3. NPCs that use Utility AI (which is most of them, including all friendly NPCs) heal themselves already, without you having to tell them or equip them with bandages. If you  see them making a motion like they're bandaging their arm, that's what they're doing. (Animal companions also do it, but I don't think there's an animation state that shows them doing anything.) There currently is no way to do it otherwise, either by healing them manually or via a drone. All this might or might not change in the future.


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Hello guys, tell me how to change the zombie detection distance? I set up sentries around the perimeter of the base, but they don't shoot at the zombies until I get within 20 meters of them.

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I am looking for an A20 compatible version. I would LOVE to add more zombies and beasties alike to our Undead Legacy game, but it's not A21 compatible...and I cannot for the life of me find a previous version of XNPCCore or SCore

Help :(

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18 hours ago, DDDX said:

I am looking for an A20 compatible version. I would LOVE to add more zombies and beasties alike to our Undead Legacy game, but it's not A21 compatible...and I cannot for the life of me find a previous version of XNPCCore or SCore

Help :(



Both NPCCore and Score versions are in that repo.  

On 6/1/2024 at 3:01 PM, zcore808 said:

Hello guys, tell me how to change the zombie detection distance? I set up sentries around the perimeter of the base, but they don't shoot at the zombies until I get within 20 meters of them.


The distance NPCs will detect enemy is their sight distance setting in xml.  However, if you are forcing NPCs to stay in position, their UAI might be holding off firing until the enemy is within optimum range for the weapon.  Usually NPCs move towards and away from targets to maintain this optimum distance.  So test an NPC with a Hunting rifle vs one with a shotgun.  The rifle NPC should shoot much further than 20M, more like 50M.  Shotgun wont fire until 20 or closer.

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That's right, they shoot depending on the type of weapon, but the problem is different, if I move away from the NPC by 25+ meters, they just stand there, and the hostile NPC breaks the wall next to them. I set the visibility range to full, but it didn't help.

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when trying to start a game 

I get a yellow line in logs that says

”XML patch for “blocks.xml” from mod “0-xnpccore” did not apply 

and then a red line pops up after that 

“XML loading and parsing “blocks.xml” failed”


and it will just sit on loading game data screen and not go any further

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1 hour ago, Shelbykf said:


when trying to start a game 

I get a yellow line in logs that says

”XML patch for “blocks.xml” from mod “0-xnpccore” did not apply 

and then a red line pops up after that 

“XML loading and parsing “blocks.xml” failed”


and it will just sit on loading game data screen and not go any further

Do you also have 0-SCore installed? If you do, then get your log file and post it here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, sooo about DarknessFalls + npc (and Sorcery but mainly DF) i have a UNTESTED "theory/solution", its working fine until now but i expect issues with npc inventory and weapon swaping so im ignoring both funcionalities but the AI part seens to be working just fine


I was reading the scripts xmls etc and doing some debugging, the way i understand is that the npccore kinda creates a type of lootcontainer and use it as the npc inventory, and this is the issue i have when using with DF i keep getting lootcontainer null when i open any loot.


So what i did is empty the /config/loot.xml file, its still there but its empty and it seens to be kinda working for now so my theory is that the imcompatbility is somewhere beetween DF and the npc inventory.


Extra: i also emptied the entitygroups file because i want to spawn the npcs my self and i was getting some errors but i can say it helped

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Downloaded the mod and the npcs are non responsive. You can’t speak to them. The enemy npcs will shoot on site once spawned. What am I doing wrong? and also poi teleport is dangerous to do with this mod. Freezes and ruins the save.not only that  but when traveling in creative mode buildings disappear and I fall through the map and get stuck. How are people using this mod?? I really need help with this 

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22 minutes ago, Oathless said:

Downloaded the mod and the npcs are non responsive. You can’t speak to them. The enemy npcs will shoot on site once spawned. What am I doing wrong? and also poi teleport is dangerous to do with this mod. Freezes and ruins the save.not only that  but when traveling in creative mode buildings disappear and I fall through the map and get stuck. How are people using this mod?? I really need help with this 

Post your log file. Sounds like you might have something causing errors. 

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14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Post your log file. Sounds like you might have something causing errors. 

So I’ve tried uploading it a few times. I’m not sure if it took? Or if post needs approval before showing up but I only use two mods. This and DF. The npc core is the issue. I figured out that DF uses score mod so I replaced it with the npc score mod and fixed half my issue like laying a humvee down would crash the game, that’s fixed. I can’t figure out the other half, the npccore mod. 

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23 hours ago, xyth said:

DF and this mod are not directly compatible, as DF uses their own version of Score and NPCCore.  


Which one is darkness falls npc core?? Bc I found replacing their score mod with the npcs score mod worked great, it’s the npc core I couldn’t find. 

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Sorry to ask, how to make this mod works with 1.0? It throw a bunch of error in console and won't load. Is there anything else I can do? Anyway, I can wait for an update, I just want to know if anything can be done to make it run before that.

Excellent mod by the way, great job to you guys.


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On 6/27/2024 at 10:06 AM, Zackhron said:

Sorry to ask, how to make this mod works with 1.0? It throw a bunch of error in console and won't load. Is there anything else I can do? Anyway, I can wait for an update, I just want to know if anything can be done to make it run before that.

Excellent mod by the way, great job to you guys.


The A21 NPCCore seems to work without modification, although it requires a new version of SCore thats updated for V1.0.   The entitygroups need to be updated, and Im working on that as there are new spawn groups in vanilla.

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14 hours ago, xyth said:

The A21 NPCCore seems to work without modification,

I downloaded the a21 version from the repo, and the dialogs.xml threw an error about a journal entry minevent not found. Was one line so I commented it out and it seems to load fine. Not sure what that breaks though. I assume not much of consequence if it's just a journal entry though.

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8 hours ago, magejosh said:

I downloaded the a21 version from the repo, and the dialogs.xml threw an error about a journal entry minevent not found. Was one line so I commented it out and it seems to load fine. Not sure what that breaks though. I assume not much of consequence if it's just a journal entry though.


What version of SCore are you using? I tried the latest but too many errors with SCore and I can't enter the world at all.

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